The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and eighty-nine, important things are said 3 times

Whether it's making money or picking up girls, what's the most important thing?

Say it three times!

Take the initiative, take the initiative, and what's more...


In the past, Chu Yao's understanding of these two words had some deviations.

Because I have no money, I can only take the initiative to "lick."

But now his understanding is——

The so-called initiative means to firmly control the situation by oneself, and not to be led by others.

Take what happened to Li Man just now...

I want to sleep with you, yes.

You want to sleep with me, depending on my mood.

It's as simple as that, it's the origin of the Dao.

Grasp this point, you can basically be invincible.


It's a pity that in reality, in most cases, this trick is often a well-kept secret among women.

And use it extremely skillfully.


After glancing at the two of them, Chu Yao went out.

When he walked to the door, Ren Siyao instinctively realized that he had lost the initiative, and immediately called out to wait.

Chu Yao walked a little faster, and quickly turned the doorknob.

Then bam.

Close the door.

And then……

just to see...

In the corridor, a bunch of sneaky people slipped through the door.

The leader is Liu Fei.

There is still waiting for Xiaohui!

The first time I heard the door knock,

Several people subconsciously turned their heads and wanted to run.


Chu Yao shouted expressionlessly.

Also deliberately loud.

It is to tell the people in the room that there are people outside.

"What are you doing here?"

Chu Yao asked loudly again.

A group of people: ...Shocked!

Without criticizing others, Chu Yao punched Liu Fei hard.

"Go! Go to your room!"

"What else should I do!"

Liu Fei immediately put on a playful smile, hooked shoulders with Chu Yao, and entered the room under the watchful eyes of a group of people.


It's a pity that I didn't see a good show.

There are also some indescribable feelings.

I haven't seen her in the past few years, but Chu Yao... seems to have really undergone earth-shaking changes.

Not only wealth, but also character.

Perhaps, it is because the character grows first, and the wealth grows later?

like that...

You will never make money beyond your knowledge?

The money earned by luck will eventually be lost by strength?

This world is really like this.

Perhaps there is underappreciation.

But anyone with a certain net worth, except for the rich second generation, more or less has something extraordinary.


back to the room.

"No, what's the situation? You're so fast now? One minute?"

Liu Fei said with a smile.

Chu Yao and Ren Siyao entered the door, and it really only took a minute or two.

Of course he was joking.

Chu Yao glanced at him, waved his hand, and didn't say anything about Li Man.

Although Liu Fei didn't talk too much, he wasn't that strict. If he really wanted to speak out, troubles would inevitably arise.

"Fuck! No, big brother, tell me, what's going on, I'm so curious."

"This is a must-kill game."

"Are you so strong now?"

Seeing Chu Yao's silence, Liu Fei asked in disbelief.

Ask yourself, if it is yourself, you may not be able to withstand it.


Not necessarily.

It must not.

This kind of thing that the first love goddess took the initiative to send X, or in front of so many people, after taking it, and bringing it out, how much face is it?

How elated are you to clear up all the previous accounts?

It's cool.

Chu Yao glanced at him, shook his head and smiled, but said nothing.

But his ears kept listening, whether there was any movement in the corridor.

There is a high probability that the two women will not quarrel.

Because it's too embarrassing.

Decentness is often more important than dignity for women.

Because, if you lose your dignity in front of a single person, you can get it back in front of another person, or make up for it with money.

But losing face in front of everyone is really an extreme shame, and you won't be able to hold your head up in the future.


After a few minutes.

Chu Yao heard the sound of the door knocking.

Then, I received news from Li Man.

"She's gone, can I go out? Is there anyone outside?"

Chu Yao thought about it.

Send her the photo you just took.

By the way, there is a message: "It's quite beautiful."

Li Man: "What are you doing? Please delete it! This is really no joke!"

Chu Yao replied: "Look at your performance (smiling face) (smiling face)".

Since she was playing with fire, she had to bear the price of playing with fire.

"Then how do you want me to behave?"

She said helplessly.

"I haven't thought about more yet, but for this gathering, please help me get rid of Ren Siyao first."

Chu Yao still carried out the idea of ​​"fighting poison with poison".

As a man, it's not convenient for a difficult woman like Ren Siyao to do anything.

And with a woman to help, it's much easier.


Li Man was silent for a while.

Reply messages slowly.

"You rich people, do you all play like this?"

"Isn't it...too absurd?"

Chu Yao:? ? ?

After a daze, she suddenly understood that she seemed to have misunderstood.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw her third message.

"Then, I... try?"


one afternoon.

People arrived one after another.

At noon, the new recruits distracted a lot of attention.

Of course the heavyweights are still Jin Tao.

He used to be the squad leader, but now he is a civil servant in a ministry, which is very dazzling.

In many people's minds, his status is no lower than that of Chu Yao.

Even faintly a little higher.

After all, this society has always been that learning and excellence lead to officialdom.

Businessmen, in the face of power, not only bow their heads, but even bow their heads several times.

After coming over, Jin Tao immediately found Chu Yao.

At his request, he found a clean place.

It seems to be the rhythm of a secret conversation.

Chu Yao guessed that this should be related to his transfer.

When he was in the imperial capital before, he had looked for him and revealed it faintly.

this moment.

Chu Yao still didn't take the initiative to bring up this matter, so he made a cup of Kung Fu tea, smoked a cigarette, and greeted him first.

Concentration is very strong.

From what Jin Tao said in the bedroom, it can be seen that he is a man with a lot of schemes.

Call it ambition.

Or, to put it mildly, it could also be called political ambition.

Generally such people have little desire for money, but a strong desire for power.

Because, in order to accomplish something, you must first climb to a certain position.

"My business is settled."

After taking a sip of tea, Jin Tao, who claimed to have quit smoking for several years last time, couldn't help but light a cigarette and took a deep sip, his face full of pride.

It seems that the forbearance, striving, and climbing of the past few years will all be exhaled with this breath of smoke.


Chu Yao said with a smile.

Still didn't ask where to go.

"You don't want to know where to go?"

Jin Tao: ...

Said a little helplessly.

In fact, he had been waiting for Chu Yao to say something, but Chu Yao never meant it.

Just a neutral sentence... Congratulations.

"No matter where you go, we are all classmates."

"If you need my help, you can speak up at any time."

Chu Yao said with a sincere smile.

He only has six years of service at most, where can he go?

The age limit is fixed.

From being admitted as a civil servant, the probationary period is one year to appoint a section member, three years from the section member to the sub-section, and two years from the sub-section to the main section.

That's at least six years.

He has the most real power and authority, and may enjoy deputy director-level treatment.

This level, at his age, is already good enough, and it can even be said to be golden.

But, compared to the tens of billions of wealth, it's really...not enough.



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