Paradise Island and his party have gained a lot. Three pieces of Amazon metal, with a total weight of more than 15kg, are enough for the next research. As for the enmity of the Amazons...

Luke shrugged, not caring at all.

Those old women lived in seclusion, lived for thousands of years, suffocated their brains into mallets, and they were all stupid to death, but they were still proud of themselves, and they didn't know what technology was? What is civilization?

The only one who can be called trouble is Diana.

Wonder Woman is a half-body, smart, powerful, and protected by an artifact. After knowing what happened to the clansmen, she will definitely not launch an investigation.

But that's a matter for future consideration.

Luke just wants to enjoy life with these two beauties right now.


The universe is boundless, and the seemingly huge sun is just a grain of sand in it.

In the outer reaches of the solar system, in an unknown number of light-years away, an elliptical spaceship suddenly appeared as strong waves swayed away.

The entire body of the spaceship is pitch black, and a row of Kryptonian characters are engraved on the front. The translation is:

Exile, lonely Kryptonian!

In the cockpit, Drew Zod wearing black armor stood in front of the moon window, quietly staring at the distant stars.

The sun's rays reflected on his body, and power grew in his body, getting stronger and stronger, endless.

Adjutant Fiora came over, "General!"

"did you find it?"

"Yes, the wave frequency released by Zhengtu and Fortress of Solitude has been captured, and it is on the living planet in this galaxy."

"very good!"

Zod clenched his fists, and he couldn't wait, "How about that planet?"

"Simply perfect!"

Fiora took out the data board, "The climate is stable, there are no super-large-scale natural disasters, the oxygen content is abundant, nearly 21%, far exceeding Krypton, and there is an extremely rich ecosystem. It is a rare life planet. The most important thing is It's the sun..." Having said that, he raised his head, unable to hide his excitement,

"The sun here is very young and can continuously provide us with energy. Here, we are invincible."

Zod watched the data carefully, not letting go of every item. After reading it, he punched the wall,

"Joe, why?"

"You knew about such a planet, but chose to hide it, sent your son here, and ignored the lives of hundreds of millions of Kryptonians. You should die!"

Zod gritted his teeth, wishing he could dig out his friend's body and expose it to the sun for three days.

Fiora also hated the Ayre family. If they hadn't stopped them, the general's military reform would not have failed at all, and Krypton would not have fallen to this point.

Of course, there are Lex Luthor and Kara Zor-El, especially the former, a native who used despicable means to win, and Fiora still can't forget the other's smug laughter.

Shame can only be washed away with blood.

"General, let's start to act, find the descendants of the Al family, take back the Journey, the Fortress of Solitude, rebuild the Kryptonian civilization with the code of life, and Lex Luthor..." Fiora gritted her teeth and said in a hateful voice,

"Please hand him over to me."

Zod nodded and was about to speak when a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and a man over two meters tall with thick hair and scars on his face appeared in front of him.

This man is so different, with gray-blue long hair flying in all directions, and dark eyes, as if two vortexes were about to swallow everything around him.

His body is extremely strong, with well-defined layers of muscles, without any fat, chest, abdomen, side waist, arms, back... there are scars everywhere.

He appeared soundlessly, his feet were off the ground, and he was suspended in mid-air, like a god who has insight into everything, and like a wise man who has experienced vicissitudes of life.

This is a man with a great story.

Zod growled, "I warned you to knock next time you come in."

The man was condescending, without any waves in his tone,

"This is my ship, I saved you."


Zod gritted his teeth in hatred,

If the opponent was not too powerful, the military law would have been enforced long ago.

"I heard your conversation, I have a different idea."

Fiora was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but said, "Are you going to stand by Al's side?"

"Joe, he is my friend and my mentor. He is kind to me. I can't just sit back and watch his child be killed by his compatriots, and Kara..." At this point, the man showed nostalgic expression,

"I haven't seen her for a long time, I don't know what she looks like."

Zod took a deep breath and said word by word,

"This planet is Krypton's last chance. No matter how much it costs, I will take back the code of life and rebuild Kryptonian civilization here. Hale, no matter what you are thinking, if you dare to stop it, you will risk your life. I will kill you too."

The man named Har lowered his head, his gray eyes were like two black holes, after just one glance, Fiora and Zod felt dizzy, as if they had been hit by a hammer, and their faces turned pale.

"I, like you, love Krypton deeply. I will go to that planet and convince Karl and Kara that you are not allowed to take any action before that."

After the voice fell, the person appeared outside, flickering in the void like a ghost, and then turned into a stream of light, disappearing into the depths of the universe at an unimaginable speed.

Inside the spaceship, the pale Fiora helped Zod up,

"General, are you okay!"

Zod climbed up while leaning on the wall, staring out of the window,

"he's gone?"

Fiora nodded, "I have already gone to that planet, and I will arrive soon."

"General, what should we do? Do we really have to obey his orders?"

Zod remained silent for a while before hissing,

"Give him three days."

Hearing this, Fiora breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, and even had a little bit of luck that she didn't realize.

Hale is not an ordinary Kryptonian. He is synonymous with terror, because of his power and thought, he is feared by all high-level officials. He is a changer, a more terrifying and thorough changer than Drew Zod.

In order to fight against him, the Kryptonian Council even forcibly exiled him to space in disregard of the law.

It was precisely because of this that he avoided the catastrophe that destroyed Kryptonian civilization.

"I didn't expect that we would be rescued by him."

Thinking of the days of living on the space station, Fiora had mixed feelings, including gratitude and fear.


Earth, Metropolis!

Luke's departure did not have any impact on this city with millions of people. Citizens still live a life of going out early and returning late. In their spare time, they go to bars, chat and pay attention to superhero news.

With the emergence of Batman and Superman, coupled with the generous publicity, superheroes have gradually become a news section comparable to politics, entertainment, and sports.

Every city has its own heroes, and the representative of Metropolis is undoubtedly Superman.

After several years of development, he has a huge fan base and has become a myth of omnipotence.

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