The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Two hundred and eighty-eight, your hands are full of king bombs

the other side.

While Chu Yao was having a meeting with a group of top academics, Yu Meiren went downstairs to meet Rebus.

Rebs didn't come alone, he also brought an assistant, a middle-aged man in his forties who seemed to be in his prime.

This is one of his generals, a member of Xiaomi's board of directors and vice president of the group, Chen Dongsheng.

In charge of the field of technology and supply chain, he is considered a meritorious veteran.

Introduce each other, after greetings.

go upstairs.

According to Chu Yao's request, Yu Meiren took the two of them directly to the reception room next to the big conference room, and then said with a smile: "President Chu is having a meeting, I'll call him now."

This posture is actually a little bit high.

Under normal circumstances, when an entrepreneur of Rebs' level came, Chu Yao would have to go downstairs to greet him.

However, there are poppies, and the specifications are enough. Although it is almost interesting, it is not much worse.

Poppy came out of the room.

The two looked at each other, Chen Dongsheng took a sip from the water glass, shook his head and smiled.

"The shelf is quite big."

On the way here, the two chatted about Chu Yao all the way, and they got a clearer understanding of all aspects.

Chu Yao, a very strange path to rise.

I didn't find any information about how Chu Yao made his original accumulation, so he knew that he got rich by relying on Bitcoin.

First set up a beauty platform in Pengcheng, then took the line of the Yu family to the imperial capital, first bought collectibles worth hundreds of millions, bought a building, and cleaned up a lot of young and old.

Very tough.

very strong.

But it reveals a grain of unreasonableness.

As if out of nowhere.

Rebs smiled,

Randomly: "Geniuses, aren't they all like this?"

At least in his mind, through the last chat, he has fully recognized Chu Yao's level in the technical field.

Chen Dongsheng sighed slightly, and said with a smile, "Boss Lei, are we getting old?"


"You can't miss it."

Rebs patted his knee pointedly.

At these words, Chen Dongsheng smiled wryly for a while.

do not miss it……

These four words are what the old leader who has followed for many years has been telling him.

It is also a lesson from the past.

When he was in Jinshan, he was Rebus's subordinate.

At that time, a young man in Yangcheng had developed an email client called foxmail, which had accumulated a large number of loyal users. Rebus instructed him to negotiate an acquisition.

Chen Dongsheng felt that this software had no technical content at all, and he could make it casually if he wanted to, so he didn't take it seriously.

Later, the mail client was bought by other companies, and then was acquired by Penguin.

He was actually right.

This software did not reach a considerable height later.

However, what matters is not the software, but the people who developed it.

The developer is Zhang Xiaolong. More than ten years later, he developed a dominant software called "WeChat".

The product function is very similar to Xiaomi's "Michat", but in terms of user scale, Michat has been crushed to pieces.

The world of business...

Really, there has never been a shortage of "Thirty Years in Hedong, Thirty Years in Hexi".

The next Jack Ma, the next Rebs, is always on the way.

Maybe late, but certainly not absent.

This is the cruelest and most fascinating part of the business world.

Thinking of this, Chen Dongsheng couldn't help but smile wryly as he drank water tactically.


The door was gently pushed open.

With a bright smile on his face, Chu Yao strode in.

Poppy followed behind, holding a stack of paper documents in her hand.

"Sorry, I was in a meeting just now, it's not that I'm arrogant, it's mainly that the other side is full of young people."

Chu Yao opened the door and said.

Then he sat down next to Rebus.

Poppy also had her legs together, sitting on the other side of him, like a well-behaved secretary.

"Understand, understand, what kind of young man?"

Rebs asked with a smile.

"As for the lab I mentioned last time, they are all top students from the world's top universities. I plan to recruit a group here. It is estimated that there will be 1,000 positions, and the annual salary will be more than 2 million at the beginning. They will study some interesting things."

Chu Yao controlled the rhythm of the topic and brought it to the direction he wanted to go.

Hearing this, the two were silent for a few seconds.

Chen Dongsheng praised, "Great skill."

Inevitably, there are waves in the heart.

so rich!

It is basically impossible for Xiaomi to play like this. After all, a listed company has to be responsible for shareholders and performance, and its own profit margin is really not high.

Huawei was the first to engage in this in China.

This is one of the benefits of Huawei's non-listing. It can control the R\u0026D expenditure at a nearly terrifying ratio, which completely violates normal business rules.

But it is precisely because of this that Huawei has achieved its current achievements.

Capital will crazily grab profits, but it will never think about actively distributing profits.

Use the money you get for research and development?


Doesn't the young model of the club smell delicious?

"What is President Chu going to study?"

Rebus asked in a deep voice.

Chu Yao was waiting for his words, took the document from Yu Meiren's hand, and distributed a copy to the two of them.

The two immediately concentrated on checking.

It is a very simple PPT.

Only the title.

It's just that the title of each page is shocking enough.

——BMS, battery management system.

——Variable structure control, fuzzy control, neural network, adaptive control, expert control, genetic algorithm.

——HP3564 carbon fiber material.

——HCR1466 aluminum alloy material.

- Nanoscale sensors for energy management systems.

- Cobalt-free batteries.

- All solid state battery.


Every technology written above can be said to be the key core technology of new energy vehicles.

Some of them have been technically realized, and some have not yet been realized.

"What does it mean?"

Chen Dongsheng frowned slightly.

Who wouldn't make a technical list?

You have to be able to land.

However, it is almost impossible to implement all these technologies.

Take what is listed here, and give the simplest example - cobalt-free batteries.

Now general-purpose new energy batteries, whether it is ternary lithium or lithium iron phosphate, need to use the most core element, cobalt.

However, the output of cobalt ore is extremely limited and the price is quite expensive, which is a key factor restricting the cost of batteries.

Therefore, some companies have begun to study cobalt-free batteries.

Two or three years ago, Tesla and Panasonic jointly funded and started this research project, but until now, there is still no news of any progress.

There are also other laboratories in China that are doing research, but there is also no progress.

How easy is it to achieve a technological breakthrough?

But as long as it breaks through, it will be a golden mountain of unpredictable value in that minute, and it will cause a dimensionality reduction blow to other competitors who are not on the same plane at all.

Hearing his questioning tone, Chu Yao still had a smile on his face.

The voice suddenly became stronger.

"It means... what you hold in your hand is a handful of bombs."



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