The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 401 World Travel

Before practicing the Thirteen Apostles, Luke never thought that there would be such a strong negative influence.

My head is like being stuffed with a bomb, my ears are buzzing, the feeling of fatigue is like a lingering shadow, and there are also negative emotions such as killing, bloodthirsty, and frenzy.

Now he is a nuclear bomb that can explode at any time, and even has the idea of ​​massacre.

The green flame also began to get out of control, emerging from the body from time to time, just like last night, if the two girls hadn't been forced to stay awake at the last moment, the two girls might have turned into corpses.

Successive accidents made him realize that this cannot go on and a solution must be found.

That afternoon, Luke left Metropolis and went to Seaside City to find Carol Ferris who was working.

I haven't seen him for a few months, but Carlo has become more and more charming. He is wearing a professional suit showing a graceful figure, with light makeup painted on his face, and there is a bit of elegance in the purity, which makes people want to take a few more glances.

"Xiao... Mr. Xiao!"


Luke signaled Angie to keep quiet, took the coffee and walked into the office.

The decoration of the office corresponds to the personality of the owner.

She used to love javelins and airplanes, and she still does.

Luke walked to the table, put down the coffee gently,

"The security guard told me that you stayed up late and worked overtime last night."

The familiar voice made Carol's wrist tremble, and she slowly raised her head. When she saw a figure close at hand, she couldn't help but pounce on it.

"You... When did you come out?"

"Two days ago."

Luke hugged her tightly, feeling the familiar smell lingering in his nose, and his body and mind relaxed.

"Come out with me for a walk."

"Where are you going?"

"Sea, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, globetrotting, just the two of us."


"Yes, I can't wait a second."

"Okay, I'll arrange work and leave in the afternoon."

Ferris Airways is a Fortune 500 company.

The scale is huge. As an administrator, Carol has a lot of work to deal with every day and has almost no free time. But when Luke proposed to travel around the world, she agreed without any hesitation. This is what makes her different.

If there was one woman in the world that Luke could trust without reservation, it was Carol Ferris.

There are few impurities in her feelings.


On the sunny sea, a luxuriously decorated private yacht left the port and sailed towards the vast sea.

It was now January, not the season for sailing.

The two were very happy, snuggling up to each other and watching the sunset go down bit by bit.

"Luke, are we really the only two on this boat?"


"No cook? No helmsman?"


"We'll get lost."

"No, I have other helpers."


Carol blinked, a little puzzled, "It doesn't mean there are only two of us."

"They're not people."

Luke clapped his hands, the hatch opened, and four silvery-white figures stepped out. They were skeletons made of metal, with blue eyes flashing, and the circuit board could be vaguely seen under the rubber-plastic skin.


Carol was stunned, "You actually developed a robot!"

The four robots stepped forward, bowed slightly,

"Hi, ma'am, it's a pleasure to serve you."

Luke took the girl into his arms and smiled,

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Can they cook?"

"As long as it is available online, they will do it."


Carol suppressed the surprise in her heart. After being with Luke for a long time, she would see new things every once in a while, and she was no stranger to this.

"And Italian food, how about you?"

"It's enough to have you."

For a while, Luke enjoyed a peaceful life that he had never experienced before.

Wake up every morning, open your eyes to the sunny sea, lie on the deck, and sleep for hours.

Carol gradually realized that something was wrong with her boyfriend. He was always tired. That kind of exhaustion did not come from the body, but from the spirit. In addition, there were flashes of negative emotions such as anger, tyranny, and murderous intent.

The yacht travels from north to south, the closer to the equator, the higher the temperature.

By the time we reached the southern hemisphere, the temperature had risen to thirty degrees.

Luke can finally get rid of the shackles of the cotton coat, wear big pants, and bask in the sun comfortably.

Carol also put on a bikini, showing off her seductive body.

"Luke, what's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, I've been busy for a few months and I'm a little tired."


Carol held his face and said word by word, "The power of the star blue stone tells me that your spirit is very confused and needs treatment."

"Could you give me a shot, beautiful nurse."

"Don't be funny, I'm serious, I can feel it, you need help."

Luke twitched the corner of his mouth, his smile was a bit forced,

"It's good to rest for a while."

Carol turned over and rode on Luke, the soft touch made the latter's breathing quicken immediately, his eyes flickered, showing the tyranny of a beast from time to time,

"Stop making trouble, now is not the time."

"I don't care?"

The girl didn't intend to stop, she took off her hood and threw it aside, her body wriggled like a bug,

"When I was young, you told me a nasty joke: There is a tradition among eastern couples to pay public food. If you don't pay, others will. Do you want others to do it for you?"

Luke's eyes immediately turned red, panting heavily, and rushed directly to him.

"You asked for it."

Sunshine, sea water, beauties, cruise ships, and other indescribable things. Men and women on the deck wrestled together, sometimes standing upright, sometimes lying on their sides, but leaning on the railing to look up at the sea.

In the cockpit, Steward No. 2 stared blankly ahead, and didn't look back until night fell.

Today's dinner was extraordinarily sumptuous, with a large table full of Chinese food, French food, Japanese food, Indian food, etc. After eating and drinking, the two leaned on the balcony and looked at the sea quietly.

"How do you feel now?"

Luke smiled wryly and shook his head. He was out of control for half an hour in the afternoon, like a beast, only knowing how to vent his desire, and didn't care about the thoughts of the people under him at all.

Carol smiled, and tapped lightly on her boyfriend's chest,

"I hope you still have the energy in twenty years."

"Does it still hurt?"

The girl gave him a blank look,

"I should ask this question. Don't forget that I am the queen of Zamaron, and you are just an ordinary person. Your physical strength is not as good as mine."

Luke's eyes were red again, and the bestiality prevailed. He picked up the girl, turned around and rushed to the bedroom.

The familiar voice came again, even more violently than last time.

Housekeeper No. 1 put down the tableware in his hand, walked to the door, listened carefully to the voices inside, his eyes flashed with human confusion, as if he was thinking about what the people inside were doing.

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