The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 405: Gourd Baby Saves Grandpa (3)

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When the sun was setting, the sea suddenly stirred up waves.

The tide is ups and downs, the waves are surging, and it is obviously a sunny day, but there are huge waves rising to the sky.

Silver-white figures can be vaguely seen shuttling through the waves. They shuttle through the current, as if they are integrated with the sea.

The waves climbed steadily, and before you knew it, they had already exceeded 30 meters. The huge waves covered the sky and the sun, as if they were going to swallow the yacht in one gulp.

Luke stood on the deck, watching the scene expressionlessly.

The ocean is the home ground of the Atlanteans, and humans have no advantage in fighting here.

Carol hesitated,

"Or, let him go."

They are not afraid of huge waves, but yachts are not. If such a big wave is photographed, the hull will be torn apart.

Luke shook his head, "It's okay to let people go, but this is not the time."

Carol understands the meaning of the words, the other party is overwhelming, if you let him go at this time, the other party will think you are weak and bully, not only will not stop, but will go further.

"What are you going to do?"

"Catch the thief and capture the king, you protect the yacht, and I'll catch their boss."

"Do you know who the boss is?"

Luke pointed to the silver armor female warrior at the top of the waves, "Except for the boss, who would stand so tall."

After finishing speaking, he jumped into the sea, merged with the floating armor in mid-air, left a piece of red light, and quickly flew towards the waves.


Maria's eyes were wide open, exuding a strong fighting spirit. She danced the trident into a hot wheel, and the sea water was pulled, condensed on the two parts of the weapon, and flowed like a whirlpool.


The tide burst, and a sea current like a giant python shot out.

Luke sneered, avoided the current, and continued upwards. At this moment, there was a rapid sound of breaking through the air, and three currents rushed from below.


The armor was hit by the current, and Luke couldn't help frowning due to the continuous impact. He underestimated his opponent a bit. These Atlanteans' ability to control water is really strong, and they actually played the current like a cannonball.

However, these alone are not enough.

The floating armor emitted faint space ripples, a red light flashed through the air, and appeared abruptly above the waves amidst the astonished eyes.

"Well done."

Maria jumped up, and the trident slammed down heavily with the brilliance of water waves.


The water waves exploded in all directions, Luke raised his hand to block the trident, and without taking a step back, Maria shrank her pupils, retracted the trident, and swept sideways.

There was another impact, and the trident hit the armor, and the impact was absorbed by the armor without causing any damage.

Luke hooked his fingers at her,

"Come again!"

Maria landed on the waves, held her breath, and showed an unprecedented solemnity. She thought that Lola and the others were captured by the surface people only because of carelessness. Looking at it now, this is not the case at all.

The enemy is very strong, very strong!

Maria took a deep breath, and rushed to the sky again, the surrounding sea water was pulled, and it merged with the trident, turning into a huge water weapon.

"Go to hell!"

Maria roared, gathering all her strength on her wrist.

The trident tore through the air and smashed heavily on Luke's head with a piercing howl.


The circular impact exploded in the sky, and the sea current exploded, scouring all around like bullets.

This blow was enough to pierce the aircraft carrier, but Luke in mid-air did not move at all. The floating armor shone with a dazzling red light, and the particles on the surface expanded outward, like blooming flowers.

"how is this possible?"

Maria muttered to herself, unable to believe that her full burst of strength didn't make her opponent take a step back.

Is the gap that big?

At this moment, the Atlanteans hidden in the waves were completely shocked, staring blankly at the sky, the sea water forgot to control, not to mention them, Carol also covered her mouth, unable to hide her shock.

She knew that the floating armor was very strong, but she didn't expect it to be so strong.

That earth-shattering blow was enough to break mountains and rubble, but did not cause any damage to the armor.

What the hell did Luke invent? Is it still the technology of the human world?

"Your strength is very good."

Luke reached out and grabbed the cracked trident, with a little force, bang! The weapons that accompanied the Maria family for hundreds of years were shattered into countless pieces of iron.

"Are you still fighting?"

Maria remained silent. Even though she couldn't understand English, she understood Luke's meaning. The confusion in her heart turned into anger, and she rushed to the sky again.

"Ask for trouble!"

Luke kicked her towards the sea, before she landed, a red light flashed, Luke appeared in front of her strangely, and punched her hard in the abdomen, Maria vomited blood, force penetrated her body, could not stop Fly upwards.

The red light flashed again, and Maria turned back again.

The repeated scene keeps happening, she is like a rubber ball, being kicked around by Luke who is in a bad mood.

After more than a dozen times in a row, Maria finally couldn't bear it and passed out.

Luke casually threw her on the deck, his right hand outstretched, aiming at the monstrous waves.

The kinetic energy stored in the armor gathered in the palm of the hand, a white light suddenly appeared out of thin air, and turned into an energy cluster the size of a basketball in the blink of an eye.

Powerful energy fluctuations radiated out, and with a roar, the fan-shaped beam of light pierced through the air, rushing to the sky with unparalleled power.

The huge waves disappeared, and the Atlantean soldiers hidden in the sea also disappeared. An air channel several hundred meters wide appeared on the sea surface, and the channel spread far away until it slowly dissipated until the end of the field of vision.

Carol stared blankly at this scene, completely dumbfounded.

Luke took off his armor and smiled,

"Is your man handsome!"

Carol nodded silly.

"The sunset is so beautiful, do you want to have a look at the sunset."

The girl nodded again, suddenly reacted, and gave him a hard look,

"Don't think about it!"

Luke was speechless for a moment,

"These Atlanteans are really in the way, and the good world of two people has been destroyed by them."

"I can't touch any of the beauties in the boat, it's really fucking torture."


For this operation, Maria brought a total of 70 Atlantean soldiers. As a result, half of them were knocked down by a single shot.

After the news came back, the whole palace was alarmed.

Nereus, king of Xebel, one of the seven kingdoms under the sea, had to interrupt the alliance meeting with the murlocs and brought a group of subordinates to the side hall.

"What the hell is going on? Where is Maria? Where is she?"

A wounded man trembled, "Captain was captured by humans."

After the words fell, everyone couldn't help but change their faces. Maria was the number one female warrior in Zebel, and she was actually defeated by humans.

Nereus continued to ask,

"How many people are there?"


"Two beat you."

"His Majesty!"

A soldier knelt down on one knee, his expression hard to hide the pain, "That human in the strange armor is extremely powerful, Captain Maria couldn't make him move with a full blow, and just blasted away the huge waves we made, He He…"

"All right."

Nereus didn't let him go on, looked around and couldn't help frowning,

"Where is Mera, where is she?"

The guard at the main gate replied, "Twenty minutes ago, His Highness left the palace with a group of soldiers, and they disappeared."

not good!

Nereus' expression changed suddenly, and he immediately arranged for his men to rush towards the sea.

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