The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1663 Using the topic to play, Yang Fei went crazy

"My best time?" Wu Taiqing asked in confusion, "Everyone is delisting, should I go against the market?"

Yang Feidao: "From the perspective of the stock market and finance, this is indeed the case. Industry is also a capital market, and the laws are the same. Oral liquid was once so popular, which shows that there is a huge consumer group. People are forgetful. When three After the turmoil is over, people will still buy oral liquid to drink."

"Are you optimistic about the oral liquid market?" Wu Taiqing asked.

Yang Fei said: "The premise is that you have to make products of excellent quality. Instead of speculating and shoddy."

Wu Taiqing said: "Oh, I'm really scared. My factory has been losing money for more than half a year."

Yang Fei said: "It's pretty good if it's like Melatonin."

Wu Taiqing said: "His advertisement is too magical, and it is aimed at middle-aged and elderly people."

Yang Fei said: "That's right. Only middle-aged and elderly people need supplements, and they also have spare money to supplement them. The younger generations respect their elders. Buying cigarettes and bars is said to be a harmful thing. Buying two boxes of supplements and carrying them can also save face. How good is it? This is the market demand, and the positioning is accurate.”

Wu Taiqing suddenly realized: "It makes sense! It makes sense! President Yang, do you suggest that I also learn melatonin? Launch health care products for middle-aged and elderly people?"

Yang Fei said with a smile: "Why do you want to fight against middle-aged and elderly people? Besides middle-aged and elderly people, there are many people. Like women comrades, it is very painful for a few days every month, right? If you can develop a product , After eating it, it can relieve the pain, there must be people buying it, like Wuji Baifeng Pills, aren’t they popular enough?”

"There are also products for men. What do men need most? Your waist can be straightened up. Your product can make men's waists straighten up, and women can also become better. This is a good thing for you, me, and everyone."

"Also, children's business is also easy to do. Today's children are mostly only children, and their schoolwork is heavy. They need things to replenish their brains and eyesight..."

Yang Fei's long speech made Wu Taiqing nod his head repeatedly.

"Now I understand what it means to listen to what you say is better than reading ten years of books!" Wu Taiqing laughed and said, "President Yang makes more money than all of us. It's not unreasonable!"

Yang Fei said: "I can only offer some suggestions. How to do it depends on you. The industry is a good industry, and the reputation and reputation of the industry must be maintained consciously by everyone. Don't think that you are cheating and cheating. It can only harm others. You know, when a snow mountain collapses, no snowflake is innocent."

Zhao Jianye said with deep emotion: "This is too true. It is applicable to any industry. We are engaged in an industry, and we should consciously justify the reputation of the industry. If you hurt a little, I will hurt a little, and eventually consumers will not believe it. us."

Yang Fei changed the subject and said seriously:

"The same is true for our chamber of commerce! Ladies and gentlemen, the Southern Province Chamber of Commerce is the home of every merchant in the Southern Province. This home needs to be maintained by everyone. No one can harm the common interests of the chamber of commerce!"

Everyone is in awe.

Zhao Jianye pondered, Yang Fei was making use of the topic. He was talking about the status quo of the oral liquid industry, but he was actually talking about the construction of the chamber of commerce.

Yang Fei picked up the wine glass, put it down again, and said, "Think about it, why did we set up the chamber of commerce in the first place? Jianye, tell me first."

Zhao Jianye said with a smile: "It's like a person who walks the rivers and lakes. A person is too lonely and easy to be bullied.

They will all join a faction, so that everyone can form a group, help each other, and take care of each other. "

Yang Feidao: "Jianye said it well, the business world is also a river and lake. There are many factions, and each province has its own chamber of commerce. The colleagues of the chamber of commerce are friends and family members. If there is something wrong with the family, everyone will stand by and watch for fear of harming themselves. What's the use of having this chamber of commerce? How about quitting the chamber of commerce and being free and unrestrained?"

"The original intention of establishing the Chamber of Commerce is to help each other! If one party is in trouble, all parties will support! No matter how difficult one person is, if it is shared among hundreds or thousands of people in the Chamber of Commerce, it will not be a problem!"

"Everyone is a shrewd businessman, but I found that some people are too shrewd! As soon as there is something to gain, they will swarm over to fight for it. When someone is killed, someone is unlucky, and someone has an accident, just Stay away! Let me ask everyone, is such a chamber of commerce what you want? Is such a chamber of commerce necessary to exist?"

Yang Fei's tone gradually became heavier.

The originally bustling banquet hall was instantly silent.

The waiters next to him, looking at Yang Fei's majestic appearance, couldn't help casting admiring glances at him.

Yang Fei said: "If everyone thinks that the chamber of commerce is a place for you to make money, but you are unwilling to contribute your energy and help your friends, then I suggest that you disband the chamber of commerce!"

Zhao Jianye smiled awkwardly: "President Yang, you are being serious. In fact, everyone's thoughts are the same, and everyone's heart is also good."

Yang Fei said: "I won't talk about the distance, Liang Shulin is one of the vice presidents of the chamber of commerce! He fell down, he jumped off the building, and the newspapers reported it. On the day of the funeral, who of you came? Let me ask everyone , what are you all busy with that day? Are you busy making money? Or are you busy hugging women?"

Everyone's heads unconsciously lowered by another three points.

Yang Fei said: "Compare your heart to your heart, colleagues! Yesterday was Liang Shulin who was in trouble. Today is Wu Taiqing who is in trouble. Tomorrow? Who will it be? Who can guarantee that the industry you are engaged in will never fail? The business you do only makes money. Don’t pay? When it’s everyone’s turn on this day, when you have nowhere to ask, and everyone stands by and even gloats, how will you feel?”

"The chamber of commerce has rules and regulations, which are written clearly and plainly. What rights and obligations do members have. Do you think that as long as you pay the membership fee, the chamber of commerce will kick you out? No sympathy People who don’t care about each other, people who don’t have the heart to help each other, people who don’t even feel sad when a rabbit dies and a fox, I don’t know what’s the point of keeping you in the chamber of commerce?”

"From today onwards, I will establish a rule of the association. People in the chamber of commerce must help each other and are not allowed to be indifferent spectators! Those who disagree can leave now!"

No one got up to leave.

But someone applauded.

Yang Fei said: "Of course, there is a limit to helping people. There are three ways not to help people, which three not to help? One is not to help pornography, gambling and drugs! You eat, drink, whore and gamble, and after squandering, reach out and ask everyone for money? Then you think too well No! Such people are determined not to help!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Yang Fei said: "The second is that lazy people don't help. You are lying at home like a lazy pig, and you want everyone to help you? Go ahead and dream!"

Everyone laughed.

Yang Fei said: "Three, we will not help those who don't help others! You don't help others, you only want to benefit from others? Even if you are a profiteer, you can't be so shameless, right?"


The roar of laughter rang out.

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