The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1631 Do you dare to isolate yourself from the world and be alone?

Yang Fei had to make another trip, go home and get the medicine before delivering it.

After a lot of back and forth, I delivered the medicine to Baiyun Temple in time for dinner in the evening.

After delivering medicine several times in a row, Yang Fei thought that Li Zhengyang's mother would come out to meet her, right?

As a result, they lived in seclusion and only asked Xiaoyu to send a message saying that they had worked hard.

It is indeed hard work. In exchange for these three words, the hard work is not in vain.

After feasting at Baiyun Temple in the evening, Yang Fei took Li Juan down the mountain.

Of course, Li Juan knew the identity of the temple owner. When Yang Fei went home to ask for medicine, she had been in the temple chatting with the temple owner.

Her trip up the mountain was probably not just about climbing for fitness.

"Where do you live? Let me take you home!" Yang Fei asked her.

Li Juan didn't know what she was thinking. He asked twice before she replied: "I don't want to go home."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Then where are you going?"


"Miss, I'm not a taxi driver. You can't just get in the car and say something casual, and then I'll take you around the city three times, right?"

"You are quite humorous! You are better than Li Yi in this regard."

"Why do you keep comparing me to him?"

"Because you are all the same kind of people."

"What kind of people?"

"They're just the same kind of people anyway."

The car quickly went down the mountain, and Yang Fei asked her again: "You have to tell me a place so I can take you there, right?"

"I want to see the sea."

"Please, it's so late. If you drive to the beach, you probably won't be able to enjoy the magnificent sea view. How about going to see the sea tomorrow?"

"Don't you have a yacht? You can't look at the sea from the yacht?"

"Who told you I have a yacht?"

"Bubble number?"

"You seem to know a lot about me?"

"do not understand you,

How to be your blind date? "

"What?" Yang Fei's feet slipped and he almost stepped on the accelerator and brake at the same time!

"Hey, stay calm. Li Yi is much better than you at this point. His driving skills are no worse than those of professional racing drivers!"

"My driving skills are not bad either. Give me a track and I can drive at a speed of 250 miles."

"Tch! Is it just your car? The speed limit of your car is 250 kilometers per hour, which is not the same concept as 250 miles, okay? Mile is the transliteration of mile, and one mile is equal to 1.609 kilometers."


"Didn't you say that you are a PhD student at Harvard? You don't even understand this, right?"

"First of all, I have to correct myself. I only have a master's degree, not a Ph.D. yet. Who told you that I am a Ph.D. student at Harvard? Secondly, I said that I can drive at a speed of 250 miles, but I didn't say that I would use this car to drive . This is just a sports car, it is not on the same level as a professional F1 car."

"You are using your strong words to rob the truth."

"Hey, what did you say about the blind date? What happened?"

"Don't you know? Then Li Han also said that he wanted to arrange a blind date for me and you? How did you also say that you like me and like me?"

"Ah? Isn't she a bit messy? I have a girlfriend, and I have a marriage certificate!"

"This is nothing. Li Han said that your marriage certificate is fake, and your girlfriend can cheat on it."

"Who said that? Play the piano randomly!"

"Just tell me, do you like me or not?"

"I like you, but if we want to be together, then all the beauties in the world will be mine."

"That's good. I don't want to get married so early. I'm still a student!"

"Yes, I have to ask Sister Li about this. How can she be so unreliable?"

"Don't blame her, she also listened to Li Yi. It was Li Yi who thought you and I were a good match, so he asked her to match us."

"Li Yi? This is impossible. He has never even met me, how could he introduce you to me? This is even more unreliable."

"He has never been reliable."

"I have to make it clear. I didn't say that Li Yi was unreliable. I meant that this matter was unreliable and that I was not dealing with the situation or the person."

"Do you have a strong desire to survive? Don't worry, our conversation will not reach his ears."

"I have one thing to say."

Yang Fei immediately called Li Han.

"Sister Li, what's the matter with you? How old is Li Juan? Besides, you don't know what's going on with me, right? How did you introduce her to me? What kind of thing is this?"

"Eh? How do you know? I told you last night and told her again today. I just think you two are really well matched."

"Thank you for your kindness! Please, don't mention this matter again in the future."

"I see you didn't refuse firmly last night, and you even said you wanted this one from me."


"Have you seen her?"

"Yes, it's just a coincidence that we met him on the road."

"This is fate! It means you are destined to her!"

"I am more destined to you!"

"I can't afford to offend you. I'm going to the studio, will you come?"

"I don't have time, I have to accompany Li Juan to see the sea."

"Okay, then I wish you a good time watching the sea."

When the yacht sailed out of the sea, there was still a ray of light on the horizon, and the afterglow of the sunset reflected on the sea, which was particularly soft and beautiful.

The clouds in the sky changed into various strange shapes.

Standing on the third deck, facing the sea breeze and singing songs, Li Juan regained her devilish joy and jubilation.

She asked Yang Fei to play music and she danced in the wind.

The silver bell-like laughter is crisp and sweet.

From a purely appreciative perspective, Li Juan can really be regarded as a fairy-level beauty.

Yang Fei was lying on the chair, with his legs crossed, sipping red wine and smoking a cigar. Watching her singing and dancing, he suddenly felt a sense of decadence and comfort that a king would never come to court early from now on.

The bright light in the sky gradually shrank until it was invisible, but it could still be vaguely felt.

The whole earth and sky resonated with her song.

The bright moon jumped out of the sea, and while the west was getting darker, the east was slowly getting brighter.

In the bright night, the moon sheds its brilliance, and the brilliance fills the sky.

There is a lonely cloud floating over.

"Why don't you become a singer?" Yang Fei asked after she finished singing.

"This is a stereotype! People who can sing must become singers? Just like when we see a college entrance examination student who failed, we will naturally assume that his IQ is not enough."

"Haha, interesting."

"In the sea of ​​​​human beings, do you dare to be isolated from the world and be alone? Let the people around you make troubles, but you are indifferent; desolate and lonely, like a flower in the desolate desert, unwilling to blow its fragrance to the breeze?" She sat down Beside Yang Fei, he groaned softly.

Yang Fei was surprised: "Are you still reading Shelley?"

"You know Shelley too?"

"Can I not know?"

"I like this little poem of his the most. It seems like it was written just for me."

"Li Juan, I think you should be like a skylark. You jump up from the ground, like a light cloud of fire, passing through the heart of the blue sky, forever singing and flying, flying and singing."

She turned her head, looked at him, and said after a long time: "Why is it you who understand me?"

Yang Fei took a sip of wine and smiled slightly.

The two of them just sat there, letting the yacht swing on the sea and sail into the distance.

Yang Fei's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he saw Ocean One again!

Yang Fei could recognize the appearance of that yacht even from a long distance away!

He couldn't help but think that he had encountered the Ocean One several times when he went to sea. Did they find relevant clues to the sunken ship because they went to sea so intensively?

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