The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 434 Kryptonian Battle (1)

The hot water soaks the tea leaves, and after a while, the aroma diffuses in the room.

Luke picked up the cup full of orange tea and placed it in front of Hale,

"It's the best tea on earth, and it's perfect for entertaining guests from afar.

Haer picked up the teacup and took a sip, the fragrance melted on the tip of his tongue, with a little sweetness and a little bitterness, and the aftertaste was lingering, unbelievable.

Hal put down the cup, no more to enjoy,

"Is it bad?"

"I don't like food from other planets."

Luke raised his head and poured the tea into his stomach, "Exactly, so do I."

The atmosphere immediately stiffened, and the two looked at each other indifferently, one with burning green flames in his pupils, the other with dark and deep eyes, powerful mental force rubbing and biting in the void, like two fierce beasts preying on drivers, making people breathless.

Linda's face turned pale, and she quickly poured tea and put it on the table,

"Hurry up and drink it, it will lose its taste when it's cold."

Luke was silent for two seconds, the green flames dissipated, and Haer also withdrew the spiritual power that permeated all around. It looked calm on the surface, but waves were stirred in his heart.

He is a top-level mind energy user, and has reached the extraordinary realm of atomic dissection and void teleportation. His spiritual power is even more incredible. Ordinary people will enter a state of fainting when he glances at him, but the earthlings in front of him are not affected. even counteracted.

Weird guy!

Haer muttered to himself, his eyes turned to the side,

"Aren't you going to introduce me? Kara."

The girl reacted immediately and said in a cramped tone,

"This is Luke Shaw."

"Luke, he's Hale. He's a Kryptonian like me. He used to play with me when I was a kid, but we lost touch after that."

I used five words to introduce Luke, but a long paragraph when I introduced Hale. As long as you are not a fool, you can hear the intimacy in the words.

Luke was satisfied with such an answer, with a smile on his face,

"Two years ago, Linda and I returned to Krypton in the Fortress of Solitude to look for survivors, and happened to meet Zod and his subordinates." After a pause, he said curiously,

"Did you come with them?"

A flash of clarity flashed in Haer's eyes, "It turns out that the Earthman who defeated Zod and stole the Journey was you!"

"Defeat is an inappropriate word. Linda and I are passive counterattacks. It is they who want to snatch the fortress of loneliness to have the next series of events."

"Isn't your name Lex Luthor?"

Luke laughed twice, "That's just a joke, you know, General Zod is very strong. For my safety, I can only report a fake name. I didn't expect to do it right." Having said that, The tone is more playful,

"Going to another planet and forcibly kidnapping a country's citizens without legal permission."

"In my knowledge, only barbaric invaders would do this."

"Mr. Hale, are you invaders?"

Linda hurriedly poured a cup of tea and put it on the table,

"Drink tea! Drink tea!"

Luke glared at her and continued,

"Clark introduced you to me, heard that you and his father, Joe Al, were close friends? And he was kind to him."

Haer lowered his eyelids, "What do you want to say?"

Luke shrugged his shoulders very casually, "I just don't understand, Joe El died at the hands of Zod, as a friend, shouldn't you avenge him, even if you don't, you shouldn't get involved, That's not what a friend should do."

As soon as the sentence fell, Linda's expression changed suddenly. She had been thinking about Haer's purpose from last night until now, but she forgot such an important matter.

"You really and Zod..."

He didn't say anything further, Haer's expression already explained everything, he didn't admit or deny it.

Linda turned her head aside,

"Go away, I don't want to see you."

She had a grudge against Zod. When she returned to Krypton, Zod threatened Luke with her life to hand over the Fortress of Lonely. That incident caused a deep psychological shadow on her, which she will never forget.

Hale's mouth twitched slightly, his eyes swept across the girl,

It landed on Luke. At this time, he had the urge to kill people and smash the heads of Earthlings into pieces. After thinking for a while, he laughed.

Earthlings don't have much time, so why be angry about this kind of thing.

"Kara, I hope you understand one thing, you are different from Karl, you grew up on Krypton, and you have the purest blood of Krypton in your body. Karl can fight for the people of Earth, but you can't, you are a Kryptonian. "

The voice fell, and the figure on the sofa disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Linda's face was sullen, and the words just kept replaying in her mind. Thinking of her parents' voices and smiles and the friends she played with when she was a child, her heart was filled with mixed feelings, and tears flowed unsatisfactorily.

Krypton has perished, and there are only a few survivors left. Do you really want to fight to the death with these compatriots?

"You don't want to be involved in this."

Luke could understand how she was feeling, put himself in his shoes and think that he could never be like her.

"When the choice is painful, escape is not an option."

Linda wiped away her tears, "My business is none of your business."

After he finished speaking, he pressed his feet and rushed out of the window like cannonballs.

Looking at the figure disappearing into the sky, Luke shook his head helplessly,

This is Linda Danvers, the super girl of Krypton, rebellious, willful, strong, with a soft heart under a shell full of spikes, but outsiders can't understand it.

To be honest, Luke didn't like this kind of character, but he was still attracted to her. This is the common problem of men - cheap bones.

dong dong dong!

There was a knock on the door, and Dio pushed the door and walked in.

"Master, someone from the Ministry of Defense is here, and they want to see you by name."

"Say I'm not here."

"The lead is Sam Lane."

Luke touched his chin and thought for a moment, "Bring them to the conference room."


There are not many people on earth who know Clark's identity, only four, except for Luke, the outsider, that is, adoptive mother Martha, girlfriend Louise Lane and cousin Carla Zo-El.

As Zod's announcement spreads around the world, Martha and Louise call Clark at the same time.

The tone of the two was full of worry, for fear that he would make an irrational move.

After comforting his mother in a soft voice, Clark returned to the Daily Planet and found his girlfriend Louise.

"Why are they looking for you, because of that spaceship."

Clark shook his head slightly, "I don't know."

"Where's Carla? She's also a Kryptonian, why didn't the Kryptonian general named Zod mention it, shouldn't they..."

"All right."

Clark interrupted, "Don't think about it, Carla is on our side."

Louise suddenly sobered up, thinking of the scandals between Kara and Luke, she couldn't help but smile bitterly, she was really dizzy, a girl in love would only shoot out with her boyfriend, how could it be inward.

"What are you going to do, there are conspiracy theories about you all over the internet right now, if Zod launches an attack, no matter the outcome, they'll put the blame on you."

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