The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1673 Playing a conspiracy? I have never been afraid of anyone!

"Cough!" Zhao Jianye coughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention.

He sat in the front row, and as soon as he raised his hand, he became the focus of the audience.

Yang Fei said: "Vice President Zhao, do you have something to say?"

Zhao Jianye said with a smile: "Since Chairman Yang is so busy, why don't you just let someone else take care of the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce to someone who has time. You should be the emperor."

"Hahaha!" The people in the audience were stunned first, and then burst into roars of laughter.

Only then did Zhao Jianye understand why Yang Fei asked him to take the initiative to make Xian.

The intention is here!

It would be a joke if Yang Fei or Zhao Jianye proposed Rang Xian's words!

No one will take it seriously!

If it was brought up by someone else seriously, it would really become an issue.

That's the difference.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Vice President Zhao, you are right. Otherwise, I invite you to be the president!"

Zhao Jianye understood, laughed and said, "I'm not qualified to be the president!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Wang Yongfa beside him, and said, "Chairman Yang is the richest man in the country. Not only can you be the president of our Southern Chamber of Commerce, but I think you can also be the president of the National Chamber of Commerce! Except you , who here is qualified to be the president? Who else? Whoever wants to be, stand up for me!"

Wang Yongfa frowned embarrassingly and angrily, but soon relaxed it again.

Zhao Jianye was like a showman, he performed well, looked back, laughed and said: "No one stood up? It seems that everyone with me is quite self-aware!"

He turned his head and said to Yang Fei: "Chairman Yang, look, there is no other way. You want to make Xian, but no one is willing to take over! Besides, even if someone is thick-skinned and courageous, he really dares to stand up. Mr. Zhao is also the first to disagree! I think everyone in the seat will not agree, right?"

"Yes!" The audience roared in agreement.

Wang Yongfa was shocked again.

The development direction of this meeting is completely beyond his estimation and beyond his control!

Zhang Yunshan, who was sitting behind him, patted his shoulder lightly and whispered a few words in his ear.

Wang Yongfa shook his head lightly, signaling him not to act rashly.

Yang Fei saw all these small actions, which further confirmed his guess that Wang Yongfa wanted to seize the throne.

Yang Fei preemptively told the story of the chairman Rang Xian in the form of a joke, making everyone listen to it as a joke.

In this way, even though Wang Yongfa wanted to make trouble, he lost the best time.

Just now Zhao Jianye said that whoever wants to be the president can stand up, but Wang Yongfa didn't stand up.

It would be his fault if Wang Yongfa made a point of talking about the president's Rangxian afterward.

This is like a conspiracy. If it is dismantled before it is carried out, then the conspiracy cannot be carried out.

Of course Wang Yongfa didn't know, this was a game carefully arranged by Yang Fei, the purpose was to unravel his conspiracy!

He could only sigh angrily that his luck was not good!

Yang Fei pressed his hand, and said with a smile: "Vice President Zhao, you are taking too much of a joke! I think many people can be the president! You are not bad! Your career is booming ,

Over the years, he has always been the vice president and devoted himself to the affairs of the association. On the day of Liang Shulin's funeral, you went to see him off on behalf of the entire chamber of commerce. In terms of this friendship alone, you are worthy of the position of president! "

Zhao Jianye said: "Shame! Shame! Everyone, I have to make it clear. On the day of Shulin's funeral, I did go. But I didn't want to go. President Yang called me, so I went. So I said In the Chamber of Commerce, who else can compare with President Yang? After Shulin died, we each donated 1,000 yuan, and President Yang gave 60,000 yuan alone! This kind of love, May I ask who else can do it?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Wang Yongfa again.

Wang Yongfa's face was livid, as ugly as it could be.

That's right, Wang Yongfa really made a mistake in Liang Shulin's death.

With this sharp contrast, everyone will support Yang Fei instead of Wang Yongfa!

After all, most of the people here are young and middle-aged people, and they all understand life.

They all understand a truth, accident and tomorrow, never know which will come first.

The death of Liang Shulin also made everyone in the chamber of commerce look at Yang Fei with admiration.

Since it is a meeting of businessmen, of course it has more money than anyone else.

Whoever has more money will be trusted by everyone, and whoever can become the president.

If it comes to money, of course Yang Fei is number one.

In terms of friendship, it can only be Yang Fei.

Therefore, it seems that other than Yang Fei, other people are really not qualified to compete with Yang Fei.

In the beginning, Yang Fei held this meeting to talk about the death of Liang Shulin and the related construction issues of the chamber of commerce.

At the banquet last night, he had already talked a lot about this through the strength of the wine.

At today's meeting, he didn't want to bring up this issue again.

But Zhao Jianye touched this pain point again.

Yang Fei wanted to add a few more words.

"Jianye's words made me think of Liang Shulin again. I have known Shulin for many years. In my impression, he has always lived a chic and detached life. I thought he could live for a long time. Never I never thought that he would leave us so soon."

Yang Fei's words were very heavy, and the audience suddenly fell silent.

"The woods walked in a hurry, and the members of our chamber of commerce didn't have time to send him off collectively. Here, I propose that everyone stand up and observe a three-minute silence for Comrade Shulin!"

As soon as Yang Fei finished speaking, everyone stood up and fell silent.

Three minutes later, Yang Fei pressed his hand and motioned for everyone to sit down.

He said: "On behalf of the Shulin family, thank you for your help. The deceased has passed away, and the widow must continue to live! I am very moved by this matter. Today, I make a request, please discuss it. The chamber of commerce can Set up a mutual aid fund. Take some money from the profits of the chamber of commerce and inject it into the fund. In the future, if such unfortunate things happen, take money from the mutual aid fund to relieve those in need in the chamber of commerce. In this way, the relevant The trivial affairs are handled by the people of the foundation, and none of us need to spend too much time and effort. Do you think it is feasible?"

There was a sound of discussion in the venue, buzzing like hundreds of bees.

Yang Fei said: "Well, let's vote with a show of hands. If you agree to establish a mutual aid fund, please raise your hand. Please pay attention to the secretaries and count the number of people who raised their hands."


Almost all the hands of the audience were raised.

Yang Fei also raised his hand and said with a smile: "It seems that there is no need to count, this is definitely more than half! It seems that everyone is a generous person! Very good, as the president, I will do it for everyone I am very pleased with this act of kindness.”

This is also Yang Fei testing his own prestige, how much is left!

Facts have proved that he can still call Bainuo in the chamber of commerce.

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