The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

One hundred and ninety-five, Mr. Chu, you are a genius!

"Why are you blushing?"

Looking at this little assistant who has been loyally following him from Qifeng Technology, to Big Cafe Entertainment, to Swan Castle, and now to Credit Suisse Building, Chu Yao laughed and teased.

The relationship appears slightly subtle.

In fact, Chu Yao also thought about it at the beginning, if there is something to be done by the secretary, it's okay...

But after that time in Sanya, when he realized that he didn't seem to be very happy, Chu Yao's thoughts gradually faded away.

I haven't made it to that level yet.

Besides, this kind of "people around the office" is more... confidential than "people next to the pillow".

Let's put it this way.

The emperor made it clear that the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics.

However, if it is both the harem and the eunuch who writes in the imperial study, it will be very scary.


Hearing Chu Yao's words.

Jiang Lingyun... emmm.

Don't you know why I'm blushing?

Did you have no idea what you did?

I don't even bother to expose you!

You can still lick your face and say it!

Silently complaining in her heart, she sighed slightly, and said quietly: "Mr. Chu, you still have to pay attention to your body."

After speaking, he stuck out his tongue and shrunk his neck, looking like he was cowed after the skin had passed.

Chu Yao glared at her.

"Sit down, let's not talk about sex today, let's talk about business."

Getting up and walking towards the tea table, sitting on the sofa, Chu Yao casually patted the seat beside him, and then started making tea.

Jiang Lingyun hesitated and sat down tremblingly.

Only sitting on half of the buttocks, like a frightened bird,

As if to jump up at any time.

His eyes subconsciously glanced at the door.

Did I lock it just now?

It seems that there is no such thing.

"I want to do something else recently, so I asked you to come over for a chat, just chatting, I don't need your constructive advice, just say what comes to mind."

Chu Yao glanced at her, ignored her strange reaction, and said casually.

My current decision-making has entered deep water.

Unlike Jiang Zhenhua on the beauty industry platform, he dedicated himself to death.

No one can take you anymore.

There is no one to guide you and propose a complete set of solutions.

there is none left.

All gone.

I can only rely on myself to find a way in the dark.

I am not a reborn person, and cannot predict the future.

And decision-making is the bounden duty of the boss.

The only secret is sixteen words - bold assumptions, careful verification, brainstorming, arbitrary.

This is what I'm doing now.

"You say."

Jiang Lingyun took a deep breath and turned serious.

"First thing, do you know about talk shows?"

Chu Yao poured her a cup of tea, lit a cigarette by himself, stared at her intently, and asked.

Jiang Lingyun was startled suddenly.

A little nervous, looking at Chu Yao's face.

"I really didn't read it during working hours, I only watched it during my lunch break!"

Chu Yao: ...

Damn, how did you get into Tsinghua with this IQ?


Maybe when people are nervous, they often have intelligent extinguishing operations.

It may also be that the IQ is zero when in love?


After subconsciously rebutting a sentence, Jiang Lingyun seemed to realize that she was not telling herself, and her face turned red again.

Taking a deep breath, she organized her thoughts and spoke quickly.

"When I was in school, I liked talk shows very much. It is a very mature form of performance, which is very funny. However, it is difficult and almost impossible to do it in China."

"The jokes of talk shows mainly come from two aspects, one is politics, and the other is pornography. There is no way to talk about these two points. If you talk about it, you won't be able to broadcast it. If you broadcast it, you will be cut off."

"There are talk show conferences in China, but I found a bunch of stars who are half-black and half-white, and casually complained, chatted about Fengyue, and said some black spots that are not black spots, not even edge balls, children stuff."

Jiang Lingyun said so.

"Tucao" attitude.

This is a typical elite perspective of senior intellectuals.

Chu Yao didn't comment on her thinking first, and continued to ask with a smile: "Then what do you think is a real talk show? Take the actor who impressed you the most as an example."

Jiang Lingyun said without hesitation: "Of course it's George Carlin!"

"Say anything! Politics! Religion! Belief! God! You know how horrible it is to satirize God in a country where God is generally believed in! How many people have sent him bombs! How many people hate him , there will be more people who like him.”

this person……

Chu Yao had never heard of it.

I didn't know much about foreign countries before.

After thinking about it, Chu Yao continued to ask: "For example, what did he say? Are there any quotations?"

"Of course there is."

Jiang Lingyun opened her mouth and came: "For example, this sentence - business is neutral, sex is beautiful, so why is it illegal to sell silver?"

Chu Yao:? ? ?


A strange brain circuit.

Weird logical reasoning.

However, it seems very reasonable.

"anything else?"

Chu Yao became interested.

"Also...religion makes people believe that there is an omnipotent god in the sky, who observes everything about you all the time, and if you do something wrong, he will send you to hell full of fire and make you forever Endure pain and suffering. But God also tells you that He loves you. And, He needs money."

Jiang Lingyun said in one breath, with a half-smile, mockery in her eyes.

Of course he wasn't mocking Chu Yao.

Instead, he subconsciously imitated the tone and demeanor of George Carlin when he said this.

Chu Yao: ...

Speechless again.

Just want to say two words.

Two words about the reproductive organs of a certain animal capable of producing milk.

This kind of remarks, spoken in China, turned into three numbers in minutes, 404.

"Boss, I really don't want to do a talk show anymore. The risk is too high. I don't want to deliver meals to you."

Jiang Lingyun's serious advice.

Chu Yao smiled and glared at her.

"Meal delivery? Is it your turn?"

Jiang Lingyun: ...

Tactical serving tea.

Cover up embarrassment.

"Then what do those small talk show theaters in China talk about? Existence is reasonable. Where is their rationality?"

Chu Yao continued to ask.

This is the idea of ​​the boss.

When encountering problems, never set limits on yourself, and first figure out where the core point lies.

Jiang Lingyun thought for a moment, then said softly: "Contradictions between men and women, such things as falling in love. It's just that nonsense, talk about it over and over again, and everyone loves to hear it."

She hesitated to speak, pursed her lips, and added one more sentence.

"You know, using gender contradictions or racial contradictions or skin color contradictions to cover up deeper contradictions is a wonderful way to divert social contradictions. I'm talking about foreign countries."

Chu Yao's hands trembled.

The cigarette butt almost burned his mouth.

"Do you want to die!"

She stuck out her tongue and drank tea tactically again.

After extinguishing the smoke, Chu Yao was silent for about a minute, then waved his hands and smiled.

have to.

There is a high probability that this road cannot be taken.

In the early stage, you may still be able to hang on, gain some attention, and definitely have a little reputation.

But bigger?

Don't even think about it.

There are too many things I can do, and I really don't need to walk a tightrope.

Make a movie honestly, make a TV series, a bubble actress, a female star, isn't she popular?

This verification failed.

But not sorry.

There are many other possibilities in itself.

From the proposal of a plan to its implementation, there are countless links in the middle, which may lead to miscarriage.

It's like having a baby.

You have to learn to get used to it.


"The second thing."

Chu Yao lit a cigarette again.

Jiang Lingyun curled her lips and subconsciously waved her nose.

"Boss, if I don't, I'll buy you a cigar. At least that one doesn't fit your lungs, so it's better for your health."

Not choking either.

"Then you should buy it!"

"I've been waiting too!"

"Just beep, beep, beep! Can't I reimburse you if you bought it?"

Chu Yao smiled angrily.

But he pinched the cigarette.

The lighter is placed on the cigarette case and temporarily sealed.

With this little action, Jiang Lingyun couldn't help laughing softly, feeling a little warmth.

"Second thing, I've been pondering an idea for the past two days, an idea for a variety show, and now I tell you what's wrong with it." Variety show?

What kind of flamboyant operation is this?

You can't hit eight poles, okay?

Your thinking is too out of the ordinary, right?

Jiang Lingyun sat up straight subconsciously, raised her chest and raised her head.

Chu Yao took a look and saw the round and full arc, his eyes were a little straight.

I forgot what to say for a moment.


Jiang Lingyun coughed lightly, blushing, and solemnly reminded her.

Only then did Chu Yao come back to his senses, touched his nose, and brought his thoughts back on track.

"An investment-type reality show variety show, let's not talk about the production cost first. I give 5 million yuan as audition rewards every month, which is similar to the rewards for college students' entrepreneurial competitions. Entrepreneurs who come from auditions with projects After project review, mutual PK, and final defense, the champion of the month was selected and a bonus of 5 million yuan was awarded, which is considered venture capital."

"A audition is held every month to select the monthly champion, and twelve monthly champions are born in a year, and then the annual champion is selected based on the company's performance throughout the year. One year is one season."

"And everything, including auditions, monthly champions, company operations, establishment, recruitment, market development, and even the fight, will be recorded by the recording team, and materials will be selected from them to be broadcast as program content."

"In a word, it is to use the form of variety shows to make investments."

this time.

It was Jiang Lingyun's turn to be dumbfounded.

This... what kind of brain circuit is this?

She swallowed with some difficulty, feeling an extremely strong sense of deviantness.

Investing, how serious is it?

Variety show, what a joke?

A combination of the two?


After thinking about it, it seems that there is no problem at all with Chu Yao's conditions.

If you invest 5 million in a month, after a year, you will only die with 60 million.

Plus production costs, 40 million, almost enough.

The cost is only 100 million.

At most, 150 million.

Up to the sky, 200 million.

But what about the harvest?

Variety shows themselves have stable and mature profit channels.

Whether it is selling to video sites or placing advertisements, as long as the content is excellent and popular, there will be basically no loss, which is enough to cover the cost.

This is only second.

Most importantly, fame.

If Chu Yao wanted to invest, how many high-quality projects would come to him after the show aired?

The audition alone is enough to attract attention!

Every month, cast a two-color ball jackpot!

Advertisement slogan Jiang Lingyun has already thought up!

And Chu Yao himself, as the planner of this show, how much discussion and attention can he gain?

The rhythm of becoming famous every minute.

And it is a kind of "elegant and rational show off of wealth".

even if……

The show itself fails.

But considering the overall strategic situation, what they earn is long-term popularity.


Take another ten thousand steps back...

Those companies that received five million investment...

If it is not done, it will go bankrupt and close down, which will trigger a huge program effect and make the program popular.

But if they are successful, enter a positive cycle, and start to generate profits, Chu Yao, who is an equity investor, will naturally be able to reap more equity appreciation.


These companies themselves will also reap huge initial traffic when variety shows are broadcast.

The whole link, every aspect, is all... win!

These thoughts ran through Jiang Lingyun's mind, and for a moment, she felt astonished.

She felt an electric current flow through her mind, her whole body was numb, and goosebumps popped out.



How did he come up with such an ingenious idea?

Although, in practice, there will definitely be some troublesome places.

For example, the selection of entrepreneurs, the production of programs, and the quality control of content...

However, these are not big problems.

Spending money, or finding someone, can solve the problem.

The core logic and ideas are completely smooth and extremely brilliant.

Looking at the country, it seems that, except for Chu Yao, no one is most suitable for such a thing.

First, he can afford it.

Second, he has a long-term view.

"President Chu, you are a genius!"

After thinking about this, Jiang Lingyun's face turned even redder, as if she had just experienced a mental orgasm, and couldn't help but praise from the bottom of her heart.

Chu Yao waved his hands and smiled.

In an instant, her favorability level soared to more than eighty-five.



According to my previous experience of favorability, this is already a standard for a home run.

Chu Yao was stunned.

Three words can't help popping up in my mind - intellectual love.

The so-called intellectual love is - will have an impulse to the intelligent mind of the opposite sex, and even ignore the other party's appearance, and all other external conditions.

Many celebrities, such as Buffett, Zuckerberg, and Bill Gates, are fans of intellectual sex.

Unexpectedly, she also liked this tune.

However, it is also understandable.

After all, it is completely reasonable to worship "wisdom" with such a high degree of education and so many years of reading.

Chu Yao suddenly realized.

Unexpected, and pleasantly surprised.



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