The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1668: He who knows the current affairs is a hero

Yang Fei was talking on the phone with Zhao Jianye, and when he heard the commotion, he turned his head and looked over.

As soon as the mouse parked the car, it was about to run over when it saw the situation.

Yang Fei waved to him, signaling him not to worry.

The mouse said: "Young Master Fei, those men are not human! They even dare to beat women! I can't spare them!"

Yang Fei laughed and said, "Anyone who dares to offend Li Juan is considered courageous!"

As soon as the mouse heard it, he knew Li Juan's background, but he had never seen Li Juan's skills, so he walked over quickly and stood by with his hands down to watch.

Yang Fei continued to call Zhao Jianye.

Zhao Jianye asked, "Is there any trouble over there?"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "It's okay, some people feel that their lives are too ordinary and they are looking for excitement! You continue to talk."

Zhao Jianye said: "I have inquired about it, it is possible - I am not sure, it is Wang Yongfa who is behind the scenes."

Yang Fei raised his eyebrows, thinking that it really was him!

From this point of view, this Wang Yongfa may really have someone's help, so he dared to jump out and make trouble.

Zhao Jianye said: "Wang Yongfa should not be underestimated. He has always been the vice president. He is considered a veteran in the chamber of commerce, and he has strong mobility. His old nest has been staying in the provincial capital and has not moved the nest, so he bred a Not a small force to help."

Knowing that what he said was true, Yang Fei said, "Thanks for your hard work, Jianye."

Zhao Jianye said: "But there is no need to be afraid of him. Wang Yongfa will be the vice president. He still wants to be the president? I don't think he can think about it!"

Yang Fei said: "It doesn't matter, anyone can be the president, but I still hope that even if I don't, you will take over."

"No, no, no, I can't."

"Jianye, are you okay now? Why don't you come and play too? The sun is beautiful today, and we are going to go out to sea on a yacht to bask in the sun. Watching the sunset on the sea, it will be a wonderful picture."

"Okay, I'm feeling depressed. Am I coming alone?"

"You can come alone, let's chat."

"Okay!" Zhao Jianye said happily.

Zhao Jianye is honored to be Yang Fei's confidant.

Only then did Yang Fei hang up the phone and walked towards Li Juan.

After the fat man tripped, he fell and ate shit, and got up in a state of embarrassment, only to see that his head was covered with blood and his nose was crooked.

This time, the fall was really hard!

Li Juan's pretty face was slightly cold, and she said with a sneer, "I've said it before, if you don't apologize, you don't want to leave!"

Fatty's companions reacted after being shocked.

They obviously didn't expect that in front of the gate of the yacht club, several big men would be bullied by three little girls!

Is this okay?

The fat man covered his nose and face, and yelled: "I never hit women, I'm going to make an exception today!"

Mouse was standing by the side, ready for a fight, as long as the opponent made a move, he would be able to strike back.

Li Juan put her hands on her hips, her big eyes were rounder than the sun in the sky, and her eyes were more lethal than the sun's rays.

Her contemptuous attitude, that haughty attitude of not paying attention to others completely angered Fatty and the others.

"Hit her!" The fat man pointed at Li Juan and yelled at his companions, "Didn't you see your boss being bullied? Why don't you hit her?"

Yang Fei and Zhao Jianye only said a few words, and they happened to walk over at this moment, and said with a sneer, "If I were you, I would never dare to offend this young lady, if you are sensible, just kneel down and kowtow a few times, Seek the forgiveness of the eldest lady, and then roll with your tail between your legs, as fast as you can! Otherwise, you really won’t be able to escape!”

The fat man's eyes were blurred, he didn't see Yang Fei clearly, and said angrily, "Who are you? You want to meddle in your own business?"

Yang Fei said lightly: "You don't care who I am. I'm kindly reminding you now. You guys are not a match for the eldest lady. She beats you into cripples, and you have to sue for another phone call. If you commit the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, it would be considered light to spend several years in jail."

Li Juan said: "Yang Fei, am I as embarrassing as you say?"

Yang Fei laughed and said, "I'm just complimenting you. You can scare people away with words, so why do you have to touch your golden hands and jade toes?"

Li Juan said: "Why do I feel that you are clearly scaring me?"

The fat man was taken aback when she called out Yang Fei's name, and asked, "Mr. Yang? Are you Mr. Yang?"

"you know me?"

"Mr. Yang's name, can I not recognize it?" The fat man stretched out his hand, wanting to shake hands with Yang Fei, but seeing that his hand was covered with blood, he quickly retracted it.

Yang Fei said: "It's even better if you know me. I also know that you must be a yacht member here. If you are rich, you are expensive. I also know that you must have some influence, but I still advise you to bow your head in front of her. Smart move."

The fat man glanced at Li Juan, and then at Yang Fei, feeling confused.

Li Juan knew that this fight would be impossible, so she said, "It's boring! Yang Fei, you ruined my business!"

Fatty is also a character. Seeing what Yang Fei said, he knew that this woman had a lot of background. As the saying goes, there are people beyond people, and mountains beyond mountains! If I really offended someone, I must have no good fruit to eat, and it is true that I owed it first. Now people only ask for an apology, which is not too much.

"Miss, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said those words, I apologize to you!" The fat man cupped his hands.

Li Juan waved her hand: "Don't be disgusting! Go, go!"

The fat man moved out of the way and said, "Please go first."

Li Juan pouted and said to Yang Fei again: "It's too boring to be with you. If I'm with Li Yi, believe it or not, I can level this place today! I have to twist his pig's head Come down and feed the fish!"

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Of course I believe it! Miss Li, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. You are so noble and elegant, and your temperament is like orchid. You fight and kill all day long, how bloody!"

Li Juan chuckled: "Your mouth is so good at talking! Forget it, let's go!"

Zhuo Yiting and Shen Bijun giggled and walked forward with her.

It seems that they also know Li Juan's identity.

Looking at their attire and temperament, Yang Fei is afraid that they are also people from a long family background.

The so-called people are divided into groups, and things of a kind flock together, and the people who can make friends with Li Juan are definitely the same.

Yang Fei said to the fat man: "He who knows current affairs is a great man, trust me, you won't regret your choice just now."

"Mr. Yang, may I ask, who is she?" The fat man couldn't help asking.

Yang Fei put his hands behind his back, glanced at the sky, and said leisurely: "You better not know. If you know, it will only increase your troubles! I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep well in the next few years!"

The fat man grimaced.

He knew Yang Fei's name and knew that Yang Fei was someone to wait for.

Even Yang Fei said such words, it can be seen that the girl is definitely not simple!

"Thank you, Mr. Yang, for saving me!" Fatty was sweating profusely, thankful that he didn't fight back just now.

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