The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 427 What is an empty glove white wolf!

The silver-gray metal looks ordinary, but when the sun shines, there are water-colored light waves rippling.


Setel widened his eyes and blurted out, "Magic Metal!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked at the same time, and Andy Opu shouted angrily,

"Say what?"

Setel stepped forward involuntarily, picked up the metal and observed it carefully, and after feeling the strong water energy fluctuations, he couldn't help asking,

"Poseidon cold steel?"

Luke smiled and nodded, "That's right, it's Poseidon cold steel, a super magic metal with the ability to control water flow, and it's also the national treasure of Atlantis." ,

"Our Majesty the King attaches great importance to this alliance. In order to show sincerity, he reluctantly took out ten pieces of Poseidon cold steel from the treasury as a meeting gift. Unfortunately, when he entered the island, he was hit by a thunderstorm and the ship was destroyed. If they were not separated, the gifts they carried also sank to the bottom of the sea, and only one piece remained..."

Having said that, he let out a long sigh.

No one paid any attention to Luke's words, all eyes were on the silver-gray metal ingot.

Poseidon Cold Steel!

Poseidon cold steel as famous as Amazon metal!

According to historical records, Poseidon cold steel has powerful water-attribute magic power. As long as a little powder is added to the weapon, the weapon will have the power to control water flow, which can set off tsunamis and split waves. It is an extremely rare magic metal.

Atlantis actually took out ten pieces of Poseidon cold steel as a meeting gift!

For a while, Hippolyta didn't know what to say. She was still dissatisfied with the previous challenge. With the appearance of the metal ingot, all dissatisfaction disappeared, leaving only complicated emotions.

Even the prejudiced sister, Andy Op, opened her mouth in astonishment.

Meera curled her lips, "A bunch of bumpkins."

Carol was also speechless, secretly thinking that the Amazons were too backward in thinking, and they didn't know what it meant to "hit a mallet and give a sweet date". Their every move was controlled by Luke, and there was no room for resistance.

After Poseidon's cold steel appeared, the atmosphere became weird. The alliance lasted for half an hour before it ended hastily.

The three of Luke returned to the residence, and Queen Hippolyta brought a group of subordinates to the main hall to hold an emergency meeting.


Setel nodded seriously, "It has been tested, and it is indeed Poseidon cold steel, with a very high purity."

Hearing this sentence, Hippolyta was both happy and worried. He was happy because the magic metal was not easy to come by, but worried that the other party gave such an expensive gift.

One person exaggerated, "Atlantis is crazy, he actually used magic metal as a meeting gift!"

Magic metal is a national strategic resource, how can it be given to hostile forces.

Everyone was silent, and after a long time, someone spoke,

"Could it be that Atlantis really wants to settle old grievances?"

Settle smiled wryly, "We haven't met them for thousands of years, so there is no old enmity."

"Why is that? Ten pieces of Poseidon cold steel, they are crazy!"

Hippolyta had a headache when she heard that, and turned her eyes to her sister,

"What do you think?"

After thinking carefully, Andyop said slowly, "With such a valuable gift, is it to confuse us? Or to establish a covenant? Regardless of that, they will take the opportunity to inquire about our strength and find out our army deployment."

"To be on the safe side, we should send them away as soon as possible, and then prepare for war."

Hippolyta thought for a while, then continued,

"what about you?"

Everyone looked at each other, and they all agreed with Andy Op's proposal. They have lived away from the world for thousands of years, and they have become accustomed to loneliness, and their physical activities have stopped, let alone contact with outsiders.

After unifying his thoughts, Hippolyta looked at Ter who was beside him,

"The next thing will be left to you. Accept the peace covenant, express your thoughts on escape from the world, and send them out of the island before tomorrow."

"What about returning the gift?"

return gift?

Hippolyta was stunned for a moment, "What is a return gift?"

"Exchanging gifts is one of the processes of alliance,

It is also a means to show strength. The king of Atlantis gave ten pieces of Poseidon cold steel as a meeting gift. According to etiquette, His Majesty should also show something, otherwise he will be misunderstood and looked down upon by the other party. "

Hippolyta really didn't expect this, and Andyop waved his hand,

"Give them a chest of silver and send them away."

Setel was silent, and the rest of the people shook their heads one after another. The other party sent ten pieces of magic metal, how can you get a box of silver if you give it.

Hippolyta continued,

"Is there anything to say in return?"

"This is divided according to status. Countries with the same status will give gifts of the same value. Countries with different status or vassals do not need to comply with this requirement, but they can't differ too much."

Hippolyta understood,

"How about a chest of gold?"


"You don't think it's right."

"It's up to His Majesty to decide."

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Setel simply lifted the ball back. After this exchange, he also felt that compared to Atlantis, Amazon was in a backward position in all aspects.

The impact of the millennium escape from the world is too great.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Hippolyta's eyes. As a king, how can he not know the value of magic metal, just want to find a step, silent for a moment, gritted his teeth,

"Take three pieces of Amazon metal in return!"

Everyone was shocked, "Your Majesty, how can this be possible."

"Ok, deal."

"The king of Atlantis has brought sincerity, and we have to respond. The two races are in the same position and have their own dignity. They cannot be looked down upon by the other side."

Hippolyta spoke sonorously, with unquestionable toughness.

After the decision was made, Settle quickly prepared the credentials, and the three of them were sent off the island on the day the covenant was signed. As for the matter of saving lives, Luke didn't ask, and they didn't mention it either.

The alliance ended like this, and it was incredible fast.

The three returned to the yacht with strange expressions. Luke quickly opened the gift box, took out the gift and put it on the table. Looking at the three pieces of Amazon metal, Luke couldn't hold back any longer. He patted his thigh, bouncing and laughing.

The corners of Carol's mouth twitched slightly, thinking of her boyfriend's various bad behaviors, she couldn't help covering her forehead,

"Is it not good for you to deceive them like this?"

"Magic metals are exchanged for magic metals, the exchange is equivalent, very fair."

Meera rolled her eyes, convinced,

"Poseidon Cold Steel was won by a bet, what does it have to do with you, you didn't pay anything, but got a bunch of treasures, Luke, you are too bad, you are the worst, worst, worst villain I have ever seen, After I go back, I will definitely tell my father to keep him away from you."


Luke was unhappy, "That's not right. When you were on the island before, you were more fun than anyone else. You kept pursing your lips and giggling, and you had the nerve to talk about me."


Meera glared at him angrily, picked up a piece of Amazonian metal and stuffed it into her bosom,

"What are you doing!"

"Metal is a gift from the king of Amazons to my father, and I should have a share no matter what."

"Don't make trouble, it is of great use to me, give it to me quickly."

"I won't give it."

Meera giggled, seeing Luke pounce, turned and jumped into the sea, shaking the metal back and forth,

"Come on, come on, come down, grab me and I'll give you the metal."

Luke: "..."

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