The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1662 Live up to everyone who works hard for the company

Yang Fei reused Zhu Man, firstly because she did have good abilities and rich industry experience.

He didn't want to lose a talent because of doubt and caution.

Secondly, Yang Fei has no better candidate now.

Although Chen Chun agreed to talk with his mentor, what was the result of the talk?

Can she come to Meili Group to work?

This is still unknown.

And even if Chen Chun comes, although she understands medicine and pharmacology, she is a layman when it comes to daily chemicals and brand management, and needs a process of learning and training.

Therefore, Yang Fei needs to arrange a knowledgeable person to be Chen Chun's assistant.

In this sense, Zhu Man seems to be a good candidate.

Chen Chun understands medicine, and Zhu Man understands business. If they are well matched, they can help each other and complement each other to build the brand of Little Nurse.

As for whether Zhu Man had any other purpose, Yang Fei wasn't worried or afraid at all.

At most, she came here to steal technology, recipes and management.

If she wants to learn, let her learn well.

In Yang Fei's impression, the Dingjiayi brand did not develop much in the future, and was even acquired by French Coty a few years later.

A company cannot be saved by relying on some technologies and formulas.

Taking a step back, if Zhu Man returned from studying in Meili Group and could save Ding Jiayi, a private brand, Yang Fei would like to see this kind of result.

Yang Fei's mind is bigger than most people imagine.

He bought small brands not to destroy them, but to save them.

To Yang Fei, it doesn't matter if there are more or less brands in the daily chemical industry.

In the current Meili Group, the income earned from raw materials far exceeds the income from brand sales.

Meili Group is not only beautiful daily chemicals.

Yang Fei earned no less money in other fields than Meili Daily Chemicals.

Now, what Yang Fei likes is that Zhu Man can be used.

The boss invites employees, of course, to use his value to generate benefits for himself, not to pity anyone, so give him a job.

After the talk, it was almost noon.

Zhu Man kindly invited Yang Fei to have lunch together.

Yang Fei waved his hands and said with a smile: "There will be opportunities in the future. I have an appointment at noon. Miss Zhu, you should go through the resignation procedures over there as soon as possible, and come to take up the post! The new product of the little nurse will be released soon, and you are urgently needed to preside over the overall situation."

"Boss, I can go to work tomorrow. I have resigned there. Give me an afternoon, and I will find a place to live."

"Have you resigned?"


"You have a big heart! Aren't you afraid that I won't want you?"

"I'm sure you'll want me."

"Uh--this conversation has changed again." Yang Fei smiled, "I have seen your confidence again! Very good, I appreciate your courage."

Zhu Man said: "I thought that resigning first and then finding another job is the minimum respect for the original profession."

Yang Fei said: "You don't have to worry about the residence, you go out to find Ning Xin, she will arrange it for you. Our company has a staff dormitory area.


Zhu Man hesitated and said, "Boss, I like living alone, I don't like living in a dormitory."

Yang Fei was stunned, and then laughed loudly: "You have misunderstood. The dormitory area I am talking about is a large community with villas and elevator rooms. Those at the director level can live in villas. Like your current rank, according to According to your own needs, you can choose two bedrooms and one living room or three bedrooms and one living room. You can ask Ning Xin to arrange the specific room selection."

"Huh? So good? Is it free?"

"Of course it's free."

"Is there a bus to pick you up? I haven't bought a car yet."

"For your rank, the company will allocate a special car worth about 200,000 yuan, but you don't deserve a special driver. Do you have a driver's license?"

"I have a driver's license and have passed the test a long time ago, but I have never bought a car."

"Well, house and car, you go and choose!"

"Boss, before I came here, I heard that Meili Group has good benefits and benefits, but I didn't expect that the benefits would be so good! I really don't know what to say. I think I came to the right place."

Yang Fei said: "We will never disappoint everyone who works hard for the company! Although the house is free for you to live in, if you can work in the company for more than fifteen years, the house will be transferred to your name."

"Really? I have worked for fifteen years, and the company gave me a house?"

"You heard it right. This is the executive benefit of our Meili Group. Of course, only people with a certain rank can enjoy it."

"thank you boss!"


Looking at her leaving figure, Yang Fei thought to himself that even if you are an undercover agent, I will make you mine!


Be my soldier!

At noon, Yang Fei took Ning Xin to attend the reception luncheon held by the Southern Chamber of Commerce.

Zhao Jianye, Liang Yulou, Wang Yongfa, Wu Taiqing and others are very familiar with Yang Fei. They all sit at the same table, drinking glasses to and fro until the wine is dry.

Wu Taiqing is in the oral liquid business, but recently he is facing a great crisis.

Last year, the case of death caused by three oral liquids was pronounced. This three-year lawsuit finally ended in victory for the three companies.

However, the three companies won the lawsuit, but also lost the market.

A legal victory cannot save the fate of the three empires from overthrowing.

With the fall of the banner of the three oral liquids, the life of other small and medium-sized oral liquid brands is becoming more and more difficult.

Regarding the case of Sanzhu, Yang Fei analyzed it more than once, and also explained it in front of all the bosses.

The three plants were defeated by arrogance!

The loss of the three companies violated the principles of business management and public relations!

The cause of the incident was: after drinking the three strains of oral liquid, Chen caused a high protein reaction and died two months later.

After the incident, since consumers have been misled, Sanzhu should not take an evasive attitude, but should take the initiative to stop the sales of Sanzhu oral liquid from a responsible point of view, and cooperate with the investigation of the judicial authorities.

The practice of the three companies just violated the principle of corporate responsibility.

After the incident, the three companies deceived employees internally and regarded the media as enemies externally. As a result, the public could not understand the truth and rumors spread everywhere. This violates the principle of sincere communication of enterprises.

After the crisis broke out, the company neither immediately dispatched competent personnel to investigate the cause of the accident, appease the victims, try to narrow the scope of the incident, nor actively communicate with government departments and news media to explain the truth. This again violates the speed first principle.

The company only went to court with the courage of the moment, but did not take other corresponding measures, which led to the expansion of the situation. It violates the operating principles of the system.

The three companies repeatedly said that their products were good, but they did not take the initiative to invite authoritative organizations to test them. Of course, consumers would rather believe in their products than in their non-existence. If the three companies could hold a press conference in Beijing at that time, and relevant experts from the Ministry of Health would demonstrate the efficacy of the three companies' oral liquid, it might not have ended like this.

If nothing happened, the giant company with annual sales of more than 8 billion yuan, which had been booming, collapsed and never recovered.

The era of oral liquid is also gone.

When consumers lose confidence in an industry, it is the end of the industry.

Countless small and medium-sized enterprises are in trouble and are struggling.

Wu Taiqing sighed during the banquet, and asked Yang Fei for advice on how to make a comeback.

Yang Fei asked him: "Do you still want to do oral liquid business?"

Wu Taiqing waved his hands again and again: "I won't do it, even if I'm beaten to death, I won't do it. If I had known earlier, I would have sold washing powder with you!"

Yang Fei said: "It's not impossible to make oral liquid, it depends on how you do it. When everyone is delisting, it's your best time!"

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