The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 404 Calabash Baby Saves Grandpa (2)

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Today's yachts are much more lively than ever.

In order to protect the yacht, Luke and Carol mercilessly threw the attacking Atlantean soldiers onto the deck in just one minute.

Unceremoniously, the four robots removed their armor and tied them tightly with handcuffs and ropes.

The people of Atlantis lived on the bottom of the sea all the year round, and they didn't like to wear clothes. Except for the armor, they only had fishskin underwear to cover their hidden parts, so the scene immediately became more glamorous.

A dozen or so naked beauties were lying on the deck, their bodies were tied up with ropes, and the plump places were swollen, and the small pieces of cloth couldn't stop the leaking spring light at all.

"on purpose!"

"It must be intentional. There is no such hobby in the program I designed for her."

Luke cursed and cursed at Ava for being ignorant, but his eyes couldn't stop drifting away. The Atlanteans have a bad personality and their bodies are really eye-catching. Unlike people on the surface, they live under the sea all the year round and are affected by water pressure. , Their skin is extremely firm and delicate, just like eggs made of white jade, if it is touched, how smooth and tender it will be!

"Want to touch?"

Luke nodded subconsciously, before he finished speaking, he quickly changed his words,

"I don't want to touch it, I don't want to touch it at all, just having you is enough."

Carol rolled her eyes and created a long purple cloth out of thin air to wrap the woman on the deck.

"No. 1, put them in the warehouse, no one is allowed to enter without my order."

After finishing speaking, he leaned close to Luke's ear and whispered,

"If you are interested in them, you can go to the warehouse, and I will act as if nothing happened."

Luke shook his head vigorously,

"Don't worry, I won't go in if you kill me, I swear to God."


In the dimly lit warehouse, Troy, Camilla, and Mia leaned against the wall, listening carefully to the movement outside.

The sound of water cannons, the shouts of companions, and the screams of weapons colliding...

The sound came and went quickly.

Just when the three of them thought excitedly that they could get out of the tiger's mouth, the door of the house opened.

Four robot butlers walked in carrying the "beauty" who was bound by chains, and threw them on the ground without any mercy.

"vice captain!"

Troy screamed, "You too..."

Laura glared at him, bit her lip, and almost bled.

The warehouse is not big, and after more than a dozen people were stuffed, it immediately became crowded. The female soldiers of the Princess Guard crowded together. You looked at me and I looked at you, feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

After a long time, someone said nervously,

"I heard that people on the surface have a tradition of keeping female slaves. They shouldn't..."

Everyone was shocked, Aisha had the hottest temper, gritted her teeth and said in a hateful voice,

"Even if I die, I will not be a slave to the surface people."

"I do not know either!"

"And I."

Everyone, you and I, are ready to die. The princess guard can only be served by nobles, and the pride brought by their blood will never allow them to surrender to the surface people.

Troy sighed, "I don't know what happened to the princess."

"If His Highness finds out that we are missing, he will definitely..."

"Don't have undue expectations."

Laura raised her head, her eyes were extremely cold, "Do you want His Highness to be a prisoner like us?"

The air immediately quietened down.

The two battles shattered their arrogance. In front of Luke and Carol, the Princess Guard only persisted for a minute, and it was still in the situation of overall superiority in numbers.

The gap in strength is too great to make people despair.

"Are the people on the surface already this strong?"

"No, it's them who are strong, not the people on the surface."

Mia, who participated in the Atlantic attack, said in a deep voice, "A few months ago, a conflict broke out between Atlantis and a land country called the United States. His Highness and I went to mediate the dispute and saw the fighting power of the people on the surface. FBI human soldiers are weak,

Not as good as we were when we were kids. "

Troy was puzzled, "What about the two outside?"


Laura added, "Every race has its oddities."


The main entrance of the Haitian Palace.

Familiar scenes, familiar pictures, the seahorse Slack appeared again, the difference was that this time there were fifteen seahorses.

The princess guards are different from ordinary soldiers. They are all nobles. Fifteen nobles disappeared together, and it is impossible not to attract attention.

After hearing the news, Mera, who accompanied her father to the king's meeting, had to leave the meeting hall and return to her palace.

Maria, the captain of the princess guard, knelt on one knee and said with a sad expression,

"I'm sorry, this is my relapse, we have shamed you."

Meera shook her head slightly, "Accidents will inevitably happen, don't blame yourself, how are they doing?"

"According to the information provided by Haima, the people on the surface didn't kill them, so they should all be alive."

"Then go ahead and get them out, and if you can, don't break out again, there are enough wars."

"Understood, my lord."

Maria saluted, turned and left, her painful expression twisted into endless anger when she reached the door. As the captain of the Princess Guard and the strongest female warrior in the Xebel Kingdom, she would never allow herself to suffer such humiliation.

The shame can only be washed away with blood!

The surface people must pay the price!


As the sun sets, night falls quietly.

The red sun as big as the millstone is slowly setting, and the sunset glow reflects the sky, forming a line with the blue sea.

The sunset on the sea is so beautiful and sentimental.

Luke drank wine, leaned on the sofa with Carol in his arms, and carefully appreciated the beauty of this moment.

After a few glasses of wine, the lower abdomen gradually became hot, and the pants became restless, bumping around like bugs.

Carol gave him a blank look,

"No, don't even think about it."

"It's hard to hold back."

"If you feel uncomfortable, you can solve it yourself. I don't want to be listened to by others."

Luke laughed and said, "You don't think this is very romantic."

"Only you men have this kind of bad taste, anyway, no."

The girl spoke uprightly and didn't give her a chance. Luke had no choice but to change his words,

"I'm going to throw them into the sea."

"Okay, I have no objection!"

Carol turned on the TV, but she kept watching Luke's movements from the corner of her eye. Luke lazily fell on the sofa, sighing long,

"My two-person world, it's gone like this."

Carol pursed her lips and smiled, quite satisfied with her boyfriend's performance,

"By the way, how do you plan to deal with them, closing them all the time is not an option."

"Throw it into the sea after crossing this sea area."

"I'm not afraid of their revenge."

"If they still dare to come..."

Luke stood up, gritted his teeth, and said, "I'll make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace and tie up their princess to be your maid."

Carol rolled her eyes.

"You want a maid yourself, don't count me in."

At this time, butler No. 1 walked up quickly,

"Master, we are surrounded."

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