The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1654 Remember Yang Fei is waiting for you

An Ran knew that she couldn't beat Yang Fei.

So she didn't plan to keep messing around with him.

She turned to leave.

Yang Fei took her hand again.

An Ran shook it, but failed to shake off his rascal's hand.

She could only helplessly say: "I haven't resigned yet! If you leave me now, then I will be absent from work. I have to go back and go through the formalities, right?"

Yang Fei smiled and said, "It's settled, just go home and go through the formalities."

An Ran said: "Let go of your hand first, you are pulling and pulling, and Su Tong will not let you into the room at night when you are seen."

Yang Fei chuckled: "She's not here, so I can't see it."

He let go of her hand, and touched his nose.

An Ran said: "My hands don't smell good, so why should you smell them?"

Yang Fei: "..."

An Ran chuckled and said: "Okay, I'll go back first, if I can resign successfully, then I will come here. If I really can't quit my job, then you can find another director. People like me, the talent market A lot."

"There are many talents, but there is only one Enron."


"I'll arrange a plane to pick you up. Is it enough to resign for one day?"

"No. Really, I'll be fine by train. I've booked my ticket."

"You have planned everything before you come to say goodbye to me? You are not enough friends."

"I came to say goodbye to you, and I have done you a lot of face. I wanted to go back and call you again."

Those who go must go, and they can't stay again.

Yang Fei held her hand and said, "No matter where you are or what you are doing, please remember that there is someone named Yang Fei who has been waiting for you."


At night, the Bubble is very lively.

Jin Dabao is really a person who knows how to enjoy life.

The beauties he brought were all slim and graceful, and they were very good at showing off their slender figures.

On the several decks of the Bubble, there are birds and birds everywhere, hair and long legs dance together, bikinis and sunsets fly together.

Yang Fei lay comfortably on the chair, and smiled at Li Xiaowan who was playing the guitar: "Aren't you going to play with them?"

Li Xiaowan plucked the strings and said, "I can't play together."

"You can sing while playing, and then ask them to dance for you. This is a MV!"

"Do you like this kind of MV?"

"Well, what the masses like to hear and see is what our Huayi Company is after."

"Boss, you are really amazing. You can say a very vulgar matter so freshly and refinedly."

"Then do you think your music is elegant or vulgar?" Yang Fei asked her.

Li Xiaowan thought for a while and said, "Popular songs should be vulgar."

Yang Fei said: "That's right, each of us must recognize our own position. Yangchun Baixue is of course good, but it can't bring us economic benefits, and few people like to listen to it."

Li Xiaowan said: "You won't really pair my songs with bikini MVs, will you? I know this kind of MV is very popular, but I always thought that it was only the behavior of third-rate record companies.

Huayi should have a higher pursuit. "

Yang Fei said: "How is it possible? Of course we are tall!"

Li Xiaowan pursed her lips and smiled, and was about to praise Yang Fei, when he continued:

"A third-rate record company, only beaches and bikini beauties, and we have luxury yachts! This is what they don't have!"


Li Xiaowan was really speechless, and could only express her inner dissatisfaction and protest with the eager sound of the piano.

Yang Fei breathed out a smoke ring leisurely, and said, "With an annual salary of one million, shoot popular MVs. With an annual salary of one hundred thousand, shoot high mountains and flowing water. Which one do you choose?"

Li Xiaowan pursed her lips and said, "I choose the high mountains and rivers to save a little money, and one hundred thousand is enough for me. If it is ten thousand, I guess I will consider other things."


"You really want to see it?"

"Look at what?"

"I sing and they dance."

"Oh, would you like to?"

"Who told you to be the boss? I have to satisfy your wish."

As Li Xiaowan said, she got up and called all the beauties over, and asked them to dance, while she played and sang.

Yang Fei watched it pleasing to the eye and dizzying.

Jin Dabao danced with the beauty for a while, walked over, and said with a smile: "Young Master Fei, don't just sit down, get up and cheer up."

Yang Fei waved his hand and said, "I'm still sitting comfortably. What do you think of her singing skills?"

"Not bad, really good." Jin Dabao said, "It sounds like a lark."

The carnival lasted until 9:30 in the evening. The lights on both sides of the river were brightly lit, the bright moon hung high in the sky, and the reflections of the lights of thousands of families were reflected in the river. It reminded people of the lights and shadows in the Qinhuai River.

Yang Fei didn't go out to sea, but only played in Neijiang.

The carnival party on the yacht attracted countless passers-by to stop and watch.

Whether it's the audience's jealousy or envy, Yang Fei can't hear it at all.

Yang Fei got up and waved to Li Xiaowan.

Li Xiaowan stepped forward.

Yang Fei walked into the cabin without saying a word.

Li Xiaowan put down her guitar and followed in.

A yacht is a mobile water villa.

There is everything in the villa, and there is everything here.

Through the living room is Yang Fei's master bedroom.

The master bedroom was covered with thick carpets, the air conditioner was cool, and the windows were covered with heavy drapes.

Li Xiaowan stood in the living room, hesitated for a moment, but followed Yang Fei in.

"Close the door." Yang Fei ordered in an unquestionable tone.

Li Xiaowanfang's heart skipped a beat, her face flushed, and when she closed the door, she felt her fingers trembling slightly.

She closed the door, stood awkwardly, and called softly, "Boss?"

Yang Fei sat on the only chair in the bedroom.

Li Xiaowan didn't know what to do, if she wanted to sit, she could only sit on the edge of the bed, she thought about it and gave up.

Yang Fei suddenly said: "What are you still doing?"

"Ah?" Li Xiaowan asked puzzledly, "What are you doing?"

"Take it off!"

"Take off?" Of course Li Xiaowan knew what she was going to take off, but she was shocked by this word!

"Nonsense! Hurry up!" Yang Fei looked at the well-proportioned and beautiful girl in front of him like a wolf admiring its prey.

Li Xiaowan's face was red enough to bleed, she lowered her head and looked at her toes, as if two little people were fighting in her heart.

A little man told her to open the door and escape.

Another little man tells her to obey her boss for a greater future.

"Excuse me? How about I go out first?" Yang Fei asked playfully.

"Ah, I, I don't..." Her mind was already in a mess.

She didn't know, what was she talking about, and what did she want to say?

"First time?" Yang Fei asked.

"Yeah." She replied.

Yang Fei pointed to the attached bathroom, and said, "Why don't you go in there! You'll be less shy this way. Come out after taking a shower."

Li Xiaowan's legs are usually very dexterous, and she can easily complete even difficult dance moves.

But at this moment, her legs were as heavy as lead.

Her mind was struggling and fighting.

But she finally went to the bathroom.

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