The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and eighty-eight, someone just used your trick

"Put on the clothes, immediately, immediately."

Chu Yao stood up with a firm tone.

As he spoke, he took out his phone and snapped a picture.



No code.

Li Man: ...

Immediately stunned.


She immediately picked up the bath towel in a panic, for a moment she really didn't know what to do.

Are you continuing your...seduction?

Or... get dressed?

Lest more pictures be taken?



While she was hesitating, Chu Yao had already pressed the shutter one after another, taking several photos in a row.

Every click hit Li Man's heart.

It feels like the death knell of "the death of the society".

If this photo is spread, then I will be in the circle of friends, and I will never be able to see anyone.

"No, what are you doing?"

"is it necessary?"

"It's so terrible?"

She rewrapped the bath towel, and said in an extremely complicated tone, with a bit of embarrassment.

This man doesn't follow the rules at all.

Although, this concentration can indeed be called excellent.

But... it was the biggest insult to myself.

"Aren't I pretty?"

she couldn't help asking.

Feeling very frustrated, trying my best.

"Beautiful, great figure."

Chu Yao smiled and praised.

" can't?"

Chu Yao shook his head: "Of course not."

"Then why? I'm clean and healthy. I just had a physical examination last month."

"I'm not that kind of slutty woman either. I've never had anything other than...well."

"What is there for you to refuse this kind of thing? Why do you refuse?"

she asked puzzled.

Chu Yao has put down the phone at this moment.

Sit down on the sofa again.

Tactical lean back.

Continue to smoke the half of the cigarette that was not finished just now.

He looked at her calmly.

Open your mouth slowly.

"You want my body, no problem, it's a matter of one sentence, just have fun, I have no problem with that."

"However, you still want my genes?"

"Ever studied law?"

"The illegitimate child also has the right to inherit."

"That's not how you steal money."

Li Man: ...


The whole person is stupid.

This... what kind of brain circuit is this?

Is this the brain circuit of rich people?

She licked her lips and fell silent.

At this time.

Chu Yao sighed slightly again.


"You really don't understand men."

"Do you know what it means to only enter your body, not your life?"

Li Man: ...

I don't know why, it was an embarrassing scene at the moment, but she suddenly wanted to laugh inexplicably.

Really outrageous, okay?

But I also feel that it is right for a person like Chu Yao to make a fortune.

It's really different from ordinary men.

"Then...then I'll take it all off, or just do as you said?"

"Let's do it!"

"I've been divorced for a long time."

She gritted her teeth and said.

Inexplicably ashamed and angry.

Chu Yao was about to say something when suddenly there was a soft knock on the door.

Not too fast or slow.

Listen to the strength of the hand and the rhythm, it should be a girl knocking, or a waiter.

someone is coming!

Hearing the knock on the door, Li Man shuddered, and didn't care too much, so she quickly ran back to the bathroom with bare buttocks, and quickly got dressed.

"Who is it?"

Chu Yao shouted.

"Mr. Chu, excuse me, there is an urgent matter to report to you."

It was the voice of a waiter.

Chu Yao stood up, walked to the door, and waved to Li Man, signaling her to hide first.

Li Man looked around the bathroom, but there was nowhere to hide. She felt guilty and quickly ran out of the bathroom with her high heels, hiding behind the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

It's...well, it's a place.

Chu Yao smiled, and then opened the door.

"What's up?"

outside the door.

A waiter is standing.

And...Ren Siyao's face was flushed, probably the alcohol hadn't dissipated yet.

"This lady is looking for you. I saw her... Well, I brought her here."

The young waiter said cautiously.

Don't dare to take care of the boss's affairs, and don't dare to ask more.

It's just that such a beautiful woman can't be a bad person, can she?

What's more, I saw them eating together in the box just now.

Should at least be friends.

So just now when Ren Siyao asked him which room Chu Yao was in, he just said it.

"Is something wrong?"

Chu Yao looked at Ren Siyao and asked calmly.

At this time, out of the corner of his eye, he could already see that there were several rooms, and the door was slightly opened, and a crack was pushed open. It should be someone who wanted to gossip, but dared not come out.

"Go in and talk, can you?"

Ren Siyao whispered.

Chu Yao looked back subconsciously. The curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows were tight and loose, and there was no sign of Li Man hiding.

"Isn't it convenient?"

"What if you call me molested?"

Turning around, Chu Yao said lightly, waved his hand, and let the waiter go first.

After the waiter left, Ren Siyao pursed her lips lightly, with extremely pleading eyes, and said in a low voice: "Many people are watching... Do you have to humiliate me like this?"

In fact, she is not afraid of being watched.

Instead, I hope someone is watching.

The more people watching, the better.

Hearing this, Chu Yao was inexplicably angry.

I fucking humiliate you?

How many people did you humiliate me in front of?

However, taking a deep breath, he still kept his tongue and didn't say it out loud.

At this time.

Diagonally, in the next room, Liu Fei opened the door.

"Old Chu, what are you doing? I'm lonely, come and sleep together."

His coquettish style as always, in this way, can be regarded as a relief for Chu Yao.

On occasions like class reunions, it was really difficult for Ren Siyao to deal with.

How can there be so many happy people in the real society?


No manners.


It's even more impossible.



Neither is suitable.

After all, people put on such a miserable posture.

Public opinion in this society is extremely harsh on men.

As for women, as long as they are willing to fight, they can talk about anything.

"It's okay, you sleep with you, get out!"

Chu Yao took a deep breath and said.

With my current rank, I don't need Liu Fei's help.

After thinking for a while, let the door of the room open and let Ren Siyao in.

And the first time she came in, she opened her arms and wanted to hug Chu Yao, a kind of... a gesture of leaning forward with a dead skin.

Chu Yao reached out and pushed her away.

"Don't worry yet."

"Your trick, someone used it just now."


Ren Siyao was taken aback for a moment, feeling baffled.

Chu Yao took her arm, pulled her hard, walked through the hallway, into the room, and went straight to the curtain.


pull away.

Like an ostrich in a storm, Li Man curled up, subconsciously screamed and covered her face.


How could it be possible to cover it?

This moment.

Chu Yao fully upholds the idea that as long as I'm not embarrassed, it's you who are embarrassed.

Youzai Youzai sat down on the sofa.

"It's a tacit understanding."

"Fight the Landlord?"

"in or out?"

Li Man: ...

Ren Siyao: ...



Ren Siyao looked at Li Man with a cold voice.

"Who are you scolding? You want face! Not only are you shameless, you are also blind!"

Li Man naturally counterattacked without showing any weakness.

I was already ashamed and annoyed.

It's okay to be ashamed in front of Chu Yao, but it doesn't mean you have to be angry with Ren Siyao.

What is she?

"You two have a good chat."

"I'm going to sleep with Liu Fei."

Chu Yao said casually, and immediately slipped away.

Those who can cure women have to be women.

This is called...fighting poison with poison.



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