The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1653 Are you leaving me?

Jin Dabao slapped his thigh, and said without hesitation: "That's needless to say? Li Xiaowan must be kept."

Yang Fei asked, "Why? Give me a reason."

Jin Dabao said: "A deputy music director is easy to recruit, but a cash cow is hard to find!"

Yang Fei thought for a while and said, "You said just now that you want to go out to sea at night?"

"Yes!" Jin Dabao's thoughts couldn't keep up with Yang Fei's jumping rhythm.

This is talking about business, why did you jump to this again?

"Then go play! I'll take Li Xiaowan with me."

"Master Fei, do you want to take her to play?"

"Well, I want to see how this person's character is! After all, I don't have much contact with her. The most important quality of an artist in Huayi is character."

"Fei Shao, in fact, there is no need to pay so much attention to it. Singer! She sings well and can make us money. Her character is her business. We just control her working hours. Don't we still Want to control her life after work?"

"You can't say that. If there is a problem with the artist, it will implicate the company. Before she releases an album, I just happened to investigate her."

"Fei Shao, there is a saying, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Nonsense, talk quickly."

"If you want to do well in the entertainment industry, you must not be too serious about being a human being. I won't say whether to hide or not. Even this kind of ability to maneuver is necessary, right? Even if Liu Chen has that intention, as long as Li Xiaowan doesn't follow suit, he You can’t overlord forcefully, right? If that’s the case, then it’s not subterfuge, it’s called rape! That’s a criminal offense, and I don’t think Liu Chen has the guts. As long as Li Xiaowan handles such things properly, there is no need to It's deadlocked."

"Okay, that's it! After tonight, I will give you the answer."

"Okay, Young Master Fei, that's it? Let's go out to sea to play at night. The dinner is also settled on the yacht."

"Well, yes."

After Jin Dabao left, Yang Fei called Li Xiaowan in.

"Xiaowan, you have been wronged. Tonight, I will take you out on a yacht to relax."

"Really?" Li Xiaowan didn't seem to believe it.

"It's better than pearls! Don't you like this kind of activity? If you don't like it, don't force it."

"No, I am willing." Li Xiaowan said, "Going out to sea on a yacht, how romantic it is!"

"Hehe, what are your hobbies?"

"Well, it's singing. When I'm free, I also compose music."

"I'm asking about your hobbies? Where do you like to play?"

"Bookstores, libraries, concert halls, museums, and various exhibitions."

"Oh, don't like clubbing, disco, dancing, etc?"

"Occasionally, I go to the bar to sit and sit. I also go to the kind of music bar, that is, the one with resident singers. I will also go to observe and learn. Some resident singers are really good at singing, no worse than famous singers."

"Okay, then we've made a deal. It's still early, so go home and have a look! It's not easy to come back."

"Well, thank you, boss."

"It's okay, let's go."

Yang Fei looked at her back,


An Ran walked in and walked in front of him, only then did Yang Fei find out.

"What are you thinking about? Thinking so preoccupied?" An Ran laughed.

"Thinking about something." Yang Fei said, "An Ran, what do you do?"

"Well, my vacation is here, and I'm going back to work. Find another inspector general!"


"I repeat, my vacation is here..."

"I understand. Are you leaving me?"

"I didn't leave you." An Ran smiled, "I just asked for leave to help you, okay? I didn't leave you, I just went home and went to work!"

"No, we agreed, you can't leave me."

"I didn't leave you. We're still good friends. I'm just going back to work. The bureau has had several phone calls urging me."

"Who called you? Let me talk to him!"

"Yang Fei, don't do this."

"Then I'll tell Jiang Ge directly, and I'll just say that I borrowed you as a soldier. Tell him to remove you."

"Yang Fei, why are you bothering?" An Ran said helplessly.

She knew that Yang Fei really had this ability, and could be so muddled, that he could really do this kind of thing.

"Say one thousand, say ten thousand, I just can't let you go. If you're gone, where can I go to find the inspector general?"

"So it's not me that you can't live without, but a supervisor?" An Ran sneered.

"Huh? That's not what I meant."

"Okay, Yang Fei, I've helped you for so long, you should be content. You can't let me lose my career, can you?"

"Isn't this your business? The temple of Meili Group is too small? Can't accommodate you?"

"Can we still have a good talk?"

"If you stay, we will naturally be able to talk. If you leave, we will stop talking at all in the future."

"Okay, then stop talking! Bye! Take care!"

After An Ran finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Seeing that she was really about to leave, Yang Fei dashed out, stretched out his hands, and hugged her by the waist.

An Ran exercises her body every day, and is proficient in boxing, footwork, body technique, and technique.

Almost subconsciously, when Yang Fei approached, she grabbed Yang Fei's wrist, then bent her body down, and threw Yang Fei over her head with a super over-the-shoulder fall.

With a sound of "Boom!", Yang Fei hit the ground firmly.

Fortunately, there is a carpet to protect it, so the fall is not heavy.

An Ran still took a step forward, and when she restrained Yang Fei, she suddenly came to her senses and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Yang Fei, are you okay?"

Yang Fei couldn't laugh or cry and said, "What do you think?"

An Ran reached out to support him, and said, "I really didn't do it on purpose, it's just a natural reaction of my body after practicing for a long time."

"Ouch! My tailbone!" Yang Fei yelled.

Chen Mo and Ning Xin hurried in, seeing this scene, they didn't know what happened.

Yang Fei waved at them: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm practicing wrestling with Director An!"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Then you guys continue to practice! Director An, you throw him a few more times. Otherwise, he won't be honest."

Yang Fei: "..."

Chen Mo and Ning Xin smiled at each other, and when they walked out, they closed the door behind them.

An Ran chuckled and said, "Look, your secretary knows who you are too well."

"Who am I?" Yang Fei gave her a blank look, "I just want to keep you."

Seeing him holding his tailbone, An Ran asked, "Did you fall? Shall I take you to the hospital?"

"You are good at massaging, just rub it for me."

"Beautiful thinking!"

"Aren't you going?"

"Yang Fei, it's really not good. Our bureau chief personally called me. He said that I am the backbone of the bureau's business and cannot do without me."


"What are you sneering at?"

"I'll keep you, but you have to go. He calls you, so you go? Are you the backbone of their business? You are still my general! It can be seen that I am in your heart, not even as good as my former boss! How I lived What a tragedy!"


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