The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and ninety-four, the lower limit has been set, and the upper limit is sought

Three days have passed since the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Chu Yao felt like a shiver after the climax, quickly entered the sage mode, and began to become bored.

The daily operation of the company takes time to settle.

The process of business is also a process of accumulation.

Suppliers and supply chain systems are being established and mature models are being explored.

The network platform is still under development, and it is estimated that the development cycle will take at least two months.

The equipment of various talents has already built a skeleton, but the flesh and blood capillaries still need to be filled.


The company is still in the stage of storing energy, and has not yet entered the explosive period.

None of this has anything to do with me.

For such a big chairman, there is no need to ask these details.

Lao Jiang is as stable as a dog.

During these three days, Chu Yao called Chu Jinyu, Guan Ju'er, and Su Yuechan into the office one by one, and gave them a lecture.


Different experience.

Especially the top ones.

Ordinary driving is driving, but driving here is like driving a speeding car.

It's just a bit of a waste.

As for Poppy, the family was going to hold a summary meeting in the first half of the year, and was recalled to Hong Kong Island for the meeting.

Sending embarrassing text messages to myself when it's time for a meeting, it's just... shameless.

Chu Yao didn't even bother to talk about her.

Or come back and get a small whip.


When you are free.

Chu Yao is also thinking,

Next step, where to go.

The Meiye platform is your lower limit, your bottom line.

But my upper limit is the peak.

From the awakening system to the present, in retrospect, Chu Yao feels that he has messed up a lot.

for example……

Become a shareholder of Lu Qifeng's company.

Another example is buying shares in Xu Yan's company.

It was not until I met Han Feng, bought a building, met Lao Jiang, and established a platform, that I was truly on the road.

However, although the previous tossing was blind, it was not in vain.

People can't make money beyond what they know.

At that moment, every decision I made must be the one that best suited the reality at that time.

To give the simplest example -

If he hadn't invested in Lu Qifeng, there was a high probability that he would not have an intersection with Jiang Zhenhua, and naturally there would be no subsequent events.

There is a theory of "useless work" in physics.

But life and career don't.

The "useless work" of each step is actually "useful work".

The first stage up to the present, can be regarded as laying the foundation.

Has been completed.

Successfully advanced to "Foundation Establishment Monk".

Now, the foundation is in place.

With experience, lessons, summary, and insight, it's time to enter the next stage.

Before entering the next stage, Chu Yao was not as impatient at the beginning, and learned five words - make a decision before acting.

The second stage, Chu Yao would like to call it "famous."

What is fame?

After thinking for a while, Chu Yao came up with a self-conscious and precise explanation.

- Reputation is social currency.

And it is often easier to use and has higher value than real currency.

It can even be reused.

It can even increase in value over time.

Just like those ancient literati, princes and generals, the highest state pursued is nothing more than leaving a name in history.

Now that I have passed the stage of making a fortune in silence, I don't need to make a fortune in silence.

All that needs to be done now is... to make a name for herself.

Principal Wang has used this idea before.

From the beginning of tearing up on Weibo, creating his own "king of dick" character, to being angry with various Internet celebrities, to being awarded the Disciplinary Inspection Committee of the entertainment industry...

Wait for the move.

There may be elements of whim, but there must also be deep meaning behind it.

Later, his live broadcast and e-sports business took off because of the two carriages of "fame" + "capital".

It's just that his fame is not advanced.

And what I have to do is to use the same objective core logic to play different flowers.

Because, I am richer than him.

Chu Yao also thought that when picking up girls in the future, only one sentence would be enough: "Hi, I'm Chu Yao."

Chu Yao has also carefully considered the strategy of becoming famous.

Work route in the entertainment industry, investing in movies, TV dramas, or others.

Celebrity brokerage route, based on big coffee entertainment, from Internet celebrities to celebrities, starts the buying mode, and picks up the food in the basket.

Comedy takes a new route, mainly in the form of "talk show", driven by capital, and quickly matures the industry.

These are the three thoughts that made me think about it some time ago.

Or it can be said that there are three entry points for one idea.

After thinking these things through, Chu Yao suddenly felt his thoughts cleared up, and started the "Spring Water Commander" mode.


Send Xu Yan a message first.

"Is the marriage and divorce over?"

"Come back to work quickly after leaving, there are a lot of things waiting for you to do."

Xu Yan: ...

The boss picks up the skin every week!

"Mr. Chu, within a week at most, it will definitely be done! If he doesn't leave, I'll hack him to death!"

Chu Yao replied: "Then you come on, I suggest you use scissors for the knife, just cut off the key parts."

Xu Yan: "(crying and laughing) (crying and laughing)".


The original office space of Daka Entertainment, the environment is not very good.

Because online celebrity incubation and live webcasting require internet access, the requirements for venues are not high, and remote areas are fine.

Now they are starting to move to the Credit Suisse Building one after another.

Because Internet celebrity + delivery + publicity can still form a synergy effect.

As for the rent over there, it's all a small amount of money, and it's just a matter of not renewing the contract when it expires.


Make sure Xu Yan.

Chu Yao opened the address book, and then looked for Tang Xiaoxing.

"Have you thought about it? When will you tell me a story?"

Tang Xiaoxing quickly replied: "(poor) (crying) please let me go."

Chu Yao continued to tease: "Then come and listen to the call, Dad, I will let you go today."


Helpless, pitiful, shivering.


Chu Yao persisted.

I took five million from myself, and I haven't done anything now, besides, I still have something to hold in my hands.

Can't get used to it.

When it's time to hit, hit, hit, hit.

After a while.

Probably in order not to leave any evidence, Tang Xiaoxing dialed the voice call, and said timidly, "My dad, he passed away a long time ago, he really passed away."

Chu Yao: ...

There was a moment of silence.

"I'm teasing you!"

"I want to ask you something. Which brokerage company did you sign with? What's the phone number of the boss? I'll talk to him."

Hearing this, Tang Xiaoxing immediately asked vigilantly: "What are you talking about?"

She was also worried that Chu Yao would disclose her affairs to the company.

"I won't talk about you, just see how the company is doing, and if it's right, I'll buy it."

Tang Xiaoxing was silent.

"It's a small company, I'll send it to you later."


Let's finish talking about this.

Chu Yao called Jiang Lingyun to the office.

She doesn't have a clear rank now, but if she can do a job, she probably belongs to the office director.

Wait for people to recruit, put up the sign of the president's office, and take charge of this work.

"President Chu..."

Jiang Lingyun yelled tremblingly, her face flushed slightly.

She is very clear.

In the past three days, all the women who entered Chu Yao's office did not end well.

I used a pack of paper towels and wet wipes in the office for three days.

She changed it in the morning.



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