The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 399 Floating Armor (2)

The 100,000 dead souls were collected by Crone at a huge cost. Once they were dispatched, even demon kings of the same level would retreat three points, but in front of this mysterious human being, he was scared away after just one glance.

Who is he?

Is the earth already so strong now?

Crone was a little hesitant. There is no such thing as a deadly battle for demons. It is the tradition in hell to run away when the situation is wrong. Her soul magic is restrained by the opponent, and her body is not as good as the opponent, and the girl next to her.

If the two joined hands, he might die here.

Luke said in a deep voice,

"Want to run?"

Crone was stunned, how could the other party know what he was thinking.

"If you want to run, get out, don't waste time here."

Crone raised his brows slightly, and his tone became gloomy,

"You are willing to let me go."

"Go back to hell, don't stay on Earth, I'll just pretend that what happened today never happened."

Crone's eyes turned slightly, revealing fox-like cunning, "I ruined your house and hurt your woman, yet you actually let me go, don't tell like me?"

Luke glanced at her, and he had to say one word because of his hot body and knowledge: Absolutely, what kind of enjoyment would it be to put such a stunner on the bed!

It's a pity that today's situation is not right, and I really can't get up straight!

"Since you don't want to leave, then stay!"

The figure flashed, with a faint space ripple, appearing in front of Crone like a stream of light.


The iron fist hit the charming face, bringing up a few broken teeth and blood, and Crone flew straight upside down, splashing a large amount of water on the sea.

She almost lost consciousness due to this punch. After feeling the killing intent coming from behind, she quickly recited the incantation silently, spread her wings and disappeared.

Linda, who was watching the battle from a distance, shouted,

"Be careful, she will be invisible."

Luke curled his lips in disdain, jumped up, kicked in the air, and with a muffled roar, light and shadow emerged,

It was Crone who was hiding.

"How is it possible? You actually found me!"

The magic she uses is not an ordinary trick, but a very high-level void magic. Once she disappears, no one can find her.

Luke didn't bother to explain, grabbed her wings and gave her a little force,


Blood spurted out, and a pair of demon wings were torn off.

Crone yelled in pain, his eyes turned red, and the tip of his tongue pressed down,

Ahhhhh! ! ! !

The ear-piercing high-pitched sound exploded in the sky, the air squirmed, and swayed huge ripples visible to the naked eye. Shock waves layered on top of each other, and they swayed around like waves.

Howl of the Banshee!

Siobhan's face changed drastically,

"Get down and cover your ears."

The Banshee's Howl is the exclusive ability of the Hell Banshee, and it is also the most powerful attack. It is an indiscriminate attack. The high-speed oscillating atmospheric particles can destroy almost anything encountered.

The cape villa suffered a second devastation, the brick walls were pulverized by the shock wave, the ground seemed to have been plowed, and the alloy steel protecting the underground base could be clearly seen.

"Die, human."

Crone stopped his voice and roared at Luke who was close at hand.

The air fell into a strange stagnation, and the tornado sound wave broke through the air, hitting Luke with the power to distort everything.

Buzz buzz! ! ! !

The red armor roared, every particle was in motion, twisted into a red cyclone in a strange way, and the sound waves hit it, like sand falling into the sea, disappearing without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Luke stood in the sound wave, and there were turbulent air currents up and down, left and right, but he himself was not affected by it. Instead, he raised his arm and scratched the center of his eyebrows.

"Ava, what's the matter, can you hold on?"

"There's still 40 percent left."

"It seems to be all right."

It lasted ten seconds before the sound waves subsided slowly.

Linda let go of her ears, and looked nervously at the sky. Under the bright moonlight, the red armor seemed to be a mass of burning fire, growing in size, and every particle was burning.


Siobhan's eyes were wide open, and her face was full of disbelief. She had seen the power of howling, and that power almost crushed her, but the person in front of her was not affected.

"Linda, your boyfriend is too strong."

Linda moved her mouth and murmured,

"He...he is actually an ordinary person!"

Siobhan: "..."

Are you kidding me.



Above the sky, Luke carefully felt the various changes in the armor. He could completely avoid the blow just now. In order to test the performance of the armor, he didn't need to dodge.

The full name of the red armor is Specter 3: Floating Armor.

It is not an upgraded version of No. 1, but a new type of armor created by Luke using mother box technology. It has extremely strong performance and can be called an epoch-making product.

It also has the kinetic energy absorption capacity of No. 1, the upper limit and height, and the specific amount needs to be carefully tested.

"It's still 17%, you can break through the armor's defense and hurt me."

Luke raised his head and looked ahead quietly,

"Are there any other tricks, you can use them all."

Crone stood there blankly, his cheeks twitching, and it took him a while to react,

"You... are you okay?"

"Of course, you can yell again, I'm totally fine."

Crone fell silent, and all the shock, humiliation, and killing intent turned into fear. She was frightened and wanted to run away, as far away as possible.

"You want to run again!"

Crone raised his head suddenly and stared at Luke, "You can read minds."

"No, I feel your fear, and the majestic devil king of hell will also be afraid. It turns out that scary things are unknown, and you are nothing more than that."

"Since I want to run, I will give you a ride."

Luke took a step forward and appeared in front of Croney. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed her neck. The index finger of his left hand stepped forward, the fingertips were filled with light,

"Your power, return it to you!"

A huge sun-like beam of light flew out from the fingertips, crushed Crone's head, and disappeared into the sky.

As the beam of light flew out, the floating armor also returned to its previous appearance.

Luke landed on the hillside, throwing the headless body on the ground,

"Put it in the basement."

After speaking, he turned and left.

"Where are you going?"

"Find a place and sleep!"

A hoarse voice came, and the person disappeared.

With Crone's death, Siobhan also changed. The black moon lines on his face began to fade, and his skin and hair returned from pale to normal.

She touched her body excitedly, and after feeling the softness coming from everywhere, she hugged Linda excitedly,

"I'm back, changed back."

"The curse is gone, and I'm no longer a monster."

Linda was also happy for her friend, and hugged her a few times, feeling a little wrong,

"Siobhan, you have no clothes on."

The girl came to her senses immediately, and while covering her vital parts, said in embarrassment,

"I'm used to it."

Linda shook her head, and found some rags for her. The two stood on the hillside, quietly looking at the ruined cape villa, not knowing what to say for a while.

A good house, built less than two years ago, just disappeared.

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