The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1649 Do 500 million business, eat 5 yuan of powder

Dong Li's phone call came in.

Yang Fei answered.

"Mr. Yang, you have come to Shencheng, why don't you come and have a drink together?"

"I just took care of some things here. I've already had dinner, so you don't have to wait for me. I'll rush over here, just toast Li Dong with a glass of wine."

"Haha, Mr. Yang, I'll wait for you."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Fei felt much more comfortable.

Because he could tell that there was a strange meaning in Dong Li's tone.

Perhaps in Li Dong's view, he took advantage of himself by selling the Little Nurse brand to Yang Fei for 500 million.

With one brand, he has raised 500 million yuan in funds, and there are still many brands under his name that can be operated, and at the same time, he does not have to quit the daily chemical industry.

In this way, he can still call the wind and rain in this familiar field.

This is the way of doing business, don't do it if you are not familiar with it.

Once you are familiar with a field, don't change industries easily.

When Yang Fei came to the restaurant, the people at the table were already drunk.

"Mr. Yang, you are late. You know the rules of the wine table."

"I understand, I understand. Seven teas, eight meals, and a full glass of wine. I'm late, so I'll punish myself first." Yang Fei laughed.

On a day like today, drinking is unavoidable.

The business has been negotiated successfully, and the next thing is to drink to your heart's content.

"Mr. Yang, we will be friends from now on!" Li Dong said happily.

Yang Fei said: "There is a famous saying that says that if two people have business, they can't be friends. Businessmen can use anything to express friendship, but they can't use business."

Li Dong was startled at first, and then said with admiration: "Mr. Yang, these words are really very philosophical. No wonder you can write best-selling books. Your thinking is too lofty."

Yang Fei poured a glass of wine: "Mr. Li,

I respect you with this cup. "

"No, I should respect you!" Li Dong hurriedly picked up the cup and said, "Come on, cheers!"

Before Yang Fei came, Jiang Wen, Ning Xin and the others had already been toasted for several rounds, and they gradually became overwhelmed.

Fortunately, there were not many people on Li Dong's side, and everyone drank about half a catty with each other.

After the wine was hot, the conversation started to increase.

Li Dong hiccupped and said with a drunken smile: "Mr. Yang, let's go to my newly bought sea view villa tonight! I'm going to have a party! Welcome everyone to be our guests!"

Yang Fei smiled slightly: "Thank you Director Li for your kind invitation, we will definitely go there when we have time."

Li Dong laughed and said: "Money is a good thing. With money, men can enjoy all the good things in this world!"

Yang Fei said: "Everything in this world is prepared for the successful. Including wealth, status, money, beauties, and everything that is related to happiness."

Li Dong nodded and said: "You are right!"

Yang Feidao: "In ancient and modern China and abroad, there is no exception. There is a common custom, that is, to look at Luo Shang first and then look at people. Dress decently, live in a villa with a sea view, drive a million-dollar car, and embrace young beauties. Anyone who sees it will know Thumbs up and say, this is a successful person!"

Li Dong said with a smile: "If you want to say success, Mr. Yang is much more successful than me. There are also many beauties around Mr. Yang, like Secretary Ning, who has thousands of charms!"

Ning Xin drank a few more glasses of wine, her face was as red as a tomato, she pursed her lips and smiled.

After another round of pushing and changing glasses, the banquet finally broke up.

Although Yang Fei came here for a short time, he also drank several glasses of wine, which together amounted to eight taels.

After getting in the car, Yang Fei felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

Ning Xin asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Yang Fei touched his stomach and said, "I haven't eaten yet, let's find a place to deal with it."

Ning Xin said: "Oh, why didn't you eat just now? You drank so much wine on an empty stomach, you are really capable!"

Yang Fei said: "I have understood a truth since I set foot in the business world."

"What's the point?"

"For businessmen, a restaurant is not a place to eat, but a place to trade. Meals are still delicious at home."

"So, you only talk about business at the dinner table, so you can't talk about it on an empty stomach."

"I'm fine, Mouse, just find a noodle shop, and I'll just have a bowl of rice noodles."

The mouse was ordered to pay attention to the side of the road while driving.

There are few rice noodle shops on both sides of the main road.

Rats pay attention to where there is a community, and then drive into the community.

Sure enough, under the community, there are rice noodle shops everywhere.

Ning Xin accompanied Yang Fei into a noodle shop.

Yang Fei ordered a bowl of beef noodles and added two taels, a total of five yuan.

Ning Xin was both angry and funny: "You, you talked about a 500 million business deal, but ended up eating a bowl of five yuan beef noodles!"

Yang Fei laughed and said, "I'm a petty citizen at heart, and I'm not used to delicacies from mountains and seas, so I think of this bowl of rice noodles from time to time."

Ning Xin said: "That's because we Star City people are used to eating rice noodles. This is the nostalgia left in our bones, and it is also our root."

Yang Fei said: "You speak splendid words!"

Ning Xin burst out laughing and said, "Just allow you to be talented? Don't let me share the talent equally?"

Yang Fei said: "You have learned a lot, I know this very well."

The rice noodles came quickly.

Yang Fei picked up the chopsticks and ate half of the bowl in a few strokes.

Seeing that he was eating so deliciously, Ning Xin said: "I'm hungry too. I was really not full just now."

Yang Fei concentrated on dealing with the rice noodles, without raising his head, he said, "Order whatever you want, I'll treat you."


Both of them were a little drunk, returned to the residence, fell asleep on the bed.

In the afternoon, I don't know when it is.

The air conditioner cuts off the heat of the outdoors, making it cool enough for people to have a good dream with a thin quilt.

Yang Fei opened his eyes and his head hurt a little.

His first reaction was, did he drink fake wine?

Then, he petrified.

Why is there someone around?

It's Ning Xin!

Yang Fei was shocked all over.

Why did the two lie down together?

Yang Fei basically couldn't remember what happened after eating the rice noodles.

Ning Xin was lying on him like a pet!

Yang Fei gently moved her arm away, and then got out of bed carefully.

He still hasn't forgotten to lift the quilt and take a look.

It's over!

Both of them look like newborn babies.

He secretly groaned ashamed, then picked up his clothes and put them on slowly, for fear of waking her up.

Yang Fei tried hard to think back, did something happen?

Did something happen?

Of course he didn't dare to examine her.

And looking at myself, I can't tell if anything happened.

Men are like this, they can leave after eating and wiping it up.

But what about her?

Yang Fei got dressed and wanted to leave immediately.

However, he sat on the edge of the bed again and reached out to touch Ning Xin's forehead.

Ning Xin said suddenly: "I don't have a fever. I don't have a headache either. I woke up a long time ago. I haven't dared to move."


"Yang Fei, are we the one?"

"I don't remember if there is any. How about you take a look?"

"What do you think?"


"How about you take a look for me?"


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