The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1632 You are the most beautiful

Last time Yang Fei went to sea, he encountered a gambling game on the Ocean One and captured a group of people. Then Hu Xuanlin pretended to jump into the sea and escape.

Not long after the incident, why did the Ocean One go to sea again?

A siren sounded, and the patrol boat stopped the Ocean One.

Yang Fei kept watching the movement over there, watching the coast guards go up and down.

This time, nothing was found.

"What's wrong? Do you know that yacht?" Li Juan asked.

"Ocean No. 1 belongs to the boss of Sino-Ocean Industrial. He has contacts with people from the island nation."

"Oh, I hate the Japs the most! No matter they are real Japs or fake Japs!"

"Me too. But I like those gentle and pleasant women in their country."

"You're boring!"

Ocean One obviously recognized the Bubble, and instead of approaching it, it sailed away from a distance.

Instead, the patrol boat approached.

Yang Fei became familiar with the maritime police and said hello and waved to the police officers standing on the opposite deck.

"Boss Yang, you are taking a beautiful girl out to swim in the sea again!" When the two boats passed by, a coast guard laughed and said, "This time the beautiful girl is a bit young! Isn't she still a student?"

Yang Fei said: "She is indeed a student, but a college student. Do you want to come over and check her ID?"

"This is not our responsibility!" The Coast Guard waved his hand, "We can still trust Boss Yang's character."

Li Juan said: "Do you bring different beauties out to play every time?"

"Yes. I like beautiful women, and I have always been sincere and never concealed it."

"You are so thick-skinned!"

"Thanks for the compliment."

"You actually think this is a compliment?"

"Otherwise? Or a compliment?"


The coast guard shouted: "Boss Yang,

We walked! Be careful! If you need anything, call us! "

Yang Fei raised his hand and saluted.

Feng Ruolan brought fruit snacks.

Yang Fei asked her: "Have you heard any news recently?"

Feng Ruolan smiled sweetly and asked: "What aspect?"

"Ocean No. 1, or the sea area."

"The last time Ocean One held a gambling bureau, a group of people were arrested, but they were all released on bail."

"I know this. Is there anything else?"

"Maybe not."

Li Juan suddenly shouted: "Steward Feng."

"What are your orders?" Feng Ruolan bent down.

Li Juan asked: "Every time Yang Fei goes to sea, are you there?"

"Yes." Feng Ruolan replied with a smile.

"Then, answer me honestly, who is the most beautiful among all his women?"

Feng Ruolan looked at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei said: "This is my sister, you can answer whatever she asks."

Feng Ruolan said to Li Juan: "Of course you are the most beautiful among the women Mr. Yang brought on board."

Li Juan said: "I don't believe it. You hesitated for so long before answering!"

Feng Ruolan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but she didn't dare to speak nonsense. She just said: "Miss, what I said is really the truth."

Li Juan shook her head and said: "Although I know what you told is a lie, I am still very happy. Thank you for your white lie."

"I dare not say that I never lie, but this time, I told the truth." Feng Ruolan said.

Li Juan smiled and said: "I'm not his sister, he and I are on a blind date."

"Then Boss Yang is really lucky." Feng Ruolan smiled.

Yang Fei said: "Miss Feng, please go down. Inform the captain that we are returning."

Feng Ruolan left as if he had been granted amnesty.

Li Juan took the wine glass from his hand and drank the wine in the glass.

Yang Fei said: "You have a bad habit - drinking from other people's cups."

"I only drank from you."

"Why are you drinking from me?"

"I don't know why, I just want to steal your things."


"Actually, I've known you for a long time. Last night, before I went to the music studio, Li Han had already told me about you."

"Huh? So? Last night was our first blind date?"


"Sister Li, Sister Li, you've hidden it deep enough!"

"When a woman reaches a certain age, if she doesn't have a boyfriend by her side, her relatives and friends will be very anxious! This is very helpless."

Yang Fei couldn't help laughing when he looked at her childish face.

Her cute appearance and her little adult look are so discordant!

After returning home, Li Juan's mood improved a lot. She didn't need Yang Fei to send her off, she just took a taxi and went back.

That night, poor Comrade Hu Xuanlin was once again given tea by the Beauty Group.

This time, Yang Fei entertained him personally.

Hu Xuanlin sat in front of Yang Fei, hunched his back, looking at the tea cup in front of him with a pitiful expression, and said: "Mr. Yang, why is this? Why did you arrest me again, no, invite me here? "

Yang Fei said: "Did you find the sunken ship?"

Hu Xuanlin looked obviously taken aback, then tried to calm down and replied: "No."

Yang Fei said: "But, I heard someone said that you found the sunken ship?"

"Who did you listen to?"

"It doesn't matter who I listen to. What matters is whether you are willing to tell me the truth."

"Of course, tell the truth. Mr. Yang, I have told you a long time ago that if you are willing, I can cooperate with you. After we find it, we will be divided into 30 and 70! I am 3 and you are 7."

Yang Fei laughed and said, "Then do you estimate the value of the things on the ship?"

"At least more than one billion!" Hu Xuanlin said, "This deal will definitely work!"

Yang Fei said: "Where is the sunken ship?"

"I really don't know. I haven't found it yet! If I find it, would you still know about such a big movement like fishing a boat?"

"It's hard to say. There are many ways to salvage things. You don't necessarily have to lift the entire ship. You can go down and retrieve a few treasures even if you wear an oxygen tank and a diving suit."

"That's not easy! Zhou Haisheng has spent millions, and now he doesn't even get a hair out of it."

"Didn't find the boat? Or didn't catch the treasure?"

"To be honest, Zhou Haisheng has determined the approximate location and has been to the sea several times, but to no avail." Hu Xuanlin said.

Yang Fei said: "Looking at your expression, why do you think your words are not true?"

Hu Xuanlin smiled softly: "Mr. Yang was joking."

Yang Fei said: "You said it is worth one billion, but do you know that if you find it and want to salvage it, you must register it and pay a deposit of 10% of the sunken ship's valuation first. After salvaging it, it will be valued and taxed. Maybe the money you spend and the taxes you pay are just enough for your profit.”

Hu Xuanlin was startled. He obviously didn't think so much about Yang Fei.

"That's why we have to salvage it secretly!" Hu Xuanlin wiped his face.

Yang Fei said: "Let's do this. No matter when you find it or when you salvage the treasure, I will take whatever you have. Remember, you can only sell it to me."

The smile on Hu Xuanlin's face became sincere: "I'm just waiting for Mr. Yang's words. Mr. Yang, please don't worry, buyers are hard to find, and big buyers are even harder to find. If I get the baby, I'll contact you as soon as possible you."

Yang Fei said: "Very good. That's it! I'll send someone to take you back."

"Don't bother, I'll just go back by myself." Hu Xuanlin stood up and walked out.

Chen Mo asked Yang Refei, "Do you really want to buy it?"

Yang Fei said: "If I don't buy it, these cultural relics will be sold to the island country."

"Then you can call the police!"

"Many times, calling the police is not a panacea. Before they find the treasure, it is useless for me to call the police. After they find it, calling the police is just to alert the snake. If they secretly transport it out of the country, it will be even harder to recover it."

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