The Richest Man Starts From Falling In Love

Three hundred and forty-seven, Shangfeng Shangshui

Chapter 349

While chatting and laughing, the two had already arrived at the place.

The most luxurious real estate in the city's top location, Xiangmi Lake No. 1.

It is no exaggeration to say that those who can live here are either rich or expensive.

The status of Xiangmi Lake No. 1 in the world of luxury houses is comparable to that of Tang Chen in Shanghai, and the Pangu Grand View in the imperial capital is even higher than that of Jinmao Mansion.

Although Chu Yao has always been Buddhist, but at this moment, he still couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It would be a lie to say that you are not moving.

Greed, possession, indulgence, and enjoyment are human instincts.

Even though I have already balanced my desires in many aspects, but at this stage, it is still logical, and it is a matter of course, to move in.

As for cars and houses, Chu Yao's view on consumption has always been—on the premise of not considering paying for money, buying these things doesn't require any effort, just like buying vegetables in a supermarket, when you can afford them at will, then buy them.

Although, from the perspective of wealth appreciation and real estate investment, this concept is probably incorrect.

However, having money is right.

This residential area has natural ecological resources in an excellent location, and is integrated with the surrounding buildings. Every house can be called a top-notch work, almost a work of art.

In this environment, I feel that the whole person is a little bit relaxed and happy.

Entering the house, there is an indoor swimming pool with clear water.

Jiang Zhenhua had already hired a cleaning team, and they were busy in an orderly manner, and they had already entered the final stage.

The swimming pool used to be connected to the covered bridge, and only then did we officially enter the door.

The hollow hall, luxurious crystal lamps, natural marble circular stone steps, and all wooden furniture reveal ingenuity everywhere.

It is also equipped with a full set of smart home, as well as central ventilation, air conditioning, air purification and garbage disposal systems.

"Whose place was this before?"

Chu Yao couldn't help but ask.

Even in the mansion area, this house is definitely a mansion. It is high-end and elegant, but also very livable. There are only two words left in my mind.

— Fuck.

For the first time, I felt that the house could still be built like this.

never seen it.

I've actually bought it before.

Perhaps the only one I've ever seen,

Just in the frame of the movie, such as Iron Man's seaside cliff mansion.

Although the geographical location of this building is not that outstanding, the level of care inside is not bad at all.

"The first home owner was the boss of the Zhonghai Department, and the Zhonghai Department is the developer here. It is said that the Feng Shui was tested by a master before the opening. , no problem."

"Later, the boss reluctantly gave up his love and transferred it to a certain leader of the exchange. After the term of office expired, the leader went straight to the center, so he transferred the house again. Afterwards, no one lived there. After several twists and turns, he fell into in the hands of the bank."

"Old Han got it, redecorated it, and changed everything, but the core idea remained the same. On the basis of taking into account the Feng Shui pattern, many scientific elements were incorporated. It is said that the design cost was several million. "

"I originally planned to keep it for my own retirement, but now it's unnecessary, so I simply borrow flowers to present to Buddha."

Jiang Zhenhua explained in detail.

This house is sure to be a good house.

In all fairness, he himself was a little moved.

Living in such an environment, living in such an environment every day, will feel extremely enjoyable when you think about it.

If you can maintain a good mood, you will naturally be more motivated and efficient in doing things.

"Old Han? What's the situation?"

Chu Yao's heart moved, and he asked again.

No need?

What's the meaning?

I haven't had much contact with Han Feng recently, and I don't know what this man is up to lately. Anyway, it is said that he is quite busy, and he keeps his feet on the ground all day long.

"He may have to make a move and enter the head office, at least a board seat. As for where he can go in the end, it depends on fate."

Jiang Zhenhua laughed.

He is happy from the bottom of his heart that his old friend can make progress in his career.

The director of the head office and the head of the municipal governor are not at the same level at all.

The difference between cloud and mud.

Even the city-level governor belongs to the front line. He only has to execute and give feedback on the various orders issued by the headquarters, and basically does not have much say.

But as a director, the weight of words is quite different.

One of the top ten big men in the East China Sea Banking Department.

Although he has lost his status as a "big border official", he can control part of the personnel power and have the power to influence and even determine the strategic goals and capital flow of the entire company.

What's more, once you become a director, it is customary to be in charge of the company's business in the entire South China region.

Very powerful.

After hearing what Jiang Zhenhua had said, Chu Yao nodded lightly, with excitement on his brows.

Donghai Bank is also one of its medium and long-term goals.

The higher Han Feng climbed, the greater the possible benefits in the future would naturally be.

It's not about letting him eat inside and out.

Just better matchmaking.

After chatting for a few words, Chu Yao didn't continue the topic, and suggested to Jiang Zhenhua with a smile: "Swim for two laps?"

It's really interesting.

There is a feeling of spring breeze.

Although the previous Swan Castle also had a swimming pool, it belonged to the clubhouse.

Now, this is his own private swimming pool, no matter the length or width, it is completely enough, and he can make waves as he wants.

— Cadre test warning.

Come to think of it, it's quite exciting.

Jiang Zhenhua smiled at Chu Yao's proposal, but did not refuse.

So the two changed their swimming trunks, jumped into the water together, and swam according to their own rhythm.

Although he has reached middle age, Jiang Zhenhua's figure is still quite good, and his physical strength is also abundant. He swam down four consecutive laps, panting heavily, watching Chu Yao continue to perform, like white stripes in the waves.



Gao Jing, who had been carefully helped up to the "third floor" by the three of them, stood in front of the wooden railing, watching this scene with a smile, and her mood was beyond words.

Then her phone rang suddenly.

Mobile phones are always with you.

In fact, when I was in the car just now, Gao Jing curiously asked professionals whether mobile phone radiation might have adverse effects on pregnancy?

The answer is naturally no.

This dose of radiation is not radiation at all.

Whether it is a mobile phone, or WiFi, or a variety of other electronic product signals, there is absolutely no such thing as "radiation hurting the body".

The "anti-radiation suits for pregnant women" that are openly sold on the Internet are nothing more than an IQ tax in a sense.

Taking advantage of the mentality that if one person is pregnant and the whole family cares about it, they will be chaotic, and make friends out of nothing, and create a hot sale, which will result in extremely high profits.

The nature of its products is similar to that of men's kidney treasure products.

It has no practical effect, or in other words, the actual effect is minimal, but in many cases, it can have very good psychological benefits.

The caller ID is Poppies.

After Gao Jing connected, there was a laughing and teasing voice from Meiren Poppy on the other end of the phone.

"Big belly?"

"You can."

"Quietly, hold back a big move."



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