"The richest man in the DC world ()"!

"We took the plane for a day, and then took the train for half a day. We arrived at Baiyun Temple after a bumpy journey. In the end, you drove people away without even giving an explanation."

"I have visited so many places of interest, and I have never seen you so arrogant."

"Believe it or not, I will find a reporter to expose you, so that people all over the world can see what virtue Baiyun Temple is."

The old eleven said one sentence to the left and one sentence to the right, making nonsense and making unreasonable words. How could the little Taoist priest be his opponent?

After arguing for a few minutes, the brothers were also helpless and asked them to rest in another courtyard.

Linda was speechless and couldn't help saying,

"It's enough to knock them out, it's necessary."

Old Eleven was speechless, "We are here to find someone, not to fight."

After arriving at the other courtyard, Old Eleven opened his travel bag and took out the things used for casting spells, while Linda was watching outside.

Not long after, a vague howling came from the house.

The air was windy, and wandering ghosts could be vaguely seen.

In the main hall, Zhang Ruochen, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were like lightning, and he looked towards the other courtyard.

"He Fangxiao is young, and dares to drive evil spirits under the seat of Zhenjun."

Zhengchou lost his anger, so Zhang Ruochen simply picked up the Dao sword and rushed out to the other courtyard. When he arrived, he was confronted by a blond girl from a foreign country. Hehe,

"I didn't say that outsiders are not allowed to enter."

The little Taoist priest opened his mouth to explain, but Zhang Ruochen didn't give him a chance. He pushed him aside and rushed straight into the room. As for the girl in front of him, he didn't pay attention at all.

Linda took a step sideways, blocking the way, raised her left foot lightly, and with a bang, the floor split open like a spider web.

Zhang Ruochen's pupils contracted, unable to hide his horror.

This blow probably weighed 100,000 jin, he had never seen such a frightening force.

"My friend is resting,

I don't want to be disturbed by outsiders. "

The girl looked cold and stood at the door, guarding the door with a woman, and no one could open it.

Zhang Ruochen couldn't figure out the opponent's strength. Seeing that the evil fluctuations in the wooden house were getting stronger and stronger, he immediately raised his Dao sword and pointed it at the sky.


A muffled thunder exploded in the sky, and the ghosts surrounding it instantly disintegrated. In the room, Old Eleven, who was casting a spell, opened his eyes and cursed the stinky Taoist priest severely.

Baiyun Temple is a place for Taoist meditation, where soul magic is performed, and there is no intention of plucking the hair on the tiger's buttocks or scratching the lion's head.

There was no choice but to put away the utensils and walk out of the room.

At this time, he was dressed in a disguise, and he was wearing black-rimmed glasses. If he was not an acquaintance, he would not be able to recognize that this was the young master Xiao who was in the limelight.

Zhang Ruochen said coldly,

"Your Excellency just cast black magic."

Old Eleven frowned slightly, "It's not black magic, it's just some gadgets."


Zhang Ruochen sneered, stroked his beard and said in a deep voice,

"Your Excellency, don't think I'm a fool. I still understand the Western magic system. Enslaving souls is no small thing."

"Black magic is a taboo technique. You'd better give me an explanation for using this kind of magic in Baiyun Temple, otherwise..."

Zhang Ruochen raised his Dao sword, and so did the disciples behind him.

Linda turned to look at Old Eleven, and asked him if he wanted to do something, but the latter was speechless. He never thought that there would be such an existence in Baiyun Temple, but he just showed it a little, and the other party sensed it.

And that muffled thunder is obviously the exclusive way to restrain ghosts.

How to do? To fight or not to fight?

Old Eleven was a little undecided, and so were the other apostles.

After the discussion, Old Eleven smiled and said,

"This Taoist priest, we don't intend to offend you. We just came here to experience the Taoism of Huaguo that the elders said. It's a pity that I am not good at learning, and I fell down when I first met. I am ashamed, I am really ashamed."

Zhang Ruochen looked him up and down, then set his eyes on Linda, was silent for a moment, then waved his hand,

"Send them away."

The little Taoist stepped forward tremblingly, looking at Old Eleven with eyes full of resentment, the hateful foreigner actually lied to him.

Luke and Linda left Baiyun Temple surrounded by Taoist priests.

After leaving the main entrance, the girl sneered,

"You are such a coward. If Luke were here, he would never leave in despair."

Old Eleven was helpless, "Then what do you say?"

"Arrest them and interrogate them one by one. I don't believe there will be no results."

The corner of Old Eleven's mouth twitched violently, and the other apostles in his body were also speechless. The girl's power attribute was getting stronger and stronger, and she was gradually developing into a violent girl.

At this time, number eight stood up,

"If I'm not mistaken, the main body is in the Taoist temple."

"you sure?"

No. 8 nodded solemnly, "The Taoist priests in Baiyun Temple are not simple. They seem to have mastered the method of mind-soul attack. This is consistent with the previous information. The reason why the soul wave broke out on the main body is probably because the Taoist priests here launched an attack on him."

"Linda, scan with your eyes and see if there is something hiding."

The girl nodded, walked to the top of the mountain, and observed carefully from top to bottom. Everything in the Taoist temple was normal and there was nothing suspicious. When her eyes swept to the back mountain, doubts appeared.

There are several hidden stone chambers in the back mountain, and there is a stone tablet farther away. The stone tablet is wrapped in strange energy, which she can't see through.

"You wait here, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Linda jumped up, flew over the Baiyun Temple, and came to the cave in the back mountain, where the stone tablet was engraved with incomprehensible charms, and was entangled by chains as thick as five arms.

One end of the chain is stuck in the wall, and the other end is butted against each other, as if to trap the stone tablet here.

Linda didn't understand the meaning of these things, but felt strange instinctively. After thinking about it, she held the stele with both hands and lifted it up. At this moment, a whisper came from her ear,

"There are monsters under the stele, so don't touch it."

The girl turned around suddenly, and at some point, an old Taoist priest with gray hair appeared behind her.

"Who are you?"

"Zhang Haoyan, Daoist Yunshang Daoist."

The old man raised his whisk and looked extremely old, but his eyes were frighteningly bright, like two rays of light.

Linda didn't feel right. She, who has super senses, didn't notice the existence of the old man, which was too abnormal.

The old man smiled softly, walked to the stele, and took out a wooden box from the hidden compartment at the bottom. The box lid was opened, and what lay inside was the red metal that Luke was in.

"Is this what you're looking for?"

Linda's eyes lit up, and she grabbed it directly. Suddenly, an unimaginable soul shock exploded in her mind. There was a blank in front of her eyes, her body staggered back, her face turned blue and white, and she looked extremely painful.

"Girl, that's not how you handle things."

The old man closed the lid and threw it on the stone tablet casually,

"This stone ruined the life of my apprentice, how can you take it away so easily?"

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