The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and ninety, pearls and jade are on the side, I feel that my behavior is filthy

Chu Yao and Jin Tao didn't talk for long.

And until the end of the chat, Jin Tao did not disclose what position he was transferred to.

One is because of deep-rooted caution.

Secondly, it is also because Chu Yao did not show a strong interest, which made him feel a little "lost", so there is no need to say it.

Jin Tao can clearly feel that Chu Yao's posture now looks a bit taller than before when he was in the imperial capital.

In fact, he didn't quite understand.

Obviously before...

When he was in the imperial capital and had no interest relationship with Chu Yao, Chu Yao could show considerable enthusiasm and kindness.

but now……

Perhaps some interest relationship has arisen, but Chu Yao has a certain degree of indifference?

It's just... incredible.

Totally inconsistent with normal human nature. Jin Tao thought about this question for a long time.

He is a person who is very good at and likes to ponder other people's minds.

When a group of people ate and drank, and wailed ghostly and sang heart-piercingly, it was actually not pleasant at all, but when Chu Yao was always smiling and applauding...

Jin Tao suddenly figured it out.

The enthusiasm in the imperial capital is because I used to be a classmate.

And the current indifference is because... it's just a classmate.

Jin Tao took a deep breath.

I felt an indescribable shock deep in my heart.

See what it is, what it is, and what it is.

I was observing Chu Yao.

But why is Chu Yao not observing himself?

Obviously, in this round, his realm was still low.

Thinking of this,

Jin Tao couldn't help but wryly smiled, and immediately picked up his mood, picked up a glass of wine, and walked towards Chu Yao.


It was at the same time as Chu Yao's classmate reunion.

Pengcheng University Family College.

Gao Jing is upright, sitting cross-legged on the sofa in a yoga posture, with her back straight and a book in her hand.

"Big Defeat".

This is a story about the ups and downs of some private enterprises that have flourished since the reform and opening up. It is not a very serious financial book. It can only be said to have a more macroscopic understanding of the history of the private economy.

The book itself is still very interesting. If you are tired from studying, you can also change your mind.

Naturally, it was recommended by Wang Sihui.

This is the second day after returning from Shanghai, and Gao Jing has returned to her normal life rhythm.

Exercise, read books, study, do homework, and make summaries.

That's basically all of her day-to-day life.

Simple, disciplined, fulfilling.

Gradually, a quiet and peaceful atmosphere of books formed in her body, which was revealed inadvertently.

It's not immediately obvious.

But Chu Yao can already feel it occasionally.

For example, last night, when she was lying in bed chatting, instead of talking about daily chores, she suddenly mentioned a classic quote from "The Wealth of Nations":

—never begging for mercy from others, but appealing to their self-interest.

—Never talk to others about your own needs, but only about the benefits to them.

This is a kind of economic truth.

It is also a way of thinking about how to behave in the world in another dimension.

Then, the two discussed this issue for a long time in high spirits on the bed.

In the end, Chu Yao didn't even mention her.

I had no choice but to take it to sleep.


this moment.

bang bang bang! The anti-theft door was knocked suddenly, and Gao Jing frowned slightly. From the strength and rhythm of the knock, it was not Chu Yao.

She put down the book in her hand, got up and walked to the door.

"Which one?"

"I, come up to see you."

I heard it.

It was poppies' voice.

After thinking about it, Gao Jing unlocked the door and let her in.

Poppy is dressed in a neutral outfit, black pants, a hip-hop black and white trendy shirt, and a hat, making her look beautiful and cool.

It's like going to disco.

It's a big night.

"Come in. Are you going out?"

Gao Jing smiled and was polite.

"Yeah, I'm a little hungry, I want to go out for supper, let's go, let's go together."

Poppy said with a bright smile, reaching out to pull her arm.

Among girls, this is fairly normal behavior.

However, Gao Jing avoided her hand subconsciously.

What came to mind at the moment was that Chu Yao had told her before that Meiren Yu seemed to be a lesbian.

So I refused.

"You go, I don't eat at night."

"Oh, let's go. I just want to talk to you about something. If you don't eat supper, don't eat supper. It's good to take a walk on the playground."

Yu Meiren seemed to be talking to her mother, with a bit of softness and coquettishness.

Gao Jing took a deep look at her.

Think about it.

"Okay, then wait for me, I'll go change my clothes."

After a while.

Gao Jing changed into black and white sportswear and white shoes, and stood in front of Poppy, slightly taller than her by half a head.

The colors of the clothes of the two are somewhat similar, both black and white.

However, one is black with white stripes and the other is white with black stripes.

One is very simple, one is slightly fancy.

Poppy took a deep breath.

She looked at Gao Jing.

Suddenly, I found that from height, to leg shape, to bust size, I seemed to be slightly inferior.

It's just the face, barely half a catty.

Very subtle frustration.

I can completely crush her in terms of wealth, but these natural things are really...incomparable.

It seems... It's really a beautiful woman from the folk since ancient times.

More than ten or twenty years ago, most of those Hong Kong sisters who were extremely handsome came from bad backgrounds.

At this time, Yu Meiren also knew very clearly that the reason why Gao Jing also wore such clothes...

Purpose, self-explanatory.

She is also very proud.

Although she didn't say it.

But just a small detail is convenient for silent resistance, counterattack, and victory.

"Let's go."

Thinking of this, Poppy turned and went out.

This time I didn't try to pull my arm, or hold my hand.

He didn't even want to walk side by side with Gao Jing.


The two of them got off the elevator, went downstairs, and walked towards the playground.

It attracted a lot of attention along the way.

Although Gao Jing is a little taller, nearly 1.75 meters.

But Poppy is also over 1.7 meters.

Two sisters of such goddess level, walking together on the university campus, are quite eye-catching.

A few boys who probably just returned to the dormitory after playing basketball watched from a distance, hesitated, and wanted to strike up a conversation, but finally gave up, lacking the courage.

Judging by the temperament of the two of them, they are not ordinary people.

Destined to be fairy sisters.


Take a walk with her.

What Gao Jing thought of at this time was the Credit Suisse Building.

It's those luxury cars of the poppies downstairs in the Credit Suisse Building.

And, the help she has provided and may provide for Chu Yao's career in the future.

Thinking of this, she took the initiative to step forward, walked side by side, and said without thinking: "Thank you."

Yu Meiren turned her head, looked up slightly, glanced at her, instantly understood what she was thanking, shook her head and smiled.

"He's already thanked him."

When she said this, Poppy felt inexplicably that her heart beat a little faster.

There is a feeling of being on the verge of danger, crazy temptation, and feeling like being tied up, which is very exciting.

However, she quickly took a deep breath, thinking of Chu Yao's chillingly cold eyes, and quickly suppressed those small thoughts.

"Can you tell me your story?"

"It's just curious."

Poppy asked nonchalantly.


Gao Jing thought for a moment, then nodded with a smile.


The two walked around the playground three times for about half an hour.

Gao Jing's chatting tone told her the whole process of getting to know Chu Yao.

Including your own complete and true mental journey.

His father is in prison, his cancer is terminal, and he works three jobs. His mentality is on the verge of collapse, and he takes the initiative to seduce and fall in love with each other.

And some small details of sweet interaction.

Just like a girl, happily sharing the story of herself and her boyfriend with her best friend.

Gao Jing didn't try to beautify those places that she was a bit unbearable, but just told the truth.

She can face it calmly now.

I know myself, what kind of person I am, and the people I love and the people who love me also know.

As for what other people think, that is your business.

To be misunderstood is the destiny of the expresser.

It is not the expresser's responsibility to take care of the misunderstood.

Poppy listened silently.

Or nod, or um, or casually agree...

Until... After listening to the whole story, she quietly looked at Gao Jing, showing sincerity and a few traces of envious smiles.

"very nice."

"Yeah, it's okay, lucky."

Gao Jing responded with a smile.

"So you're going to be married in four years?"

Poppy asked again, her curious tone and expectant expression seemed normal.

"That's what I said. Who can say clearly what will happen later? Maybe someone will stop it and make trouble. It's possible." Gao Jing smiled even brighter.

After saying this, Poppy fell silent.

After a while, she said calmly: "The education I received since I was a child told me that men are all fickle, and there is no one who is not lustful."

Gao Jing still smiled, patted her on the shoulder, and nodded: "Yes, yes, the education I received since I was a child is also said to be like this. Big pig's hooves."

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

It's really a joy to complain about men.

Just like when men drink and brag together, they talk about driving and repairing cars.

"Then have you ever thought about what if Chu Yao changes his mind?"

Amidst the laughter, Yu Meiren asked again with a smile.

At this time.

The smile on Gao Jing's face faded, her eyes were calm and serious.

She thought for a while and said softly, "I don't think women should live like this. Instead of thinking about what he's doing outside all day long, you might as well spend more time on self-growth."

"It's like your mother. Of course your mother is excellent, but emotionally, there are obviously women's natural weaknesses. not happy."

"Take me and Chu Yao as an example again. In fact, I haven't thought about what it will be like if we separate one day, and for what reason."

"I can't think of the reason, but the only scene I can think of is that he pointed to my nose in front of me and said-get out, I don't want you anymore."

"Except for this, everything else is not a problem, it can be resolved and negotiated."

"If you want me to say, intimacy is not black and white, it can be broken with a single force, it is very elastic... like a spring, it can be compressed or pulled, it needs to be maintained and pressed lubricating oil……"

Gao Jing spoke eloquently.

It's like giving an academic report.

Poppy listened quietly.

head down.

Looking at his own shadow under the orange streetlight, which was a little shorter than Gao Jing.

Listen to every sentence, every word she said at this moment.

What kind of fucking woman is this?


In Mei Yu's heart, she only felt an extremely strong... Ashamed of herself.

And the low self-esteem that I have never had in my life since I was a child.



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