The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 433 Zod is in the world

The performance of the Annihilation Armor is very powerful, even surpassing the Ghost No. 1, but he encountered Kryptonians, or five.

One hit five, the results speak for themselves.

In the blink of an eye, Lex Luthor was pressed to the ground, and the armor that took countless effort to build turned into scrap metal under his nose, but he could do nothing.

"I hate it!"

Lex Luthor stared angrily at Fiora,

"Woman, tell me your name."

"You asked this question two years ago."

Fiora grabbed the energy core and squeezed it directly with five fingers.

Lex was going crazy, "I haven't seen you at all, damn, who are you?"

"Lex Luthor, you still want to deny it at this time. It's useless. We will never let you go."

"Shame can only be washed with blood!"

"If you are really a warrior, die in an upright manner, and don't let us look down on it."

Lex Luthor opened his mouth wide, and his expression was angry and aggrieved. He figured out that these idiots must have mistaken him for another "Lex Luthor".

It's about life and death and comfort, I can't care about that much, I gritted my teeth,

"I swear to God, I haven't seen you at all. There are dozens of Lex Luthor on the earth. Are you sure it's me?"

"Look back carefully, what was [Lex Luthor] when you met at that time, and what was I like, is it really a person?"

Hearing this, a trace of doubt flashed in Fiora's eyes, and Edwin also frowned.

"Is something wrong?"

"The body shape, voice, fighting style, and tone of voice are all different. More importantly, the language, he can't understand Kryptonian."

The last sentence is the key point. Everyone communicated in Kryptonian language, but Lex Luthor did not respond at all. The subconscious reaction of people would not lie. A soldier couldn't help but said,

"You can't really find the wrong person!"

Fiora glanced at the armored car outside the prison,

"Take it back and talk about it."

A black spaceship landed on the playground, and the five people walked into the spaceship with Lex Luthor, over the spaceship, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Two hours later, the news that Lex Luthor was abducted by aliens appeared in major media, and instantly became the focus of news.

In Tesla's top office, Linda stood up straight after seeing the picture on the TV.

"It's them, Zod!"

Luke nodded, remembering the scene of Lex Luthor being beaten by five people, and couldn't help laughing.

This pot is perfect!

"Also in the mood to laugh."

Linda glared at him, "Did you expect Zod to come to Earth, so you lied to them with a fake name."

"How is it possible, I'm not an immortal."

Luke leaned on the sofa with an innocent expression, "I just wanted to tease them, but I didn't expect it to be self-defeating and let Lex Luthor take the blame, I hope they will show mercy and don't kill people, or I will be guilty of a big crime. It's gone!"

Linda pouted, "Be merciful? I think you're gloating about misfortune, and I have to remind you that fakes are fakes after all. Once they react, you're done."

"Are you concerned about me? Beautiful Miss Danvers."

"Don't be stinky, I won't care about your life or death."

The girl rolled her eyes, sat on the chair and continued to work. Her eyes were fixed on the copywriting, but her pupils were not focused. She seemed to be wandering. Luke walked up to her, glanced at the pen holder that turned into a twist, and comforted,

"Don't worry, it's me!"

"You said it lightly."

Linda couldn't stand it anymore, she clenched her hands and roared as if venting, "Zord has been looking for an opportunity to rebuild Kryptonian civilization, and now he found it, it's Earth."

"Earth is very suitable for Kryptonians to live in. He will definitely use the code of life in Carl to rebuild Krypton. By then, everyone will die, including you."

"They'll get revenge on you,

Luke, you… can you hide first. "


Luke touched her hair and whispered, "I'll be fine, and neither will you. It's happened, and finding a solution is the right choice."

"Do you have a solution?"

Luke went back to the sofa and said while drinking tea, "Two years ago, because of you, I spared their lives, not this time."

"Linda, you'd better be mentally prepared, the next scene may not be what you want to see."


The girl was about to speak when the TV suddenly made a noise. After a short black screen, it turned into a snow-like screen. At the same time, the entire metropolis, the United States, and even all video devices related to network data in the world were invaded by mysterious signals.

The screen flickered, accompanied by a harsh noise, and an indistinct portrait emerged.

"My name is General Drew Zod."

"I'm from a distant planet."

"I flew over the vast sea of ​​stars to find you..."

"You sheltered one of my people, and now I ask you to hand them over."

"For some reason, he chose to hide his identity, looking similar to you, but not of the same race."

"Karl El, come to outer space within 24 hours. This is your last chance. If you refuse, the whole world will bear the consequences."

The sound ends here, and the screen returns to normal.

Luke sneered, "As expected of the Kryptonian military commander, he actually announced his arrival in this way."

Linda couldn't sit still, got up and walked out.

"Where are you going?"

"See Carl, he's my cousin no matter what, and I can't let him fall into Zod's hands."

Luke said helplessly, "Don't be led by your opponent's nose, it's just the beginning." After a while, "I'm more worried about another person than Zod."



"You know it all."

Luke put down the teacup, "Clark told me that you used to play behind Hale when you were a child, and your relationship was very unusual, is it true?"

"Don't mention him in front of me."

Linda snorted, "We have nothing to do with it."

"You think so, others don't think so."

Luke turned his head and looked out the window, his eyes were cold and murderous, "You are a guest from afar, why don't you come in for a drink? Mr. Hale!"

Linda's face changed suddenly, and she subconsciously stood in front of Luke,

Light and shadow intersect, and a tall figure appears in the office.

The long gray-blue hair grows without wind, and the eyes are dark, like a black swamp, people can't help but sink into it.

He looked at Luke motionless, puzzled and curious flashed in his eyes, and finally returned to dead silence,

"Hello, Earthlings."

Luke pointed to the sofa opposite and said in Kryptonian language, "If you don't mind, sit down and have a drink."

After a few seconds of silence, Hale walked to the sofa and walked down. Those eyes never took their eyes off Luke, even Linda was ignored.

Luke turned his head and said,

"There is a box of Dahongpao on the second floor of the cupboard in the lounge. Take it out and soak it in boiling water. You don't have many friends. Since you are here, you must serve it with the best tea."

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