After four days of shopping, Luke suddenly proposed to camp in the wild.

Linda didn't know what he was thinking, so she could only nod her head, so the three of them rented a luxury car, left the provincial capital, and drove to the deserted prairie.

The landscape of the Northwest has a unique pride.

Standing on the endless grassland, white clouds and blue sky hang above the head, green grass and forests are placed at the far end, the mountain wind blows, and the clothes rustle, which is a special feeling.

The wilderness is Xiaojiu's territory. Without Luke's order, he went straight into the bushes. Half an hour later, the boy carrying a mountain deer and two rabbits returned to the camp.

"Sister, look what I caught?"

Luke asked curiously, "Xiao Jiu, why do you always look for Linda but don't talk to me? Am I treating you badly?"

The boy looked at him carefully,

"Because my brother is so fierce."


Luke looked down, glanced at the girl who was gradually developing, and said with a strange smile,

"My sister should have more breasts!"

The boy scratched his hair honestly, not understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Linda said unhappily,

"You can really tell dirty jokes in front of your children."

Luke shrugged, "This kid is hopeless. It's a pity that his talent was wasted if he returned this virtue at the age of fifteen."

Ah Jiu's talent is truly astonishing. Without systematic training, Qiu Yuan only taught him some basic exercises, so he learned by himself. "Hunting" techniques.

Children who grew up in the mountains are really amazing.

Linda was also amazed by his talent. After examining his body, he found that this kid was born with all meridians, and he was a rare martial arts prodigy.

Unfortunately, he is a fool.

Ah Jiu didn't know what the two of them were thinking, so she picked up the dagger, peeled the skin and cut the meat. After a while, the wooden boards were neatly filled with fresh venison.

Venison soup is the best. Luke was too lazy to move, so Linda had to do it herself, and made a pot full of venison soup according to the recipe. Back to camp in the evening.

The night fell quietly, and on the hill not far from the camp, seven figures emerged, the leader being Bai Yan, and the seven people observed the situation of the camp through binoculars.

One complained,

"Brother, you are too cautious. There are only three dolls. Brothers, go directly and catch them for you."

"What do you know?"

Bai Yan said solemnly, "That's from Hongmen."

The oldest subordinate answered, "Brother is right. I heard that Luke Xiao is the boss of two big companies. He is worth tens of billions. He is a super rich man. How can such a person have no means of self-protection?" .”

Someone couldn't help but say,

"He really has tens of billions."

"Why? I can't help it anymore, I want to beat him up."

The man laughed and said, "Brothers are tight, since he has so much money, it's not too much to support him with 100 or 200 million!"

The rogue with black spots on his face licked his tongue and asked casually,

"What's the girl's name?"

Bai Yan turned his head and stared at him coldly,

"I'm sick again, Mazi."

"No no!"

The pockmarked young man waved his hands again and again, "I just think that woman looks sweet and has a good figure, much better than the one I met in the snow area last time."

Everyone showed understanding expressions.

Bai Yan snorted coldly and said word by word,

"Remember, the purpose of our trip is the scriptures. Be careful before you find something. If anyone dares to do bad things, don't blame the brother for being ruthless."

Everyone's heart was full, and they had to put away their thoughts that they shouldn't have.

Before I knew it, it was twelve o'clock in the evening.

The crowd left the hillside and approached the camp quietly in the dark. The camp was pitch black without any lights. The seven soldiers divided into two groups, all the way to Ah Jiu's tent, and all the way to Luke and Linda's tent ( Two people sleep together, not a single bed).

The distance is getting closer and closer, just when everyone is about to succeed,

A ghost appeared from the darkness.

The ghost was extremely fast, pounced on a gangster like a cheetah, and with a swipe of its claws like a vice, the throat bone was directly severed.

After solving one person, the ghost pounced on another person. The same move made people hard to guard against.

Bai Yan was extremely angry, clenched his fists with both hands, brought a gust of wind, and rushed straight to the ghost.

Ghosting raised his head, his immature face showed the ferocity of a wild beast. Facing the menacing Bai Yan, he didn't face the menacing Bai Yan head-on, but walked around in front of other people like a fox, and raised his hand to grab it.

It is obviously a body of flesh and blood, but it is as terrifying as the teeth of a wild beast, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood in just one stroke.

Ahhhhh! ! ! !

There were shrill screams in the camp.

Bai Yan was startled and angry, he never thought that fifteen or sixteen year old boy would be so terrifying.

Ah Jiu was a child raised by nature, and what Qiu Yuan provided was self-defense skills, hunting skills, fundamentals of being a human being, and occasional changes of clothes.

It is conceivable what a child who has been with the mountains and forests since childhood and snatched food from wolves, snow leopards, and goshawks is like. In a sense, he is a beast.

Years of free-range life has cultivated an unparalleled sense of danger, which is why he doesn't talk to Luke. He smells death from the latter. In contrast, Linda, who is like a tiger, is not so scary.

Ah Jiu is a real predator and knows how to hunt at the fastest speed.

Among the seven people who sneaked into the camp, Bai Yan was the most dangerous. In comparison, the other six were mediocre. It was his instinctive judgment and the most reasonable action to avoid Bai Yan and deal with the others.

The fighting took place in an unimaginable way.

Ah Jiu turned into a poisonous snake, and his claws were like fangs covered with venom. None of them were his opponents. In the blink of an eye, all six of them fell to the ground, leaving only Bai Yan.

The boy landed on all fours, crawling back and forth in circles, his eyes scrutinizing his neck, chest, strides and other vital parts.

Stared at by these eyes, Bai Yan felt as if he was confronting a ferocious beast, his forehead was covered with sweat unknowingly, and his exhalation became short.

Suddenly, a wolf howled in the distance.

Bai Yan turned his head subconsciously.

At this moment, Ah Jiu moved, exerting force with his hands and feet at the same time, and rushed forward like a vicious tiger.

The right claw tore through the air with a piercing roar.

Bai Yan used all his strength to hide back.


The clothes were torn, and five bloody scratches appeared on the chest.

Missing a hit, Ah Jiu quickly dodged and continued to squat on the ground, observing the "prey" as before.

This behavior made Bai Yan feel endless despair.

Inside the tent, Luke, who was watching the battle through the virtual screen, couldn't help but say,

"I take back what I said earlier, his talent has not been wasted."

Linda also had a serious face, "I didn't expect this child to have such a terrifying side."

Luke sighed, "An orphan who grew up in the mountains and forests, if he didn't have this vigor, he would have turned into a poop."

"If I had known that he was so powerful, I wouldn't have made any arrangements."

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