The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1563: Is my life worth 100,000?

The mouse followed Yang Fei into the office.

"Tell me about it!" Yang Fei said as he took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack.

"Master Fei, the truck driver confessed that he took people's money to help them out of trouble."

"Did he say who he was going to eliminate the disaster for?"

"He said he was a man wearing a peaked cap. He was very thin and wore a mask. He couldn't tell his exact appearance. He charged them 50,000 yuan and said that if he killed someone, they could give him an additional 50,000 yuan."

"Hey! My life, Yang Fei, is worth a hundred thousand?"

"The truck driver didn't even know who you were. After I told him, he was so scared that he peed on the spot. He cried and knelt on the ground, begging us to let him go."

"I, Yang Fei, can scare him to death? Then other people's lives are not lives? Does he dare to kill?"

"Master Fei, he's just a coward. He hit the truck a few times and then he didn't dare to hit him again. He didn't get the job done and took other people's money, so he went to hide in the suburbs. That meat factory, It was opened by a fellow countryman. He is an unemployed vagrant, and he usually does some thief and sneaky things. He has a certain reputation, so he was used and bribed. It is estimated that the people who bought him to commit crimes did not know that he only dared to be a thief. "

"Are there no other clues?"

"Not yet."

"You can't believe what this person says. Let's let him go first and follow him for a while. When he feels safe, he might go to the person who paid for the murder. The person who paid for the murder has paid He won’t give up here and will definitely contact him again.”

"Understood, Master Fei."

"Okay, go ahead."

Mouse exited just in time to see Jiang Wanxia coming over.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang." Mouse greeted.

Jiang Wanxia smiled slightly and knocked on the door of Yang Fei's office gracefully.

"Please come in." Yang Feigang sat down and turned on the computer.

Jiang Wanxia walked in and said with a smile: "Hello, boss."

Yang Fei said: "Mr. Jiang, please sit down and talk."

Before the conversation started, Yidai came over to distribute newspapers and letters.

Yang Fei saw that he had several letters, one of which was express delivery.

After Yidai went out, Yang Fei picked up the letter and took a look at it.

What surprised him was that there was only the recipient's address and name on the envelope, but no information about the sender.

He did not open it immediately and read it, but put the letter aside and said, "Mr. Jiang, I invite you to come over to discuss the company's attendance matters."

"Attendance?" Jiang Wanxia said with a smile, "No one seems to be arriving late or leaving early recently, right?"

"That's not what I mean," Yang Fei crossed his fingers and placed them on the table naturally, saying, "I don't think the current attendance system is reasonable. Can a new attendance method be adopted?"

"Isn't electronic clock-in advanced? You only need to swipe the employee card, which is already very fast. Many companies are still using the most primitive manual clock-in! However, I heard that some foreign companies use fingerprint clock-in. Should we introduce it? Come?" Jiang Wanxia's inherent thinking,

Still going around in circles about clocking in.

Yang Fei said: "Apart from punching in, do we have no other way to record attendance and assess workload?"

Jiang Wanxia finally understood her boss's intention and said, "Isn't this a bit difficult?"

Yang Feidao: "We are in an era of explosive knowledge and information. This is an era of rapid development, with rapid changes. In the past, there was a generation in ten years, but now it is a generation in two to three years or even one year. The future is In the era of mobile Internet, I believe that this huge network connecting the world will change the way people communicate."

Jiang Wanxia nodded and said: "What the boss said makes sense. Five years ago, there were very few companies that could use computers to work. Now, there are very few companies that don't use computers."

Yang Feidao: "However, most companies still follow the management model that has been used since the last century. As a result, corporate management costs are getting higher and higher, and talents are increasingly withering, resulting in increasingly poor competitiveness."

Jiang Wanxia said: "So? Are we going to change the existing attendance model?"

Yang Feidao: "Birth, old age, sickness and death are the laws of growth for all things, and they also apply to the development of enterprises. Those enterprises that attribute their decline to external factors are not aware of their own problems. Our manufacturing industry is losing talent, and the industry is becoming increasingly unstable. What is the reason for the boom? Except for a few external factors, I think it is mostly due to internal reasons. Mr. Jiang, you are the director of the human resources department. What kind of company can retain talents? "

Jiang Wanxia smiled and said, "You want me to tell the truth?"

"Of course, please speak."

"Well, the salary is high, the working environment is good, the management is loose, and there is no strict hierarchy. - I'm talking about my thoughts. So people like me are not suitable for the system. Because I don't like it. Strict hierarchical system. To be honest, I liked my previous job very much, which was the job I had when I was the director of human resources department. Because I am the boss, I only need to be responsible to you, and I have the final say on everything else. .”

"Mr. Jiang, I heard that you still have objections to the reorganization of the personnel organization."

"No, I don't have an objection to the reorganization of the human resources department. I may, just, not be used to the way of working here. Working from nine to five, clocking in and out, I feel like I live just to clock in these two times every day. Then I just sit and wait for my salary.”

"Hahaha!" Yang Fei couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Wanxia said slightly annoyed, "You asked me to tell the truth, but I told you and you laughed at me again."

Yang Fei waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'm not laughing at you, I just think that your living situation is a true reflection of every employee. Every morning, you rush to the check-in point and clock in, and then look forward to getting off work?"

"Otherwise? By the way, there is also dinner! This is a major event in life! Getting off work at noon is also what we are looking forward to!"


Jiang Wanxia pursed her lips and smiled: "However, all companies are doing this, and the life of working people is like this. There is nothing to criticize."

Yang Fei said: "So, what does your ideal job look like? Including the environment, status, management system, etc., do you have any ideas?"

Jiang Wanxia said: "Of course I have ideas, but I can only think about it."

"It's okay, let's talk and listen. Those who speak are not guilty, but those who hear are warned."

"Free, relaxed and harmonious, everyone regards work as their hobby and ideal, and treats every job as their own thing to complete. Going to work is not only a necessity of life, but also a necessity of spirit. Instead of like now, Just for a paycheck.”

Yang Fei nodded and said: "Very good, then let's work hard to create such an ideal environment!"

Jiang Wanxia thought Yang Fei was joking, so she flipped her hair and said with a smile: "How can this be possible? I'm just talking, boss, don't take it seriously."

Yang Fei said seriously: "I'm not kidding you. I invited you here just to study the reform of the attendance system! Not only the attendance system, but also the creation of the entire working environment and atmosphere. I would like to make some suggestions here, please Jiang Total reference.”

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