The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Two hundred and ninety, mathematics driving method

Chu Yao's "difficult to consider" at this moment is naturally an old routine of playing hard to get.

However, it is still necessary.

It was too easy to agree, it was like a joke.

Since you want to play, then do a full set.

After this conversation, Chu Yao couldn't help feeling emotional.

——Doing business is really too difficult.

There are too many links in all aspects, and the chain of interests involved is too wide.

Moreover, there can be no mistakes in any place, which makes people very troubled and exhausted.

We still haven't talked about the issue of money, and we haven't started purchasing, selling, and collecting payments. It's really annoying to think about that process.

In the field of industry, the problem of "triangular debt" has always been a persistent problem. This was the case with the wave of bankruptcies in the 1990s, and it is still not easy now.

Fortunately, with Xiaomi in front and Rebs facing the wind, you can just sit on the ground and count the money.


Next, Chu Yao chatted with them for several hours, had dinner together, and confirmed various details in detail.

The entire project is calculated on the basis of a total investment of tens of billions.

Chu Yao invested 500 million yuan, accounting for 33% of the shares, and the rest was calculated as technical shares.

Xiaomi invested 4.5 billion, accounting for 34% of the shares.

After all, since technology is needed, it is reasonable to spend more money.

The other shares will be shared by the industry chain companies.

For every one percent of the shares, calculated at a price of 100 million, Xiaomi can advance funds for supply chain companies in the early stage, and use finished products to offset the price in the later stage.

The company is established according to the structure of AB shares, and the equity and voting rights are exercised separately.

Xiaomi owns 67 percent of the voting power.

But Chu Yao held a veto.

after all,

As the company develops, most of the time, it is still up to Rebs to make decisions. He is also the chairman, and he has direct and full authority to make decisions big and small.

I don't have the thought, nor the energy to do these things.

It's enough for An An to be a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind while retaining the ability to fight back.

In the future, if it is really going to collapse, it is not impossible to divide the family.

Anyway, equity and voting rights are separate.

They took this matter as their own career.

But I am not.

I don't have that kind of emotion.

In addition to the equity contract, under the witness of the legal counsel of both parties, many supplementary agreements and a two-way gambling agreement were also signed at the same time.

Chu Yao must confirm that key technologies can be implemented within one to three years.

this is necessary.

If the technology cannot be achieved and the product cannot be manufactured, then everything we are talking about now will be meaningless.

On the Xiaomi side, it is necessary to ensure the performance standards and market share in the first three years of mass production, and the market share shall not be less than 5%, 7%, and 10% respectively.

Products are manufactured and sold.

If they can't sell it, it is equivalent to tossing for nothing.


This is a relatively fair contract that avoids the smooth progress of cooperation to the greatest extent, and uses the system to both constrain and motivate the behavior of all interested parties.

Chu Yao was very satisfied with the result.

And there is a strong sense of accomplishment.

With my own strength, I interfered and affected Xiaomi's car-making strategy, and forcibly got a foot in it.

And, successfully achieve all your goals.

In addition to possible future financial returns.

The biggest gain is the rationalization path of "genius".

And backed by Xiaomi's influence, it has entered the entire industrial chain.

This is a breakthrough from 0 to 1.

And from the very beginning, the starting point was very high.

With such a complicated project, many of my own "research" can be brought out naturally.

At the same time, Qipa Science and Technology Laboratory can also use this to get on the right track and take the first step steadily.

After all, when people are recruited, they always have to work.

Without a project, it may not take long before the team's hearts will be scattered, even if it is to send money.

After all, these academic masters value both money and self-realization.

For most, the latter is perhaps more important than the former.


One seed falls, and the whole board lives.


"I really can't see through you now. What is in your big head?"


In the courtyard of the courtyard, Chu Yao, Yu Meiren, and Chu Jinyu were eating watermelon and chatting.

Feel free to chat.

Poppy asked with a slightly puzzled smile, her face full of curiosity.

I really can't figure it out.

The change in Chu Yao's temperament can still be traced. After all, so many things have happened, it is normal for the mentality to change.


How to explain the rapid progress of technological strength?

She really didn't know much about this before, and she didn't know at all that Chu Yao would have such a high attainment in the technical field.

Those management systems, batteries, fluid mechanics principles...

She sounds like she has a headache.

But Chu Yao spoke clearly and logically, and even the professionals were impressed by it.

I really understand!

"Why don't you open it and have a look?"

"See if it's red? Or white?"

Chu Yao dug a spoonful of watermelon and said with a smile.

The span is indeed a bit large.

Can't explain.

Then simply change the subject.

However, they had to get used to their "genius" first.

The road to genius starts with the people around you.

If you can't even "fool" the people next to your pillow, how can you deal with the general public?

"Chu Yao was already very smart, but his EQ was too high before, and he never showed his IQ. After all, whoever has a high EQ, who doesn't have a high IQ?"

Chu Jinyu ate the watermelon in small bites, now wiped her mouth, and said sweetly.

Really good at chatting.

Chu Yao glanced at her approvingly.

"IQ is high, but you have to have time to learn it. How can you do it if you don't learn?"

Poppy broke the casserole and asked the end.

"Who said I didn't learn? I often went to Tsinghua University some time ago..."

Chu Yao said casually, halfway through, and then stopped suddenly, feeling a little bit about to miss the point.

However, after thinking about it, I have already missed it, and it doesn't matter if it continues to be missed.

Immediately pointing at Chu Jinyu, he smiled and said, "The girl she mentioned is from Tsinghua University. I really thought I was going to pick up girls. I was an academic exchange!"

Mentioning this, Poppy became interested.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and moved his head closer: "What kind of communication method? Knowledge can still be transmitted through...sexuality?"

Chu Yao: ...

Can't help laughing out loud.

Not to mention, this statement, this metaphor, sounds quite vivid.

Glancing at her sideways, he smiled and said, "Can't you just try it?"

"You both can try."


this night.

There is the concept of sets in mathematics.

Large collections can contain small collections.

A set containing three "element items", since all have been established.

The set containing two element items is naturally also fully established.


before bed.

This metaphor inexplicably popped up in Chu Yao's mind.


In the eyes of old drivers, even boring mathematics can still drive.



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