The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1633: Confidence

Chen Mo asked: "Then we can salvage it ourselves. As long as you take action, there is nothing Zhou Haisheng can do against you."

Yang Fei said: "I eat white rice, but I don't necessarily have to go farming? Looking for sunken ships is a time-consuming, laborious and expensive job. It's okay if it's a shallow sea area, but if it's a deep sea area, it's difficult for people to dive, so we can only rely on professionals. A submarine requires a salvage ship, equipment, and a professional salvage team, which is a huge expense. After all the hard work, it’s okay if the things salvaged are valuable, but what if they are not?”

"Didn't Hu Xuanlin say that it was a treasure ship from the Zheng He period?"

"Zheng He is only five or six hundred years old. Many things from that period are not very valuable now. Do you think they are all national treasures? It's better to wait for them to salvage them and I can enjoy the profits. .”

"Oh, I feel like you're getting more and more cum!"

"This society forces us to be smart, otherwise we have to be leeks, waiting to be harvested."

"Then tell me, did they find the sunken ship?"

"It's hard to say. Even if we find it, it will take time to salvage it. I gave Hu Xuanlin hope, and he is a greedy person. I believe that as long as there is a chance, even if it is stealing, he will steal a few pieces and sell them to me. "

The next day, when Yang Fei went to work and was discussing things with Chen Mo, his cell phone suddenly rang.

It was Li Han calling.

Yang Fei glanced at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo knew that he had an important call to answer, so he backed out.

Yang Fei answered the phone and said with a smile: "Sister Li, what's the matter?"

"Are you free? Come over for a drink."

"I'm working."

"Take time to come out. I have something very important to talk to you about."

"Okay, I'll be there in half an hour."

"I'm waiting for you."

Yang Fei tidied up and walked out of the office.

As soon as he went out, he met Wei Xinyuan walking over.

"Boss. Do you want to go out?"

"Is there something wrong with Mr. Wei?"

"I have some ideas about the establishment of an R\u0026D center that I would like to share with you."

"Okay, let's talk in the afternoon."


"Is there any progress on Jiang Wen's side?"

"I just had a phone call with him, and he is still waiting! The chairman of Little Nurse has not shown up yet. Jiang Wen is very patient and waits outside their company every day."

"Report to me anytime if there is any progress."

"Okay, boss."

Chen Mo walked out from behind the secretary's desk.

Yang Fei waved his hand: "You stay in the company, I'll be back soon."

Chen Mo nodded and retreated.

Ning Xin laughed softly and said, "What's going on? Yang Fei went out recently, and he didn't even take you with him?"

"Who knows! He has been very mysterious recently, and I don't know what he is doing."

"The company is going to set up R\u0026D centers. I heard that there will be three R\u0026D centers, one in China, one in the United States, and one in Europe."

"We should have established it a long time ago. Most of the major international brands have their own famous R\u0026D centers."

"We also have a research and development center now, but we haven't gone out independently."

"A separate R\u0026D department will definitely be established by then. I wonder who will be the R\u0026D director of the headquarters?"

"Mr. Wei?"

"Mr. Wei is inseparable from the daily chemicals business and I don't think he will be transferred."

The two men talked in low voices while taking care of things.

Yang Fei came downstairs and when he passed by the company's mailbox, he stopped and looked around and saw that a surveillance camera had been installed on the ceiling opposite the mailbox.

However, after the surveillance was installed, no letters came from the "heaven and earth".

Yang Fei called the mouse and came to Li's house.

Li Han prepared a bottle of wine and two side dishes to go with the wine in the yard.

Yang Fei cupped his hands and smiled: "Thank you, Sister Li, you will always remember me when you have something delicious to eat."

Li Han said: "You have been so kind to my mother. If I don't repay you, I will be an ungrateful person."

Yang Fei said: "A friend of mine in the United States happens to know a medical expert in this field. As soon as I consulted, he recommended this drug to me."

"Isn't the medicine expensive? How much does it cost?"

"The most important thing is that it has good curative effect, and it doesn't matter whether it's expensive or not."

"As expected, he is very wealthy."

Li Han smiled, poured him a glass of wine, and said, "Did you bring a driver?"

"You said you would buy me a drink, so of course I will bring the driver."

"That's good, you have a couple of drinks first, and then we'll talk."

"Is there anything else?"

"Of course, otherwise I would be embarrassed to waste your precious time."

Yang Fei took a sip of wine and picked some vegetables to eat.

Li Han said: "Yang Fei, you have done so many things, I can probably understand what you are thinking."

Yang Fei smiled and said: "In front of Sister Li, I am a transparent person."

Li Han said: "Actually, you don't have to go through so much trouble. If you want to get help from the Li family, the most direct way is to agree to the marriage introduced by me."

"Li Juan?" Yang Fei shook his head.

"Do you know why there have been so many marriages, political marriages, and even marriages throughout the ages?"

"I know, but I don't want to do it."

"Then you will always be an outsider to the Li family."


"Although my surname is Li, our branch is not the one in charge. Li Yi and Li Juan's branch are the orthodox ones."


"So, I want to help you, but what I can do is limited. Do you understand?"


"You are a smart man. Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart today. If we talk about marriage from the perspective of interests alone, Su Tong is suitable for you eight years ago, Chen Ruoling is suitable for you three years ago. Li Juan is suitable for you now and in the future. . Of course, if you must stay true to your original intention and choose love, then just pretend I didn’t say it.”

Yang Fei raised the wine glass to his mouth, put it down again, and said nothing.

"The love of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl is very beautiful, but it is poignant. The reason is that they are not from the right family. The two are not in the same class, but they insist on being together, and the result is eternal pain and separation. Princess Wencheng got married, and still There was no love when Zhaojun left the country, but it brought decades of peace and friendship between the two countries. Yang Fei, you are a sensible person. Love is the yearning of young people, not a lifelong need."

Yang Fei said slowly: "Love is actually a chemical reaction in the human body. At the right time, if someone suddenly touches a mark on you, a large amount of phenylethylamine will suddenly be secreted in your blood vessels. It impacts your brain, blinds your rationality, and you fall in love. Scientists speculate that the core of intoxicating emotions is a substance called phenylethylamine, or PEA for short. This chemical substance causes people to produce a It’s similar to a feeling of intoxication. The duration of this feeling is generally only three months to half a year.”

"Well, you understand the nature of love better than I do." Li Han said, "You consciously approached me and my brother because you wanted to get help from the Li family."

She emphasized her tone and said: "But you have to understand that even if my brother and I fully support you, it will not be enough. Unless you can get the full help of Li Yi and Li Juan! Then you will have peace of mind in the future."

Li Han refilled his glass and said at the same time: "This is not only my idea, but also my brother's idea. I have already communicated with him. You two are busy people, and it is rare to have time to get together. Some words , it’s better for me to convey it.”

Yang Fei couldn't help but be stunned.


Set a small goal first, such as remembering in 1 second: Shukeju

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