The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1515: Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you.

The next morning, Yang Fei came to Meili Primary School and found the office where the female teacher was.

"Boss Yang! Hello!" The female teacher stood up in surprise and looked at Yang Fei, "Are you here to see Li Yanan? She is not here."

"No, I'm looking for you."

"Looking for me? What's the matter?"

Yang Fei said: "What do you think of this job?"

"Huh? Okay, very good."

"Do you still want to continue working?"

"Of course, if I don't work here, where else can I go?"

"That's good."

"Boss Yang, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, just chatting casually. I heard that the fish heads you make are delicious?"

"It's okay, just so-so."

"I have guests to entertain at noon. Can you come to my house and help me make a fish head?"

"Didn't your family hire a nanny?"

"Haha, the fish heads they make are not as delicious as yours. If you are busy, forget it."

"If you're not busy, I can go."

"Okay, I must come at noon."

"You have guests to entertain at noon. Can I steam the fish heads in advance?"

"That's better. That's it, I'm leaving."

"Boss Yang, walk slowly."

Yang Fei waved his hand and left.

At noon, the female teacher came to Yang Fei's house and helped steam a fish head.

She saw that there were many people in the Yang family, including three or four in the kitchen!

She couldn't help but wonder, with so many people, couldn't they even steam a fish head? Are you eager to ask me to make fish heads?

Could it be that the fish heads I made are really famous?

After she finished making the fish head, Yang Fei thanked her and asked her to stay for dinner. She quickly refused, saying that there were still people at home and she had to go home to cook.

After saying that, she left.

In the afternoon, she came to school for class and suddenly realized that many of her colleagues were pointing fingers at her and making small talk behind her back.

Soon, rumors reached her ears.

Some people were spreading rumors that she was fawning over Yang Fei, and in order to please Yang Fei, she eagerly ran to Yang Fei's house and sent her to his door. Unfortunately, Yang Fei kicked her out again to see if she would get in.

After hearing this, the female teacher couldn't help but get so angry that her orifices were filled with smoke!

She defended loudly, saying that she just helped Yang Fei make a fish head, why do you talk so nonsense?

Everyone laughed and said that Yang Fei had several nannies at home! Let alone others, isn’t the fish head made by sister-in-law Qingqing better than yours? who do you think You Are? Yang Fei still has to ask you to make fish heads?

The female teacher couldn't argue, she was so anxious that she burst into tears. She kept saying, I really just made a fish head! I literally just made a fish head!

However, the more she defended herself, the more everyone laughed at her and made harsh and unpleasant remarks.

The female teacher ran to Yang Fei’s house angrily.

She wanted to ask Yang Fei to come forward to clarify the facts for her.

Yang Fei held his daughter in his arms and sat in the living room. He asked without raising his eyelids: "Is your reputation important?"

"Of course it's important! You and I have nothing to do with each other! I just made a fish head for you! Why do they say that about me?"

"Your reputation is important, so is Li Yanan's reputation important?"

"Ah? Of course, it's also important."

"I went to Sister Li's house to sit for a while, and you saw me, so you spread the news outside and said how I was doing with Sister Li. Have you ever thought about her reputation? Now, you come to my house and make a fish head. Others Do you know you can't stand it when you say this?"

The female teacher was stunned and lowered her head in shame.

Yang Fei said: "If you want me to help you clarify, I can promise you, but I have a condition. Just take it back if you make rumors about Li Yanan! Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you! Understand. ?"

The female teacher Weiwei said quietly: "I know I was wrong, and I know what to do."

Yang Fei waved his hand: "Go!"

The female teacher left in shame.

The rumors about Li Yanan were finally cleared up.

Yang Fei also personally came forward to help the female teacher clarify the facts.

He only used one trick to make a fish head and helped Li Yanan get rid of the rumor scourge.

After staying in Taohua Village for two days, Yang Fei had been paying attention to the changes in the stock market.

Although the Chen family does not need Yang Fei's help, Yang Fei wants to know the progress of the entire incident.

What surprised him was that several stocks of the Chen family did not fluctuate greatly.

Has Gao Yi not taken action yet?

Information in the year 2000 was far less circulated than in later generations.

Although the Internet has gradually developed, it relies too much on computers, and the price of computers is too unfriendly to the people. Therefore, the Internet at that time was not popular enough.

Yang Fei is in a small ravine, but he keeps track of world affairs through computers and mobile phones.

The ancients said that a scholar can know the world without going out. In today's highly modernized world, it can really be realized.

Yang Fei was worried that Gao Yi would make other moves, so he called Chen Ruoling to ask.

Chen Ruoling's cell phone kept ringing, but no one answered.

This weird atmosphere made Yang Fei even more worried.

He called Chen Shaohua again, but no one answered.

Su Tong knew that he was a busy man and did not leave him alone. On Wednesday afternoon, he sent him to the car back to Shanghai.

Yang Fei arrived at the provincial capital first.

He thought that somewhere in this city, he had a home, a gorgeous and warm home, and he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

Although he only spent two days in this home, Yang Fei developed an unusual emotion for it.

When he was with Chen Ruoling, Yang Fei was relaxed, happy, and even happier.

And all this is exactly what he expected marriage to be like.

When two people are together, even the occasional quarrel is sweet.

Unfortunately, this kind of happiness is too short-lived, as elusive as the flowers in the mirror.

The Boeing 757 took off smoothly and rose to an altitude of several thousand meters.

The city becomes small before your eyes.

Yang Fei tried to find the location of his home, but couldn't find it.

It was already past seven o'clock in the evening when we arrived at Shanghai International Airport.

Chen Mo and his people came to pick him up.

After getting in the car, Chen Mo first reported on the work of the past few days, and then said: "A big event happened. The Gao family suddenly sold the 666 Company and transferred it to other people."

"Oh? The 666 Company has changed hands again? Where is Gao Qin?"

"Gao Qin left Shang Hai. "

"Who's taking over?"

"It's a French retail company. The 666 shopping mall has changed its name to this French shopping mall. What's the name of Flogo?"


Yang Fei pondered, what kind of trick was Gao Yi playing?

Could it be that he doesn't have enough funds and is he trying to find a way to cash out the funds to use against the Chen family?

The Gao family was originally an investor and was not experienced in operating industries. After they took over the 666 Company, they were tricked by Yang Fei and suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the Gao family to sell their shares in 666 Company.

Yang Fei was a little surprised that this opponent left so quickly.

In any case, the Gao family was defeated and Yang Fei won!

This is something to be happy about.

As for the war between the Gao family and the Chen family, as long as Yang Fei doesn't interfere, what does it have to do with him?

Yang Fei's only regret is that the former retail brand 666 has come to an end!

Life is like this, some leave and some come, the old and the new change, and the comings and goings become the past and the present.


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