The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1669 Found the treasure ship?

On board the yacht Bubble.

Zhao Jianye and Yang Fei were sitting on the deck chatting.

Li Juan and others were karaoke in the cabin.

"Mr. Yang, this is what you call enjoyment! There are planes in the sky and yachts on the water. Wherever you want to go, you can go at any time with one command." Zhao Jianye said with emotion.

Yang Fei clinked wine glasses with him, and said with a smile: "Actually, I just want to feel at ease. Now that the transportation is getting more and more developed, it is getting easier and easier to travel."

Zhao Jianye said: "Freedom! This is the height that many people dream of!"

Yang Fei said: "Jianye, your business is doing very well now, you can also consider buying private jets and yachts."

"Me? Forget it!" Zhao Jianye shook his head, "The current real estate is not as profitable as imagined. Don't look at how many houses I have built. In fact, every year, there is not much money left, and I don't know where the money is. where!"

"Then you need a good accountant."

"The accountant has it, but my wife takes care of it!"

"This is a bit embarrassing, after all, it is difficult for an honest official to decide on housework."

"At the beginning, I found a college student who knew accounting to be my wife, thinking that I could save some accounting fees, but later I realized how wrong it was."

"Hehe, she manages the accounting work herself?"

"That's not true, but she is very strict. She doesn't ask about other matters in the company, except for accounting, she is stricter than me."

"It stands to reason that you have a good wife to help you manage your money bag, so you should make more money."

"I also think it's strange! Maybe I'm busy all the time every year, and I haven't earned much money for so many years? It's too inappropriate! I also thought about checking her account, but I thought again, what if it's okay? , that is, I don't trust her, and I will have a rift. If there is something wrong, then the family will be broken up. Hey, I thought about it later, let her go! Anyway, it's okay to get by. "

Yang Fei praised: "Jianye, your mentality is excellent. But you also have to be prepared. How should I put it, the most reliable person is yourself."

Zhao Jianye said: "It's okay, I can trust her."

It's hard for Yang Fei to say more, this kind of thing can't be intimate.

Zhao Jianye said: "Tell me, did that Wang Yongfa take the wrong medicine? Why did he suddenly want to be the president?"

Yang Fei said: "There are many people who want to be the chairman, but everyone is bored in their hearts, and only Wang Yongfa has shown it."

Zhao Jianye said: "We also have to see if they are qualified enough!"

Yang Feidao: "The matter of voting, to be honest, has something to do with real seniority, but it doesn't have much to do with it. In terms of qualifications, Wang Yongfa can be considered a veteran."

Zhao Jianye nodded and said, "That makes sense. Should we prepare something?"

Yang Fei said: "There is nothing to prepare. Soldiers come to block, water to cover!"

Li Juan ran out and shouted: "Yang Fei! Yang Fei!"

"Hey!" Yang Fei turned his head.

"Come in and sing!"

"Wait, I'm chatting with my friends!"

"Let's talk after singing! Li Han said, you sing really well. Come on! We can't wait to appreciate your singing voice!"

Yang Fei still wanted to delay,

She was pulled up by Li Juan earlier.

Zhao Jianye got up with a smile and said, "Then let me listen to Mr. Yang's singing too!"

Yang Fei had no choice but to enter the cabin.

"The song I want to sing can't be played on the KTV machine." Yang Fei said.

"New song?" Li Juan asked.

"I sang it myself!"

"Then just close your eyes and sing nonsense!"

"I'm not bragging, I don't want to enter the entertainment industry, if I do, I won't have anything to do with the current stars!" Yang Fei laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if I sing, the problem is that there are no musical instruments here, and the atmosphere is not right. Forget it, I'd better listen to you beauties singing!"

Li Juan ordered the song "The Moon Represents My Heart", then put the microphone into Yang Fei's hand and said, "Then sing with me."

Yang Fei just wanted to finish dealing with her quickly, so he sang a song with her and won applause from everyone.

Li Juan ordered another song "Heart Rain", and sang a duet with Yang Fei, and they cooperated very well.

Girls are not afraid of getting tired when they sing.

They sang for hours, even after dinner on the yacht.

Fortunately, Yang Fei had Zhao Jianye to chat with him.

After nightfall, the two sat on the deck, chatting and tasting wine.

Suddenly, Feng Ruolan ran up and said, "Mr. Yang, the sailors have caught a thief!"

"Thief?" Yang Fei said in surprise, "This is a yacht, how did he get on it? Then this thief has some skills!"

"Before he had time to come up, he was swimming around the side of the boat, flopping and trying to get on board, when the sailors spotted him and caught him up."

"Hehe, interesting. That doesn't mean he's a thief, does he? Maybe he really was swimming in the river?"

"He also said he knew you." Feng Ruolan said.

"Know me?" Yang Fei smiled, "You ask someone to bring him here, let me see how divine he is?"

Yang Fei and the others were sitting on the deck on the third floor. After a while, they heard a loud voice from below: "Mr. Yang, it's me, it's me! I'm not a thief!"

"Hey, this voice is somewhat familiar!" Yang Fei said.

"Mr. Yang! Help! I'm really not a thief!"

The sound is approaching.

Yang Fei looked at the light and couldn't help being amused: "Hu Xuanlin? Why are you?"

The thief caught by the sailors was none other than Hu Xuanlin.

Feng Ruolan was taken aback when she saw that Yang Fei really knew him.

Yang Fei waved his hand and said, "Let him go!"

Hu Xuanlin was only wearing a pair of big underpants, barefoot, with a thin body, like a monkey, covered in water.

He shook vigorously, threw off the two sailors who grabbed him, and shouted, "I've said it all, I'm not a thief! I'm really Mr. Yang's friend! You just don't believe me!"

The sailor let go and stepped back.

Yang Fei asked: "Hu Xuanlin, what the hell are you doing? Where are your clothes?"

Hu Xuanlin said: "The clothes were taken away by them. Mr. Yang, I have something to tell you."

As he spoke, he winked at Yang Fei.

Yang Fei moved his mind, and said: "Okay, then you come inside! Jianye, you sit down, Miss Feng, you accompany my friend."

Feng Ruolan smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, yes."

Yang Fei took Hu Xuanlin down the ladder and came to the room on the second floor.

After closing the door, Yang Fei asked, "What's the matter?"

Hu Xuanlin said mysteriously: "I found it!"

Yang Fei said, "What did you find?"

"Treasure ship!"

"Really?" Yang Fei smiled, "You're not lying to me, are you?"

"I can't lie to anyone, but I can't lie to you!" Hu Xuanlin looked around with mischievous eyebrows.

Yang Fei said: "Don't worry, there is no one else here. Just speak up if you have anything to say."

Hu Xuanlin said: "I brought my baby, it was wrapped in clothes, and it was taken away by your people."

Yang Fei said: "I'll just ask someone to bring it over. Are there many things found on the treasure ship?"

"A lot! A lot! I brought a few out."

"Why didn't you go to the company to find me, but ran to this boat instead?"

"Hey! How dare I take that kind of thing out in broad daylight? I don't even dare to go to your company. I took it out with all my brains, and they found it. It's not for fun. They can really kill me. I know You will come to the cruise ship at night, and I will be waiting for you by the river!"

Yang Fei didn't know the truth of what he said, and wanted to see what he had brought before talking, so he called Mouse and asked him to bring Hu Xuanlin's clothes.

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