The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1672 Code

After Yang Fei sent the message, just as he wanted to get up, Li Juan's message came back.

"It turns out that men who study chemistry are so romantic! Yang Fei, I really like your answer."

Yang Fei chuckled and got up to wash up.

Li Juan sent several messages in succession.

When Yang Fei was eating breakfast, he only replied: "I'm going to work. Let's chat. On the way back to Beijing, the journey is smooth."

Li Juan replied a few more messages, and Yang Fei didn't have time to read them one by one.

The meeting of the Southern Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to be held at half past nine.

This is Yang Fei's first major event today.

To this end, he postponed the company's schedule.

Yang Fei took Chen Mo to the venue of the hotel.

On the way, Yang Fei received a call.

Liang Yulou called, and he told Yang Fei that Wang Runping was here, saying that he happened to be in Shanghai on a business trip.

Yang Fei was surprised and asked, "Is he here to attend the meeting of the chamber of commerce?"

Liang Yulou said: "It's not sure yet. Chairman Yang, he is the leader of his hometown. Although we are meeting in a foreign country, since he is here, we should invite him to attend."

Yang Fei said: "Well, do you have his phone number? Send it to me, and I'll invite him right now. It won't be wrong for us to take the initiative in this kind of thing."

Liang Yulou said, "Okay, I'll send it to you right away."

"Yulou, you have a heart, thank you."

"Hey, what's the relationship between us! If you say that, you'll be offended."

Yang Fei chuckled.

After a while, Liang Yulou sent Wang Runping's phone number.

Yang Fei called over.

It took a long time for someone to answer.

It was a very young voice.

As soon as Yang Fei heard it, he knew that this person was definitely not Wang Runping, but his secretary Zhang Wentao.

"Secretary Zhang, hello, I'm Yang Fei from the Southern Chamber of Commerce." Yang Fei didn't hold back and went straight to Chen's family.

"Oh, Mr. Yang, hello, I've heard you famous for a long time." Zhang Wentao smiled politely, "Are you looking for the leader? He's a bit inconvenient right now. How about I ask him to call you back later?"

"Secretary Zhang, when did you arrive at Shang Hai? I am sorry for my disappointment. Forgive me, forgive me."

"We arrived last night."

"Excuse me, what is the leader's itinerary for today? I don't mean anything else, but our Southern Chamber of Commerce has a meeting in the morning, and I would like to invite the leader to come and guide us."

"The leader's schedule is very tight, and there will be two consecutive meetings. Well, let me ask him for instructions later, and I will reply to you later."

"Thank you, Secretary Zhang. Please do me a favor and drink tea together when you are free."


Yang Fei hung up the phone, and after about ten minutes, he called again.

This time I changed to a vigorous baritone.

"Leader, hello, I am Yang Fei, the president of the Southern Chamber of Commerce."

"Oh, Yang Fei, Wen Tao told me just now that I don't think there is time to arrange the meeting of your chamber of commerce. You don't have to wait for me, let's go first! I may be late."

"Great, thanks to the leader for taking time out of his busy schedule to guide the work of the chamber of commerce."

"Over the past few years,

The Southern Chamber of Commerce has made an indelible contribution to the economic construction of the province. In the days to come, I hope that your chamber of commerce can and should play a better leading and commanding role, and use the favorable factors of the chamber of commerce to drive members His enthusiasm has contributed to the economic construction of the province. "

"Yes, the leader is right. Our chamber of commerce will hold a meeting today and we will also discuss this topic."

"Mr. Yang, you are the richest man in the country and the pride of our southern province. But I think you can make greater contributions to our province."

When Yang Fei heard it, there was no deep meaning in those words!

Wang Runping said: "Mr. Yang, I learned that you have investments and industries all over the country. You have built six production bases at one go. You also have many industries in Shanghai. I heard that you are still planning to build a global The three major R\u0026D centers..."

Yang Fei thought to himself, he is very well informed.

Wang Runping said: "Mr. Yang, you should know that you put the R\u0026D center in Shanghai, which is just icing on the cake. For the huge Shanghai, although the investment in a company's R\u0026D center is large, it is nothing. But , If you can put it in the southern province, it will be a timely help. The industrial economic foundation of our province is weak, and the geographical advantage is not obvious. A research and development center with an investment of more than one billion is a big project that the whole province pays attention to..."

Yang Fei listened patiently to what he said, and finally understood what the other party meant.

Wang Runping has a problem with Yang Fei!

"Mr. Yang, the central building project you invested in is as high as tens of billions of investment! Tsk tsk, this is really a big deal. You said, if such a landmark building can be placed in the central region, that is, our province, how attractive it would be An eye-catching large-scale project? A project worth tens of billions of dollars, I dreamed of bringing it to the Southern Province..."

Yang Fei couldn't say anything, so he kept responding: "Yes, yes, the leader is right."

"Okay, I'm a little busy here, let's meet and talk later!"

"Okay, I am ready to listen to the instructions of the leader at any time."

The car had already arrived at the front door of the hotel. Mouse got out of the car and opened the door for Yang Fei.

Yang Fei and Chen Mo got out of the car one after another.

Several people from the Chamber of Commerce waited at the door to welcome Yang Fei.

Wang Yongfa and other vice presidents lined up to shake hands with Yang Fei.

"Hello, President Yang." Wang Yongfa smiled at Amitabha, looking extremely kind.

If it weren't for Yang Fei already knowing that he was behind the scenes, just looking at his performance, there would be no signs of it at all.

Yang Fei held Wang Yongfa's hand and shook it vigorously: "Yongfa, you have been doing great things recently!"

This statement is somewhat ambiguous. It can be said that he is doing big business, or it can refer to the things he does behind the scenes.

Wang Yongfa chuckled and said, "It's just a meal, it's nothing compared to Chairman Yang! Chairman Yang is the one who does great things!"

Yang Fei shook hands with everyone one by one and asked, "Is everyone here?"

Zhao Jianye said: "Everything is ready, we can start the meeting."

Everyone hugged Yang Fei upstairs and entered the hotel conference room.

This is the largest meeting room in the hotel, which can accommodate thousands of people.

At this moment, the meeting room was densely packed with people.

As soon as Yang Fei entered the arena, he received a warm welcome.

The audience stood up and applauded.

Yang Fei greeted everyone with a smile.

The meeting was presided over by a female secretary of the chamber of commerce secretariat.

The host's typhoon is not bad, he speaks clearly, his voice is loud, and he speaks fluently.

When the host announced that Yang Fei was invited to speak on stage, the audience burst into applause.

Yang Fei straightened his suit and got up to go on stage.

"Dear members of the chamber of commerce, I am ashamed," Yang Fei blamed himself for the first time after he took the stage, "except for a few regular meetings every year, I rarely preside over the work of the chamber of commerce."

As he spoke, he winked at Zhao Jianye.

Zhao Jianye was sitting in the front row, of course he could see clearly, he couldn't help but be taken aback immediately.

How did the signal get signaled so quickly?

This is the secret code he and Yang Fei agreed upon.

After Yang Fei winked at him, he was about to propose changing the president!

But, this is just the beginning!

Is it coming up so soon?

Zhao Jianye hesitated for a moment, his mind changed, and he decided to obey Yang Fei's words, so he raised his hand.

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