The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 467 The Scary Old Taoist Priest

"The richest man in the DC world ()"!

Linda has never been a good-tempered person, and the other party's series of actions made her feel angry.

"Old Taoist priest, you'd better hand over your things, otherwise..."

The right leg exerted strength and sank deeply into the stone slab.

Zhang Haoyan raised his eyebrows, really surprised,

"It's so strong, I didn't realize that you little girl has such a terrifying body, but..." The topic changed, "It's not so easy to win me based on this alone."

"You asked for it!"

The girl paused, and appeared directly in front of Zhang Haoyan. She didn't dare to use too much force, but just gently pushed his chest with the palm of her hand. Regardless of the lightness of the movement, the strength contained was enough to push away the heavy truck.

However, in the next second, a strange thing happened, the right hand did not touch the real object, and passed through the opponent's chest.


Linda was stunned, and quickly stepped back, her eyes flickering, she couldn't hide her shock,

"You... you are not human?"

"The old Taoist is of course a human being, but a god-man."

Zhang Haoyan stroked his beard, and his body rose at a speed visible to the naked eye. Golden light overflowed from his body, illuminating the entire Shandong. The strong light almost burned people's eyes. In the blink of an eye, he changed from a dry old man to a three-meter tall man Golden armored giant.

The giant stepped on the lotus platform, and many weapons such as golden mace, golden whip, golden ring, and golden sword emerged from behind.

At this time, he was like the god of war who walked into the mortal world in myths and legends, exuding infinite power.

Linda's eyes were round, and she was completely confused. No matter whether she was on Krypton or on Earth, she had never heard of such a thing. What is it?

"Girl, one last warning, leave Qingyun Mountain, otherwise the old man will have to leave you behind."

After turning into a "giant god", Zhang Haoyan's voice became grand and powerful, like a giant bell ringing in his ears, Linda felt dizzy with just one sentence.

Mental attack?

Another mental attack.

Bastard Luke, it was all your fault. If it wasn't for saving you, I wouldn't suffer this kind of crime.

The girl scolded the scumbag countless times in her heart, but her body didn't retreat at all, her eyes were filled with red light, and high-temperature rays gushed out, penetrating through the "giant", leaving a deep hole in the wall.

Zhang Haoyan shook his head slightly, grabbed the golden mace and smashed it hard.

The golden light rushed towards her face, with an aura that shocked the soul. Linda wanted to hide, but found that she couldn't move. She could only stare wide-eyed and watched the weapon fall.

When the golden mace was about to hit the target, Zhang Haoyan sighed suddenly, put away the golden mace, flicked it with his fingers, and a golden light penetrated the girl's door and landed on the wall.

Linda stood there sluggishly, her eyes dull, as if she had lost her soul, and it took a long time before she woke up from the confusion.

She took a step back in horror,

" did you do to me?"

Zhang Haoyan said indifferently, "The old Taoist has no grievances or enmities with you, and he has no intention of taking your life. The blow just now was just a warning. If you are still stubborn, don't blame the old Taoist for being ruthless."

Linda remained silent. Although she didn't want to admit it, the reality was that she seemed, seemed, really couldn't beat the old Taoist priest.

What happened to the earth?

Why so many strange things.

As the eldest daughter of the Karl family, Kryptonian superwoman, she couldn't beat an old man.

"I'm so unhappy!"

The girl gritted her teeth, her eyes gradually turned red, and energy boiled all over her body, turning into colorful tiger shadows.

Killing intent spewed out, carrying a chill penetrating into the bone marrow.

"Tiger Demon Sutra!"

Zhang Haoyan's face changed slightly, "Who is Ling Xuzi?"

"I want you to manage!"

The girl roared, and the tiger also roared, and the body became more and more solid, almost turning into a solid body.

The brutal murderous aura resisted Zhang Haoyan's soul coercion, and Linda regained control of her body. She clenched her right fist tightly with murderous intent, and the energy in her palm turned into a ferocious tiger head.

Whoa whoa whoa! ! ! ! !

The roar of the tiger exploded in the mountains. At this moment, both the disciples practicing in Guanzhong and the old eleven in front of the door heard it.


The mountain collapsed, and white light shot straight into the sky.

"not good!"

Old Eleven slapped his thigh, and hurried to the back of the mountain, afraid of something, that violent girl really made a move.

Below the cave, looking at the huge hole in the wall, Zhang Haoyan's face became extremely serious,

"At such a young age, you have practiced the Tiger Sha Mantra to such an extent. It seems that the old master must keep you here."

After the words fell, Linda raised the golden mace, Linda was fearless, her body was wrapped by the tiger, and she punched it.

The golden mace was shattered, and the fists remained undiminished. They penetrated the old man's body and hit the wall hard.

Zhang Haoyan snorted angrily,

"Five Elements Bound Soul!"


The chains in the cave seemed to come alive, the surface was shining brightly, attacking from all directions, the girl quickly swung her fist, knocking out all the chains, and then turned her fist into a palm, cutting off the chains with a blow of a hand knife.

The old Taoist was furious. The Five Elements Monument and the Five Elements Lock were the treasures of the Baiyun Temple, but they were wantonly destroyed by the other party.

"Lei Jun listen to my orders, punish!"

Above the sky, a group of dark clouds quickly took shape, and only a roar was heard, and the golden lightning passed through layers of space and struck down heavily.

The tiger roared up to the sky, trying its best to fight against the lightning.

However, its strength was too weak, and it lasted only two seconds before it was shattered by lightning. The remaining lightning hit Linda, and unimaginable pain came from the depths of his soul, as if it was about to split open.

Zhang Haoyan leaned forward, and stretched out his index finger to lightly touch the girl's eyebrows.

The golden light suddenly appeared and turned into a golden talisman seal, sealing all senses.

The bloody light in her eyes faded away quickly, and the girl stood there blankly, her pupils were dilated without any focus.

With a wave of Zhang Haoyan's hand, the chains entangled with the trend, suppressing her and the wooden box under the Five Elements Monument.

On the other side, Old Eleven, who was rushing to the back of the mountain with all his strength, suddenly stopped,

"I don't think we should go."

"What's the meaning?"

No. 8 said in a deep voice, "Linda, we're defeated."

"It's not possible!"

The old thirteen was a little disbelieving, "The violent woman is from Krypton, and there is also the scriptures of tiger evil."

"With her personality, if she won, she would have come out a long time ago, and she won't wait so long."

No. 6 said in a concentrated voice, "The Baiyun Temple is extraordinary!"

"I'm feeling it too."

No. 3 added, "The magic world in Europe, the voodoo gods in Africa, the Mayan church in South America, and Shibhara in India. In contrast, it is impossible for the Chinese civilization with the longest history to not have its own extraordinary power."

Old Twelve smiled wryly, "Stop discussing this, think about what to do? You can't just wait."

"Let's go back!"

No. 1 suddenly said, "Check out the background of Baiyun Temple before proceeding with other activities."

Old Eleven hesitated, "Not too good, is Linda still inside?"

Number Eight shook his head and said,

"Baiyun Temple is not an ordinary place. If you rush into it, you are throwing yourself into a trap. Although the few of us can control the green flame, it is not as endless as the main body. Once the energy is exhausted, it is likely to be controlled by others."

No. 6 also spoke, "I agree with Lao Ba's opinion, go back first, investigate thoroughly, and then proceed to the next step of the plan."

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