The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1516 Cruel!

Yang Fei sat in the office and looked at the computer screen in front of him.

There are several stocks that Yang Fei is paying attention to.

Since the opening of the market today, the stock price has fluctuated up and down, and then directly dropped to the limit. It was all green and never improved again.

Chen Mo stood beside him and asked, "Yang Fei, we didn't buy these stocks."

Yang Fei held his chin with his hand and said in a deep voice: "These are the stocks that Gaoyi is targeting."

Chen Mo said: "Gao Yi? I don't know which unlucky guy has been targeted by him again. This is going to be terrible."

Yang Fei glanced at her and said nothing.

The Gao family waited until today to make their efforts. They must have been making relevant preparations in the past two days, maybe raising funds, maybe trying their best to short these companies.

Hostile takeovers will definitely trigger counterattacks from listed companies through additional stock issuances, poison pill plans and other measures.

But what if it’s not a hostile takeover?

Because Gaoyi’s purpose is not to acquire these companies, but to defeat them!

Then the methods he can use will be more and more complex!

When making plans for an acquisition target, you always need to be cautious. After all, if the target loses too much, the meaning of the acquisition will be lost.

The destruction battle is completely different. You can just bomb it indiscriminately without worrying about whether it will beat the target to pieces.

The most common method is to create panic among investors and trigger them to sell stocks by spreading rumors or maliciously buying and selling large amounts of stocks.

Once a selling effect occurs and followers of the scenery gather, the stock will decline.

This was the method used when trading Sino-Ocean Industrial.

Most investors follow blindly. They do not understand the laws of the financial market, nor do they know how to analyze the trend of stocks, let alone pay attention to the financial reports of the companies to which the stocks belong. In their eyes, they only see red and green on the screen.

When you see a stock rising, you know it is going up, so follow the trend and buy.

If the stock turns green, needless to say, it must have fallen, so sell it quickly.

If it is just a temporary rise or fall, investors can still hold on.

However, if it falls again and again and falls below the psychological defense line, investors will sell wildly.

This is the same as a bank run.

The more people sell, the fewer people will buy, unless someone is malicious and waits for the stock to fall to buy.

Otherwise, if there is only selling but no buying, then the stock will be relegated to the sidelines and eventually become a junk stock.

It is not uncommon for some listed companies to lose half of their market value overnight.

Chen Mo also paid attention to the rise and fall of these stock prices.

"Ah, no one is buying it!" she said. "Will these stocks be as miserable as Sino-Ocean Industrial and be suspended or even delisted?"

Yang Feidao: "If no one rescues the market, these stocks will be even worse than Sino-Ocean Industrial. Sino-Ocean Industrial was eventually promoted, but these stocks will not be acquired by anyone, they will only be abandoned."

Chen Mo said: "Then why didn't their company save him?"

Yang Fei said: "Do you think there is no rescue? The stock price has been ups and downs before.

This is bailing out the market. However, as the stock price gets lower and lower, the funds invested will be infinitely diluted. When the stock price is 100 yuan per share, 1 billion is invested and 10 million shares are purchased. When the stock price fell to 50 yuan, the 1 billion invested directly shrank by half, and then fell again, and then shrunk again. "

"Then this is a bottomless pit! The competition is about which side has stronger funds and strength?"

"Yes, what matters is strength."

The two talked without taking their eyes off the screen.

The stock price chart suddenly fluctuates again!

"There is a large amount of buying!" Chen Mo said, "Are these shareholders trying to save the market?"

Yang Fei hummed: "It's possible. It's also possible that other funds think it's profitable and want to take advantage of it."

The stock price slowly rose by two dollars, then fell again.

Just like a stone thrown into a lake, it makes a splash and then makes no sound.

Yang Fei took a look at the transaction data. Someone just invested 30 million, which is just a bit of a bubble!

So cruel!

Chen Mo said: "It's really amazing. Tens of millions are locked up again."

Yang Fei said: "This is a continuous battle, and that's probably it for today."

He really wanted to make a phone call to ask about the situation, but he knew that the call would be in vain. It could be seen from the stock market that the Chen family must be in dire straits at the moment!

The drop in stock prices appears as green on the screen.

It looks like it's just a change in the data.

But for listed companies, the continuous decline in stock prices is meaningful and will trigger a series of chain reactions.

For a listed company, if the stock price drops sharply, it won't last long and it doesn't matter.

However, if the decline in the stocks of listed companies becomes a trend, the listed companies will also be hit hard.

First of all, if the stock price of a listed company plummets, its market value shrinks significantly, and unfortunately it becomes a low-priced stock, it can easily be acquired and merged by other companies. Because you have fallen so cheaply, I can easily become your controlling shareholder.

This is what stock investors are familiar with as the "Bao-Wan Controversy."

Vanke A's stock price was undervalued, which triggered the acquisition by Baoneng Group. Vanke's largest shareholder almost belonged to Baoneng.

Secondly, a sharp drop in stocks will affect the refinancing of listed companies.

The price of refinancing of listed companies is "linked" to the stock price in the secondary market.

In the event of a sharp decline, the refinancing amount of listed companies will be affected, and will generally shrink.

In severe cases, refinancing can only be stopped.

The impact this has on the development of listed companies is self-evident.

If the stocks issued through additional rights issues always fall below the price of additional rights issues, how can we raise funds from the market in the future?

Because no one dares to buy your additional shares.

Thirdly, the decline in the stock price of listed companies may directly trigger the liquidation of equity pledges.

In the past, shareholders of some listed companies, in order to facilitate financing, pledged their shares and obtained financing. After maturity, they only needed to return the principal and interest.

Faced with a drop in stock prices, major shareholders will face the risk of liquidation if they are unable to provide new pledged stocks or fail to redeem their stocks in a timely manner.

By then, at least the major shareholder's control over the listed company will weaken, or at worst, the major shareholder will change.

The last and most important impact.

The level of stock prices is related to the image of a company.

To put it bluntly, stock price reflects the value of a listed company.

If the stock price falls for a long time and the market value shrinks significantly, it will damage the image of the listed company. This will make people think that something must have happened to the listed company, and they will no longer trust its products.

Once a vicious cycle occurs, products cannot be sold, the market is depressed, and the stock price will fall. In the end, it can only be delisted, and the company will fall into operating difficulties.

Why is Moutai’s stock price so high?

It is the representative of white horse stocks.

If the product is in short supply and the price remains high, the stock will be favored by investors, and the stock price will naturally rise.

Therefore, in order to prevent the stock price from falling, major shareholders of listed companies often use cash to buy back their own stocks to support the stock price, give confidence to small and medium-sized shareholders, and reassure their customers.

However, if the stock price cannot be supported, it will face disaster!

This is what the Chen family is encountering now.

Unless there is a god-level figure, wearing golden armor, stepping on colorful auspicious clouds, and coming to rescue the market with hundreds of millions of funds!


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