The Richest Man in the DC World

Chapter 477: The Raptors Cross the River

Linda likes food, and Luke also wants to relive the taste of the past.

So, at his suggestion, the three of them stopped in the northwest region to taste various local delicacies, such as roast lamb, roast whole lamb, baked buns, fried noodles, haggis, large plate chicken, etc. over and over.

Every morning, noon and night, you can definitely find the three of them in the restaurant street.

Linda had a good time eating, and her whole body was full of joy, which kind of meant "being a native of Lingnan".

Xiao Jiu was immersed in the colorfulness of the outside world, and mechanically followed the two of them, acting as backpacks and shelves.

Luke behaved very plainly, looking at the surrounding customs while shopping.

The earth in this world is very different from the previous world, and the same is true for Huaguo. You can vaguely find a little shadow in the culture, but the places, names, and provinces are completely different.

"After all, it's not what it used to be."

Luke shook his head, took a sip of apricot skin tea, the sweet and sour taste melted into his tongue, and couldn't help saying,

"This stuff hasn't changed much."

Linda is tasting the Northwest specialty dessert—milk and egg fermented glutinous rice. The main ingredients are milk, eggs, and fermented glutinous rice, and various fruits and nuts are added. The taste is fragrant, sticky, sweet, and sour. Luke is not used to it. Linda really likes it.

She had already drank three cups, but she still hadn't had enough. Fortunately, she was from Kryptonian. An ordinary girl would have already become fat like a pig.

"Luke, haven't we been here too long?"

"You want to go back?"

The girl shook her head again and again, "I don't want to go back? I just feel something is wrong, so there's no need to stay for so long!"

Counting the time, it has been three days, and the magic city has been calling and urging, but Luke has not responded.

Xiao Jiu graciously put the iced apricot skin tea on the table,

"Sister, try it, it's delicious."

"Go and play, don't disturb us talking."


Xiao Jiu nodded obediently, picked up the apricot skin tea and ran to the game console, drinking while watching other people playing video games.

Luke glanced at him and said,

"Actually, I was thinking, should I solve some troubles for the old man?"

"What's the meaning?"

Luke said in a deep voice, "Although I don't like his character, after all, he has lived under the same roof for more than ten years. He saved my grandfather's life and helped me deal with troubles. He is still your teacher. How do you say it?" It's also half of the family."

"If you don't help him, it really doesn't make sense."

Linda rolled her eyes. Having lived with Luke for a long time, she can probably guess his way of thinking.

"What bad idea are you thinking of?"

"Look, if those people hold back, everything is easy to talk about. If they can't hold back, then don't blame me. After all, they are the ones who made the move first."


The provincial capital of Qing Province, in a villa in the suburbs.

Pei Qingsong, the ninth-generation disciple of the Five Sacred Mountains School, hurriedly pushed open the door of the villa, and the smoke was blowing in. Several strong, vicious-looking youths were sitting or lying on the sofa, three of them were fighting landlords, and two were watching pornographic videos.

A bald man surnamed Qi was among them.

Pei Qingsong frowned slightly. He didn't like the atmosphere in the living room, so he didn't say anything after all, and walked up the stairs to the study on the second floor.

Pushing open the door, clasped his hands together, and saluted solemnly,


Over 40 years old Bai Yan waved his hand, "We don't need to be so polite between brothers and sisters." Saying that, he called his brother to him,

"Come on, let's see how I write this word."

There is a word "force" written on the rice paper, which is vigorous and has a bit of everyone's demeanor.

Pei Qingsong looked it over and said,


Feeling disappointed, Bai Yan crumpled up the rice paper and threw it into the trash can, "You are good in everything, but you are too serious, but it is also your strength. How did the investigation go?"

"Modu gave an exact reply, the woman is Tesla CEO Linda Danvers, and the man is Luke Xiao, a tens of billionaire who has been in the limelight recently, and it is said that he has some connection with Hongmen. "

"Where's the boy?"

"It's not clear yet.


Bai Yan slammed his fist on the table, "What a person who dared to kill me in my territory, not because the dragon crossed the river."

Pei Qingsong said in a deep voice,

"The deaths of the two of them haven't been investigated yet, so it's not appropriate to put it on Luke Xiao's head."

Bai Yan snorted, "We need to investigate this matter. With Lao Lian and Xiaodong's skills, who else can solve them silently, Lao Ba, remember your position, don't turn your elbows outside."

Pei Qingsong remained expressionless,

"Just tell the truth."


Bai Yan was annoyed in his heart, and then sighed, "Forget it, what's the trouble with you."

He didn't speak, but Pei Qingsong had something to say,

"Until the case is clarified, I advise you not to make your own claims. Luke Xiao's status is unusual, and the higher-ups attach great importance to it. If you act forcefully, the result will be unpredictable."

"Your senior brother, I'm not stupid. I know the stakes in it, but this time I have to do it."

Pei Qingsong frowned, "Second Senior Brother, you..."

"Stop persuading, it's Master's order."

Pei Qingsong was puzzled,

"Master, how could an old man give such an order?"

Bai Yan smiled lightly, poured a cup of herbal tea, and said unhurriedly after drinking,

"Eighth Junior Brother, have you heard of the Tiger Sha Mantra?"

Pei Qingsong was confused, this name was completely unfamiliar to him.

"That's right, you were just a brat twenty years ago, how did you know about these things, when the Tiger Shaman Sutra appeared in the world, it stirred up the entire martial arts world, all forces fought for it, and the master was also a participant. Ling Xuzi, the former head of the Xu Sect, won, but the fate of the old man Ling was not good, he was tricked and had to go into exile overseas, and because of this, the Lingxu Sect plummeted, and disappeared from the ancient martial arts world within a few years."

"I have been stationed in the northwest all these years. On the surface, I have recruited more disciples and expanded the sect industry. In fact, I have been monitoring the remaining disciples of the Lingxu Sect. The purpose is to find news about Old Man Ling from them."

Pei Qingsong frowned and said,

"Is the Tiger Demon Sutra so important?"

Bai Yan glanced at him, shook his head and said,

"Do you think it's important to be able to cultivate into a fairy?"


Pei Qingsong was stunned, "How is it possible?"

There are indeed records about immortals in the ancient books of Huaguo, but they are legends after all. Who would take it seriously for thousands of years?

"You! You are still young. In a few years, after seeing more, you will naturally see the other side of the world. Immortals are not legends, they are real things that exist in China, but..." After a pause, he sighed ,

"It's so difficult to become an immortal. Talent, will, and resources don't matter. The cultivation method alone is hard to find in the world. The only known cultivation method for cultivating immortality is the celestial master's strategy. It is the treasure of Taoism. It is impossible to give From an outsider's point of view, apart from it, there is only one possibility left: the Tiger's Demon Sutra."

"Master has been looking for him for decades, and finally got the chance, how could he let go."

"Old Ba, we have no choice this time."

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