The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 400: The 13 Apostles

Metropolis, in the top presidential suite of the Fergus Hotel.

The orange light casts a hazy color on the luxuriously decorated room. The light and shadow float, and a figure walks down from the second floor.

The footsteps were getting closer, and Siobhan also became nervous, clutching the hem of the skirt with both hands, curious with anxiety.

Luke Shaw!

I made a phone call suddenly at noon today and asked myself to meet here. Do you have some kind of idea? If so, what should be done?

If I knew it earlier, I would have called Linda over.


A worn-out parchment book fell on the table, and Luke, who was wearing a bathrobe, rubbed the center of his brows, his tired eyes flashed violent red light from time to time,

"The McDougall family is rich in wizards, and you must be one of them."

Siobhan nodded, looking at each other cautiously.

"This ancient sheepskin book should be what Crone is looking for. You are proficient in magic. Open it and see if there is anything hidden inside."

Siobhan was stunned.

"you sure?"

"It's up to you to judge for yourself."

Siobhan was silent, and picked up the ancient book carefully. She has been in the metropolis for so long, and her purpose is to find the ancient book to break the curse of Crone, but unexpectedly, the ancient book has been in the hands of Linda's boyfriend.

If they had known earlier, the clansmen would not have died.

Thinking of what happened yesterday, tears flowed uncontrollably.

The McDougall family, which has been passed down for thousands of years, is gone, and there is only one person left. How can she explain to her father who died young.

"You better hurry up!"

The hoarse voice brought her back to reality, and when she looked up, a pair of beast-like eyes came into view, as if to swallow her whole.

"You... are you okay!"

Luke glanced at his watch, "There are still ten minutes."

Siobhan stopped talking, opened the ancient book and quickly flipped through it. The more he read it, the more surprised he was. The book recorded many magics of the forbidden level, such as the sacrificial circle to summon Lucifer, the lord of hell, the undead magic to communicate with the god of death, and the top-level magic circle. The production method of corpse puppets also includes the ultimate soul magic—thirteen apostles and so on.

No wonder Crone asked himself to find ancient books, this level of magic is hard to refuse even the devil.

"Mr. Xiao, I suggest you destroy it."


Luke frowned slightly, "Why?"

"Do you know what's written in it?"

Luke took a sip from his glass,

"Part of the demon summoning circle, part of the soul magic, the rest is unclear, it is another kind of text."

Siobhan was startled and couldn't help but said, "You can also speak the magic language?"

"Miss MacDougall, don't waste your time, I came to you for a magic in the book."

Luke sat up straight and asked word by word, "Thirteen Apostles, have you heard about it?"

Siobhan nodded slightly,

"When I was young, my father mentioned to me that the thirteen apostles are the ultimate magic of the soul system. They use unimaginable means to divide the soul into thirteen parts. Each part is an independent personality consciousness body, the main body and the sub-soul. Sharing information with each other, after the main body dies, it can be resurrected with the help of the clone, that is to say, using this magic is equivalent to thirteen more lives, but..." After a pause, he continued,

"The thirteen apostles have extremely high requirements for their souls. Even the demons in hell can only train one or two clones. It is very difficult to train, and this kind of magic has strong side effects."

Luke paused, and asked nonchalantly,

"What side effects?"

"Backfire, the trained soul splits have the possibility of devouring the master; the second is negative emotions. Splitting the soul is actually the process of death. Every time it splits, the feeling of fatigue increases. In addition, it will also generate tyranny, cruelty, Killing, madness..."

As he was talking, he stopped suddenly, his eyes widened, and he stared straight at Luke.

Tired, tyrannical, and cruel is not Luke Xiao now, did he train the thirteen apostles? Impossible, my father said, it is impossible for human beings to cultivate this kind of magic.

Luke ignored the shock in her eyes and continued,

"How to eliminate side effects?"

"I don't know, and no one knows, that kind of magic is impossible for humans to practice."

While speaking, he looked at the other party quietly, with many doubts in his heart, but finally endured it.

After a moment of silence, Luke took out a bank card and put it on the table,

"This is the consulting fee, you can go now."

Siobhan nodded obediently, and when he reached the door, he turned around and said,

"Negative emotions should not be accumulated excessively, it is best to find a way to vent."

Luke raised his hand, and after she left, he dialed Dio's phone,

"Let them come up!"

After leaving the room, Siobhan was still thinking about what happened just now.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and two young, beautiful, and enchanting beauties walked out. One of them looked familiar, and seemed to be the second female lead in a certain movie.

Siobhan didn't pay much attention at first, but suddenly woke up when he pressed the elevator. There was only one room on this floor, which was the presidential suite where Luke was.


In the dimly lit bedroom, three bodies were rolling on the bed, panting with pain one after another, until the red sun rose again and the curtain came to an end.

At noon the next day, the pale-faced girls left the room, and when one of them went out, his footsteps softened. If the person next to him didn't help, he might have to eat mud with a dog.

The two looked at each other without speaking.

No one wanted to mention what happened last night, let alone know the other party's name.

Unspoken rules are the norm in Hollywood. The moment Vino Green decided to go to the United States for development, he was mentally prepared, but he did not expect that the founders of Tesla and ShowMe would implement the unspoken rules.

Luke Shaw!

A 19-year-old billionaire with unlimited possibilities as Person of the Year.

When he saw that he was the one to "serve", there was still a flash of fantasy in Vino's heart, but unfortunately, this fantasy was soon shattered, the other party was like a mad beast, time and time again, without the slightest mercy, if it wasn't for the side There is also a substitute, and he is likely to die there.

After walking into the elevator, Vino habitually adjusted his makeup against the wall. The girl next to him bowed his head and said nothing, knowing that he was about to reach the first floor before speaking.

"Are you also in debt?"

Wei Nuo didn't want to talk. If possible, she even wanted the other party to forget her own face. As a third-tier Hollywood star, she didn't want what happened last night to become a stumbling block on her way forward.

The two left the Fox Hotel together and came to the underground parking lot next to it. Dior was waiting there, took out two envelopes and handed them to them respectively.

"I don't need to say more about the rules. Anyone who reveals half a word will be responsible for the consequences."

Vino opened the envelope, and after seeing the contents, a look of joy flashed in his eyes, then he snorted and strode away like a proud swan.

In contrast, the girl seemed much quieter, checking the IOUs in the envelope one by one, and after confirming that they were correct, she let out a long sigh of relief.

With these things, I can finally get rid of the entanglement of those people and continue my sports career.

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