The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1647 Acquisition!

On this day, Yang Fei returned to the office from the laboratory.

Chen Mo followed and said with a smile on his face, "Good news!"

Yang Fei said, "What good news?"

Chen Mo said: "I just received a call from Secretary Wu. She told me that Director Li agreed to sell the little nurse."

"Oh? Really?" Yang Fei chuckled and touched his chin, "How do you sell it?"

"He said that he only agreed to sell the Little Nurse brand, and he would sell it to us at the price you asked for 500 million. But he did not agree with your additional conditions-he was not allowed to get involved in the daily chemical industry in the future. Because he still wants to continue Do business."

Yang Fei said: "If I were him, I wouldn't do this."

"Then do you agree?" Chen Mo asked.

"Of course I agree!" Yang Fei said, "The 500 million purchase of Little Nurse's brand is still profitable for us. Because his other brands are completely useless to me."

Chen Mo said: "Then you can't underestimate him, maybe he can quickly build a big brand with the 500 million financing?"

Yang Fei said: "Of course this possibility cannot be ruled out. However, I don't have to be afraid. Even a small nurse cannot threaten our brand and products."

Chen Moyan smiled and said, "That's true."

Yang Fei pondered: "I'll go to Shencheng myself, and talk to Li Dong! Will you go with me?"

Chen Mo said: "Didn't you ask me to follow up the work in the laboratory? How about asking Ning Xin to go with you?"

Yang Fei said: "Forget it, you are all busy."

Chen Mo smiled and said, "If you don't take her out all the time, she will have a problem with me."

"What opinion?"

"She said, you... Forget it, I won't talk about it. You can ask her yourself."

Yang Fei smiled and said, "Okay, then let Ning Xin go with me. If you are too busy with company affairs, ask Xiang Qiao and the others to help you."

"I know.

You can go at ease. "Chen Mo said softly.

Yang Fei hummed: "Talk to Ning Xin."

While talking, he turned on the computer, checked the email, and found a new email from Su Yingying, which was about the design of the parking lot on the roof of the hot spring hotel.

Yang Fei clicked on it to take a look.

The experts invited by Su Yingying provided two sets of plans.

One is elevator transportation, which is also the easiest and does not take up space.

As long as the elevator is installed, it can be operated.

There is another way to build a circle lane.

For each building, a circular driveway can be built around the outer wall of the building. The driveway is 4 meters wide and the narrowest part is about 3 meters.

Compared with the volume of the hot spring restaurant, it is not a big deal to build a four-meter-wide circular driveway.

Yang Fei immediately finalized the decision and replied: "I have read it. Both methods have their own advantages. I think both methods can be adopted to facilitate customers' parking. Construction can be carried out at the same time. The quotation is slightly higher, please negotiate again. Yang Fei. "

He had just replied to the email when Ning Xin walked in.

"Yang Fei, you want to take me to Shencheng?"

"Yes, we're leaving tomorrow morning, you get ready."

"Okay!" Ning Xin pursed her lips and smiled, "You are finally willing to take me out."

"Did I seldom take you out? Did I take you often before?"

"You know, that was before."

"The business trip is very hard. I don't let you go because I am considerate of you."

"Then you still abuse me a lot! I like to follow you around the world."


"Then I'll inform the crew that I'm going to fly to Shencheng tomorrow morning. If you pick up the plane there, arrange a car from Meili Shopping Mall? Or notify Aiduo Company to send a car?"

"You can figure it out!" Yang Fei had the experience of taking a taxi last time, and felt that it was more reliable to pick up the plane by himself, and it didn't matter if he paid more for the taxi. Business was delayed.

Ning Xin smiled and went out.

Seeing her happy appearance, Yang Fei thought to himself, did I really ignore her existence?

Because of Yang Fei's rebirth, many things in this world have changed.

Zhonghua toothpaste is no longer a foreign brand.

Little Nurse will no longer be acquired by L'Oreal Paris.

The biggest change is that Li Dong of the small nurse company has not quit the daily chemical industry.

This also means that too many uncertain factors will be added to the daily chemical industry in the future.

Yang Fei was quite proud of his strategy of buying the little nurse, and couldn't help humming a tune.

"Responsible for the rest of my life

How can an inch of land belong to others

What's the point of a king's clown

I can stop millions of soldiers with one sword..."

In less than half a month, Yang Fei flew to Shencheng again.

The task that could not be completed last time can finally be achieved this time.

Yang Fei came here this time to execute the acquisition, so he brought a team here.

Yang Fei does not need to personally participate in the specific acquisition negotiations.

On the plane, Yang Fei discussed specific acquisition matters with the acquisition team.

Yang Fei handed over to Jiang Wen the responsibility for this acquisition.

Jiang Wen asked: "Boss, we only buy the Little Nurse brand and don't restrict Director Li's future involvement in the daily chemical industry. Is this too risky?"

Yang Fei said: "Actually, it doesn't matter. We must specify in the acquisition agreement that the brand of Little Nurses, including all formulas, technologies and patents of this brand, are owned by us. Even Li Dong, without authorization, cannot Re-use. This can prevent them from applying related formulas, technologies, and patents to other products."

"Then the little nurse's factory, and the channel? It also belongs to us, right?"

"Of course, everything related to the little nurse belongs to us. Therefore, this is a very difficult task that must be carefully settled, and the time I give you is limited, half a month, you must complete the settlement , reached the acquisition."

"Half a month? Is this a little nervous?"

"Jiang Wen, you know that our cosmeceutical products are already under intensive development and will soon produce results. And the brand of Little Nurse can be used in the promotion of cosmeceutical products. We have completed this The series of actions will take about two months, and it will be November. And November is the time for major media to compete for advertising resources. If we miss it, we will have to wait another year. "

Jiang Wendao: "Understood, boss."

Yang Fei said: "I have equipped you with a team of 30 people. With so many people doing things, half a month should be enough."

Jiang Wendao: "Guaranteed to complete the task."

The plane arrived at Shencheng Airport.

Yang Fei and his group walked towards the exit.

Ning Xin is the accompanying secretary, she walked out quickly first, looking for the convoy to pick up the plane.

This time, Hu Zhibiao personally led the motorcade to meet him.

Yang Fei shook hands with Hu Zhibiao and said, "Arrange a car for me alone, I will be useful."

"Boss, I've already prepared lunch. Don't you want to eat with everyone?" Hu Zhibiao asked.

"Go and eat, I have an appointment." Yang Fei turned around and ordered, "The mouse will follow me, Ning Xin, you take other people and Mr. Hu to dinner, and contact Secretary Wu directly in the afternoon to discuss the acquisition."

Ning Xin really wanted to ask where you were going, but she swallowed the words and obediently agreed.

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