The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1650: Looking for a spokesman

"Cough, um, don't you feel it?" Yang Fei was actually like a bright mirror.

"It seems to be there. It seems not to be."

Yang Fei scratched his nose, couldn't tell if he was happy? Still happy?

"Go out for a while..." Ning Xin said weakly.

Knowing that she was shy, Yang Fei smiled and said, "I've already finished watching."

"You are here, I dare not come out of the bed..."

"All right!"

Yang Fei came to the living room, sat on the sofa for a while, smoked two cigarettes, and then went into the bathroom.

While brushing her teeth, Ning Xin walked in.

She hugged him from behind.

She put her head on his generous back.

The hair is disheveled, and the pretty face is like jade.

With foam and water in his mouth, Yang Fei said vaguely, "What's wrong?"

She doesn't speak.

"Ning Xin?"

"Yang Fei, I'm yours now." Her voice was soft and sweet, as if she was saying the most beautiful love words in the world.

Yang Fei's scalp was numb.

What he cares about is not the phrase I am yours anymore, but the word "also"!

"You also know that I have more than one woman. You still jump in?"

"I am willing." Her voice was soft but firm, like moths to a flame.

Yang Fei spit out the water in his mouth, wiped his mouth clean, turned around, and held her chin up.

Her bright eyes are so moving, like a precious black gemstone inlaid in the pure white sky, shining brightly.

"Did you like me a long time ago?" Yang Fei smiled slightly and said in a proud and confident tone.

"Yes. I have liked you for a long time."

"When did it start?"

"Start when you are my deskmate."

"That's early."

"Well. Remember, you chose me, you can't abandon me."

"Why did I choose you?"

"Then in the third year of high school, why did you sit next to me?"

"Uh--indeed, I admit, I chose you."

Yang Fei said, and hugged her up: "It's so beautiful and beautiful, I have to taste it carefully. It can't be like last night when Zhu Bajie ate ginseng fruit and finished it without even tasting the taste."

"I am yours and will always be yours. You don't have to worry, you have a lifetime to taste it."

"You like me, why didn't you tell me before?"

"I already said that."

"Have you ever said that?"

"I acted shyly in front of you, that means I like you. When I see you, I smile from the bottom of my heart, that means I like you. But, I was scared and hesitant before, and I know you have Su Tong , I dare not be nice to you."

"You dare now?"

"Because I found that I don't like anyone except you. Do you know how jealous I am of Chen Mo? Now, I don't envy her anymore, because I am also your woman."

Yang Fei hugged her and walked towards the bedroom...

In the evening, Yang Fei did not go to Li Dong's party in the villa.

He has better activities.

The acquisition of the little nurse was faster than expected.

Li Dong also seemed to want to get the money as soon as possible, so he was very cooperative. The agreement that should be signed was signed unambiguously, and the terms that should be agreed to were agreed to one by one.

The accounting also went smoothly, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Originally, Yang Fei only wanted to stay in Shencheng for two days before going back, but because he was with Ning Xin, he felt a bit reluctant to leave. He stayed for half a month, and he didn't return to Shanghai with the team until the whole acquisition process was completed.

After the acquisition of Little Nurse, Yang Fei will carry out brand-new packaging and publicity for this brand.

First of all, Yang Fei announced in the media in a high-profile way that Meili Group has acquired Little Nurse.

He wants to let consumers know that from now on, Little Nurse will be a sub-brand of Meili Group.

In addition, Yang Fei wants to find a new brand spokesperson for the little nurse.

Every brand of Meili Group has its own image spokesperson.

Little nurses are no exception.

Brand spokesperson is a broad concept. Simply speaking, it refers to a special person who provides information dissemination services for the profit or public welfare goals of enterprises or organizations.

Spokespersons can exist in the commercial field, such as celebrities in many corporate advertisements; they can also appear in activities organized by the government.

If we further refine it to the field of commercial marketing, then spokespersons can be divided into three categories: corporate spokespersons, brand spokespersons and product spokespersons. They are a relationship between inclusion and inclusion.

Up to now, Meili Group has only brand spokespersons and product spokespersons, but no real corporate spokespersons.

If there is a corporate spokesperson, it can only be Yang Fei himself.

Because every product launch event is hosted by Yang Fei himself.

In a sense, he was speaking for his business.

Specific to the brand of Little Nurse, Yang Fei also took great pains in choosing a spokesperson.

After returning from Shencheng, Yang Fei asked Chen Mo and Ning Xin to count the domestic celebrities who meet the requirements of spokespersons, and then selected them one by one.

However, after choosing and choosing, Yang Fei felt that it was not satisfactory.

Yang Fei is very harsh on the choice of spokesperson.

His vision is completely different from Chen Mo and the others' vision of people.

Chen Mo and Ning Xin could only see what was in front of them.

That is to say, the star is very popular and popular now, so I think it is very good.

But in Yang Fei's view, this star will only be popular for two or three years, and will basically disappear after that, so he must be excluded.

And some celebrities now have a very positive image and positive energy.

But Yang Fei knew that in the near future, this star would be imprisoned for taking contraband, his image would be completely ruined, and his star journey would be dark.

Yang Fei didn't want his brand's image to be ruined and sales to be affected because of these messy endorsement incidents.

The two secretaries, Chen Mo and Ning Xin, selected more than a dozen spokesmen, all of which were rejected by Yang Fei.

Yang Fei can't say why, he can't say what will happen to these stars in the future, right?

He can only say, I don't agree, I don't like it, you can choose again!

When the boss said a word, the secretary bent over tired.

Chen Mo and Ning Xin sat down at the secretary's desk again depressed, and began to select spokespersons.

"Ning Xin, you have gone on a business trip with Yang Fei, and it feels like you have changed." Chen Mo looked at Ning Xin with a smooth and moist face, and said involuntarily.

"Is there? What has changed?" Ning Xin touched her face and said with a shy smile, "I'm still me. Have I become ugly?"

"No, you have become beautiful! You are so beautiful! If I were a man, I would fall in love with you."

"You are not a man, you can love me too! I don't refuse friendship. Hehe!"

"Seriously, are you in love?"

"Why do you say that?" Ning Xin suddenly felt guilty.

"It feels like a woman will become different when she is in love."

"What's the difference?"

Chen Mo listened to her and whispered a few words in her ear.

Ning Xin's pretty face was flushed, and she said: "Okay, you, I didn't expect you to be so bad!"

"I'm not bad. What I say is based on scientific evidence. It's completely different between a woman who has had a man and a woman who has never experienced a man."

"Liar! I don't believe it."

"Honestly, who is he?"


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