The Rich Lady, She Tore Up the Script of White Moonlight

Chapter 364 Send a lawyer's letter to Xi

Huo Mingyue wanted to say something else.

Yan Xi held her hand, shook her head slightly, then turned to look at Xi Yaohua, who was complacent, and Xi Jingxing, who was obviously moved.

"Chen Xiangxiang is really capable of raising an investment of 50 million yuan. I hope your cooperation will go smoothly. In return, you want to change her surname and add her family tree.

Yan Xi was very calm, neither felt embarrassed nor did he feel that he was hitting her in the face.

She was really surprised that Chen Xiangxiang could actually give back to the Xi family.

You must know that according to the established route in the novel, this one has been sucking the blood of Xi's family all the way... to be precise, sucking his own blood.

Now that she has cut off the free supply to the Xi family, Chen Xiangxiang sucked up Xi Lurong's blood instead. She thought that the other party could toss up Xi Lurong's pension money.

Unexpectedly, I finally did a good thing for the Xi family.

But Xi Yaohua felt that Yan Xi was trying to win her respect, and for a while, she became even more proud.

No matter how Yan Xi disliked Chen Xiangxiang and wanted to step on the other side into the mud, she couldn't stop Chen Xiangxiang from advancing.

"What does this show? It shows that Xiangxiang has a lot of fate with our Xi family."

Just after he finished saying these words, Huo Mingyue couldn't bear it any longer, so he picked up the chopsticks and smashed it directly.

Because it was so close, it hit Xi Yaohua's forehead.

Ebony's chopsticks were very heavy, and Xi Yaohua immediately had a freshly baked red mark on his forehead. He screamed in pain and stared at Huo Mingyue angrily.

The old god Huo Mingyue is here: "Look at it, shouldn't I beat you? Even if your parents are here today, I can still beat you!"

Xi Jingxing quickly persuaded: "Yaohua, you shouldn't be so rude, grandma is always your elder."

Xi Yaohua thought of the old lady's stance with a cane that day...their big family, the elders can only endure when they beat the younger ones. Huo Mingyue has never beaten children before, and has always had a good reputation in the Xi family. If she suddenly starts beating the juniors, it must be the juniors who are wrong.

He could only endure it aggrievedly, this dead old woman doesn't know where her butt is going, don't expect to give her old age in the future!

Yan Xi: "Since the fate is so great,

Then lock it up, I have no objection to Chen Xiangxiang's family tree. But Dad, I not only don't want to be on the same household registration book as her, but I also don't want to be on the same family tree as her, after all, she is my disaster star. "

Xi Yaohua: "It's boring for you. On the surface, you say it generously, but you are actually persecuting and threatening your uncle."

Yan Xi ignored him, her expression was calm, "...So, cross out my name from the family tree."

Xi Jingxing frowned, "Yan Yan, how can you joke about this kind of thing."

He would never agree, without the protection of the clan, Yan Xi would have to suffer all the time sooner or later.

Yan Xi: "So you are willing to give up Chen Xiangxiang's 50 million investment? I declare in advance that I will not lend you a penny."

I have a lot of money, but I really didn't put 50 million in my eyes. If I really wanted to threaten Chen Xiangxiang from being listed on the family tree, just throwing money at me would make everyone in the Xi family stand on my side.

But it's not necessary, these people want to guard the rotten lintel as glory, but they just want to get away.

Probably due to the influence of Huo Xiao's separation from the Huo family, she felt that some things in the clan were too bizarre, feudal and ignorant since she was a child.

Those people spoke with their clan, wishing that the rights of the clan were above the laws of the country. In fact, they were all a group of extrajudicial fanatics.

Huo Mingyue originally wanted to help Yan Xi speak, but seeing her granddaughter's firm look, she slowly came to her senses.

She grew up in a feudal and decadent family like the Huo family, and was exploited all her life. Marriage is also arranged by the family, although it is relatively better to enter the Xi family, in fact, it is also not free.

According to the rules of the Xi family, after his death, he would also be enshrined in the Xi family ancestral hall.

She thought about that scene for a moment and felt that she didn't want to.

With such a vivid and free life, why should I be exploited and oppressed?

Huo Mingyue: "cross out my name too, I won't interfere in the Xi family's bad affairs in the future."

When she understood this, she was not angry or angry immediately. Anyone who wanted to go to the Xi family's genealogy could go up to it by herself. Anyway, she was not uncommon.

Xi Yan whispered: "And me, cross out my name too!"

Xi Jingxing: "..."

He was about to go crazy, even if Yan Xi asked to be removed from the family tree, his mother and son also asked to be removed from the family tree, how could this be possible!

Can you still be the owner of your own house? Isn't this really stepping on his face!

Huo Mingyue: "You can't even handle this trivial matter, can you? Forget it, I don't expect you, I'll find Rongrong."

Xi Lurong has always resented having a sister-in-law on her head, and this time, the two have fought for several rounds over Chen Xiangxiang's family tree change. For this request, the other party will definitely get it!

Xi Yaohua was also a little confused. He couldn't understand this direction. Why would anyone care about the genealogy? This is an honor, and it can be worshipped and worshipped by future generations!

The woman has long hair and short knowledge, and doesn't understand anything, and even Xi Yan is making a fool of herself.

However, I would definitely help to facilitate this matter. Without Xi Yan, I would be the well-deserved next-generation head of the Xi family.

Xi Jingxing's face was ashen, and it was Xi Yaohua's fault for so many troubles after eating this meal.

He was utterly disappointed in this nephew.

"Miss!" There was a sudden knock on the door outside the private room, and then Yang Mei walked in with the document.

When Xi Yaohua saw the other party, he glared angrily. He didn't forget how Yang Mei slapped him in the face when he left the Xi Group.

He thought that the other party hid in the countryside to marry and have children, but it didn't seem to be the case, and his complexion was getting better and better, his clothes were also very delicate, and he had a fierce temperament.

"Director Yang... Oh, no, Miss Yang, you haven't joined the Xi Group's rival company recently, don't you forget that you signed a non-compete agreement! If you violate the rules, be careful and we'll sue you!"

Yang Mei glanced at Xi Yaohua, who was still as stupid as ever.

"Since you are so afraid of me going to work in a rival company, then call me the compensation agreed in the contract first. If you don't pay, the agreement will not take effect."

Xi Yaohua: "..."

He must be reluctant to give this money. He will inherit the Xi Group in the future, and he will have his share of every penny!

Forget it, Yang Mei, a woman, has no ability at all. If it weren't for the Xi's group to take care of her, she would not even be able to do the job of director.

Yan Xi took the document that Yang Mei handed over, glanced at it, tapped the table, and looked up at Xi Jingxing.

"Dad, in fact, I have something to call you today." Yan Xi handed over the document, "This lawyer's letter, please sign for your company."

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