The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1646: Strategy and Tactics

After hearing Yang Fei's words, Jiang Wen and the others didn't know the profound meaning contained in his words. They thought he was just talking casually, so they all said in harmony, yes, yes, people just go from being frugal to extravagant , but it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality.

After passing a telecommunications store that was still open, Yang Fei asked Ma Feng to get off the car and went to buy a new mobile phone and a calling card.

"Young Master Fei, you have several mobile phones, why are you still buying them? And we have Aiduo mobile phones!" Ma Feng handed the mobile phone to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei said, "It's useful."

Back home, Yang Fei used the new number to send a message to Wu Qianying.

"Is the party over?"

"Who are you?"

"The person who introduced you to business."

"Mr. Yang!"

"The party is over?"

"Well, it's gone, I've already returned to my residence."

"do you live alone?"

"Yeah, living in a rented house. I don't have Emily's ability to get a lot of money."

"You'll have it right away."

"Who is it?"

"I'll send it to you now."

Yang Fei edited the information and sent it over.

Then, he sent another message: "Remember? Delete all chat messages."

"What about after that?"

"I'll be in touch. I wish you success."

Then, Yang Fei turned off the phone.

The next day, Yang Fei didn't stay in Shencheng anymore, and went back to the capital directly.

On the plane, Jiang Wen asked, "Boss, are we going back like this?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "A twisted melon is not sweet,

If people refuse to sell it, what else can we do? "

Jiang Wendao: "I can still stay and do some activities."

Yang Fei said: "It's not business that is rushing forward! Let's do it first!"

Jiang Wendao: "Then shall we launch our own cosmeceutical brand next?"

Yang Fei said: "Let's make preparations for now!"

Jiang Wendao: "I thought of a name, just call it Materia Medica."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "This name is indeed okay."

Jiang Wendao: "Or, call Dr. Yang, who specializes in nurses."


The plane landed at Modu Airport.

Yang Fei's mood did not relax.

Because when he came back, he was about to face a difficult choice.

And he hasn't made the best decision yet.

Chen Mo came to pick it up.

In the car, she reported to Yang Fei the work of the past two days.

The biggest thing is that Sass has really introduced cosmeceutical products.

Shas' cosmeceutical products are very popular in Europe, America, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

It is conceivable that after the introduction to my country, they will definitely promote cosmeceuticals as the main product.

With Gao's urgency, after Sars Company completes the product layout, it will definitely start a market competition.

Especially in the second half of the year, the competition for advertising resources will definitely overwhelm Yang Fei.

In order to deal with this coming crisis, Yang Fei must also take corresponding preventive measures.

The acquisition of Little Nurse was deadlocked, and Yang Fei could only prepare his own herbal brand.

The two brand names proposed by Jiang Wen, Yang Fei thinks they are all right, Materia Medica and Doctor, both fit the theme of cosmeceuticals.

However, can the direct registration of such a brand name be approved?

Moreover, whether it is a herbal medicine or a doctor, it is too direct, and it is easy for people to associate it with medicine instead of skin care products.

Yang Fei still felt that it would be better to develop brand-new cosmeceutical products based on the Pechoin brand.

At the beginning, when Yang Fei reformed the formula of Pechoin's new product, he once proposed the concept of herbal skin care, but it did not involve cosmeceuticals.

On the basis of the existing products, we can increase investment to develop a series of cosmeceutical products, brand them with the concept of herbal skin care, and carry out aggressive promotions, which should be a success in one hit.

The benefits of doing this are obvious.

Pechoin is originally Yang Fei's brand. It has its own sales channels and its own consumer groups. Once the cosmeceutical is launched, it will be able to gain something.

As for the Little Nurse brand, if the acquisition is successful in the future, it will only focus on cosmeceuticals.

In cosmeceuticals, there are also high, medium and low products.

At that time, Pechoin will be promoted as a mid-to-low-end brand, and Little Nurse will be operated as a high-end cosmeceutical brand.

Doing so is a safe bet.

After Yang Fei returned to Shanghai, he immediately held a meeting. At the meeting, he determined the strategic direction of developing herbal cosmeceutical products based on the Pechoin brand.

After intense discussions, the bosses finally approved Yang Fei's strategic layout.

Strategy is the most important, and it provides direction for the company's actions.

Therefore, every time he studies a strategic issue, Yang Fei will hold a manager-level meeting to brainstorm and ensure that the strategy is foolproof.

If the strategy is formulated incorrectly, then all subsequent efforts will be heading in the wrong direction. The faster you run, the farther you will be from victory.

After formulating the strategy, the next step is tactics.

Tactics are specific courses of action.

Yang Fei held several meetings in a row to discuss the development of cosmeceutical products, product positioning, selection of herbal medicines, extraction methods, synthesis methods, whether the production line is compatible, and other technical issues.

The contents of these meetings are classified as internal top secret information and cannot be circulated to the outside world.

Next, is to put it into practice.

For the cosmeceutical area, Yang Fei has not yet selected a leader.

He personally led the team to conduct related experiments.

In order to select the best raw materials, Yang Fei personally led the team to fly to Jixi Raw Material Base and then to Qingyuan Raw Material Base to choose the best raw materials.

Raw materials have to be extracted to extract usable essence elements.

There are various methods of extraction.

In order to extract the active ingredients in plants, people have been making unremitting efforts.

The oldest method is the squeeze extraction method.

This method is widely used by many factories.

With the development of science and technology, people have invented solvent extraction method again.

The solvent extraction method is to use a solvent to extract the active ingredient from the solid raw material, and the solvent used must have the characteristics of miscibility with the extracted solute.

After crushing the plant material, put it into a suitable container, add several times the amount of solvent, and extract it by dipping, percolating, decocting, reflux and continuous extraction.

In addition, there are more sophisticated and advanced methods, such as ultrasonic extraction, supercritical fluid extraction and microwave-assisted extraction, and other advanced scientific methods.

What kind of plant, what kind of ingredients, and what kind of extraction method can achieve the best extraction rate?

All of these need to be verified through experiments.

The research and development process is arduous and time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive.

Therefore, a research result often condenses a company's great efforts, and also represents the company's overall level!

Of course, small companies do not have the ability to engage in research and development, so they can only pick on the wisdom of others and survive.

When Yang Fei established the Meili Group Global R\u0026D Center, he took the research and development of cosmeceutical products as the touchstone of the R\u0026D center.

What is the capability of this global R\u0026D center? Can it handle demanding research and development tasks?

It depends on whether they can develop qualified cosmeceutical products!

How long will it take to develop it?

How effective can the product be?

Can it compete with competing brands on the market?

Everything is unknown.

A powerful test lies in front of Yang Fei!


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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