The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1664 Someone wants to make trouble

Holding the wine glass, Yang Fei stood up.

Everyone in the audience stood up.

Yang Fei said: "Today is for everyone to cleanse the dust. You should be happy. It's my fault that disturbed everyone's drinking. Come, let me toast everyone!"

"President Yang, your words make sense! You speak to our hearts." Liang Yulou said, "I suggest that we all give a toast to President Yang together!"

Yang Fei waved his hand and said: "Ugly words come first. Those who stay agree with what I just said. If similar situations happen in the future, I hope that everyone can reach out and do their part."

"President Yang, don't worry, we know we were wrong." Someone said, "We really didn't do enough in the case of Liang Shulin. We were wrong."

Yang Fei said: "I sincerely hope that every year's meeting, all the members of our chamber of commerce can attend the meeting, and there are only a few more members! This shows that everyone not only lives healthy and healthy, but also has a prosperous business! Come, for A better tomorrow for the chamber of commerce, let’s have another drink!"

Ning Xin whispered: "Stop drinking, you'll get drunk again later."

Yang Fei lowered his voice and said with a smile: "I'm drunk, I just hold you to sleep."

Thinking of the days in Shencheng, Ning Xin couldn't help but feel Xia Fei's cheeks.

Wu Taiqing filled the glass for himself, and said to Yang Fei: "President Yang, I must toast you with another glass of wine. Brother, I am in trouble, and you have helped me a lot. If you need me in the future, just take care of me. Open your mouth, go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, I will never refuse!"

Yang Fei clinked a glass with him: "Old Wu, you are serious. A member of the chamber of commerce should help each other."

Ning Xin took his wine glass, poured it into her own glass, handed it back to him, and said in a low voice, "Yang Fei, I really think, the rules are dead, and people have to abide by them after they are formulated. .But, there will always be people who don't follow the rules, right?"

Yang Fei said: "Isn't it? They are now moved by what I said, and maybe it won't be long before it's like a scrap of paper."

Ning Xin said: "How about setting up a mutual aid foundation in the chamber of commerce?"

Yang Fei's eyes lit up.

Ning Xin said: "You don't need to pay extra money, the chamber of commerce will have profits, and a certain percentage of funds will be drawn from the profits and invested in the foundation. When you are free, you will use it to make some stable investments. It can be withdrawn and used at any time.”

Yang Fei pondered: "The management of the foundation will become a big problem again."

Ning Xin said: "It's fine for you to be managed by the principal and vice presidents. To use the funds of the foundation, more than half of the principal and vice presidents must agree, so there will be no problem."

Yang Fei said: "Your method is not bad. I will bring it up at tomorrow's meeting and let everyone discuss it!"

It took more than an hour to eat a meal, and we hadn't seen each other for a long time, so it was inevitable to catch up on the old days.

When businessmen are together, of course they talk about business.

Everyone exchanged news, which business is easy to do this year, where the price of raw materials has been reduced, and which city has good consumption.

For smart people, sometimes they only need to hear a word from others to get business opportunities and make a fortune.

This is also the greatest significance of the existence of the chamber of commerce circle.

After the meeting ended, Yang Fei was drunk.

Liang Yulou sent him to the car,

He also climbed the car door and chatted with him.

In a daze, Yang Fei seemed to see Liang Yulou stuffing something for himself.

At that time, he was shaking hands with Liang Yulou, and he was 80% drunk, so he didn't care.

After the car drove away for a certain distance, Yang Fei picked up the thing next to the seat and took a closer look, but it was an envelope.

"Is this Liang Yulou still offering bribes to me?" Yang Fei chuckled and opened the envelope.

When he saw it, he was stunned.

It wasn't a bank card or cash.

It's a piece of letter paper with writing on it.

He unfolded it and looked at it again, frowning.

"What's wrong?" Ning Xin asked.

"Liang Yulou reminded me that someone is very dissatisfied with me and wants to make trouble!"

"Who is so bold?"

"Hehe, I've been the chairman of the association for some years, right?"

"Well, it seems to be several years!"

"They all remember the years when I was the president. They said that the presidents of the governments of all countries have to be elected. Could it be that I, Yang Fei, have always been the president of the Chamber of Commerce in Southern Province?"

"Anyone want an election?"

"It's all driven by profit!"

"What's the benefit? You didn't get any benefit from the chamber of commerce."

"Why not? I borrowed all the 500 million funds that the chamber of commerce received for the first time. Because I am the chairman, the two markets in the north and the south are the ones I call the shots and led by me, so no one dares to object. But, No one objects, it doesn’t mean they don’t want to!”

"Did Liang Yulou say who it was?"

"He didn't say it clearly, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't say it. At tomorrow's meeting, these people will naturally jump out."

"Yang Fei, tomorrow's meeting will be difficult to deal with."

"There will definitely be people who will come out and say that they want to elect the president, or propose a rotating responsibility system for the president. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. Sure enough!"

"What you said at the banquet just now can be said to have offended many people! Liang Shulin is dead, and they are unwilling to go. You blame them now, and they don't say anything, just because they are afraid of slandering you! This critical moment , why did you offend everyone?"

"Never mind him! I, Yang Fei, have always said something! As for the president..."

"You don't want to be? Just let them fight?"

"Hehe, it must be me! I must be one!"

"However, they also have a reason. You can't always be the chairman, can you?"

Yang Fei said: "Since they dare to raise such a question, they must have been prepared for a long time, maybe they have already formed an alliance, and they are just waiting to impeach me!"

"Do you have to contact the members of the chamber of commerce too? So they can vote for you."

Yang Fei sneered and said, "I'm going to canvass votes? Believe it or not, no matter who I turn to, even the person who most wants to pull me off the horse, he will smile and say that he supports me in front of me."

"I believe." Ning Xin pursed her lips and smiled.

Xi Feidao: "Su Tong is campaigning for Party Secretary in Taohua Village. I have seen them canvass for votes. Everyone goes door-to-door to canvass votes. Rural people are very smart. They can say good things about anyone in front of anyone, and even pat their legs. I promise to vote for him, and I will mobilize my relatives and friends to vote together, and the result? Who knows who they voted for?"


After a while, Liang Yulou called.

"Mr. Yang, have you read my letter to you?"

"Look, Yulou, thank you."

"Which one of us is with whom? I have today, thanks to your help! Don't worry, there are many people who support you! I will continue to lobby other people, and I must vote for you at tomorrow's meeting! "

Yang Fei laughed and said, "Yulou, you have a heart."

Putting down the phone, a thought suddenly flashed into Yang Fei's mind: "If the person who wants to pull me off the horse is Liang Yulou? Is this possible? There are so many people shouting and catching thieves! The more conspiratorial people , the more loyal you will be, so that you don't guard against him!"

He was also taken aback by his bold guess, and most of the wine woke up in an instant!

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