The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1674 The richest man!

Next, Yang Fei discussed the establishment and management of the fund with everyone.

In particular, the capital injection ratio of the fund must be agreed by everyone.

In the end, everyone discussed a funding ratio that most people can agree on, as well as a voting method when a mutual aid fund is needed for major events.

When discussing this matter, everyone was both serious and intense.

Because everyone knows that sooner or later, there will be such a day, and maybe in the near future, their family members will be able to enjoy the benefits of this fund.

Even if you can't use it, that's even better.

Anyway, this is the generosity of everyone, to relieve everyone's crisis, and to distribute it to everyone. In fact, it is not much money.

Yang Fei pointed out that the fund is not idle, and usually makes some stable investments, which have fixed income, but the income is not too much, and the income is shared equally among everyone.

In this way, this fund is equivalent to an investment fund for crowdfunding.

If no one is unlucky, this foundation has been helping everyone make money.

A small portion of the fund was used for relief because someone needed help.

This proposal was once again unanimously approved by all.

Everyone has a deeper understanding of Yang Fei's leadership ability.

Although Yang Fei didn't have much time to manage the chamber of commerce, but at the most critical moment, Yang Fei was in charge.

The establishment of the chamber of commerce and the preparation of the two big markets in the north and the south, which one was not managed by Yang Fei?

It's like discussing swords in Huashan, and judging victory and defeat with martial arts.

In the business world, the competition is the ability to make money.

Whoever is successful, whoever has money, then what anyone says will be regarded as the truth.

Yang Fei is the most successful of these people, and his words are more convincing.

The Chamber of Commerce still has a lot to deal with.

Yang Fei usually doesn't have much time, so he solves them together during meetings.

The meeting went on for two hours without knowing it.

It was half past eleven in the morning.

Next, Yang Fei will discuss the matter of adding a vice president.

After Liang Shulin's death, there was a vacancy for the position of vice president.

Yang Fei wanted Liang Yulou to be the vice president.

However, just like Wang Yongfa's conspiracy, Yang Fei couldn't directly bring it up and let Liang Yulou take over.

He can only be nominated by other people, and then he adds the finishing touch to express his support.

The election of the vice president is a major event, and it requires the approval of more than half of the votes of all the directors.

Yang Fei mentioned: "Liang Shulin is the vice president of our chamber of commerce. He devoted himself to the affairs of the chamber of commerce during his lifetime. After his death, the position of vice president was missing. Let's confirm the candidate for the vice president! If you have any good candidates, you can nominate them!"

Zhao Jianye was the first to raise his hand and said, "I nominate Liang Yulou! I think there is no one here who hasn't eaten Yulou's food, right?"

Loud laughter broke out in the audience, and everyone applauded Liang Yulou.

Liang Yulou was not humble either, he stood up and cupped his hands: "Thank you for your support!"

The business of the restaurant he opened is no longer what it used to be, but it can still continue.

And his express delivery business has already flourished.

People's demand for express delivery is also getting higher and higher, and it will be even higher in the future.

Before entering the industry, Liang Yulou was somewhat worried. This is a completely unfamiliar industry, and he followed Yang Fei's advice to enter the industry.

Now he knows that he has chosen the right industry!

This is indeed a sunrise industry!

Wang Yongfa glanced at Zhao Jianye beside him, raised his hand and said, "I nominate Zhang Yunshan! Zhang Yunshan runs an Internet cafe, and his chain of Internet cafes spreads all over the province. The scale is second to none. He is fully qualified to be the vice president!"

Zhao Jianye snorted coldly, and said, "All over the province? It's just a place in the provincial capital, right? The Internet cafe business really doesn't have much technical content. Anyone with enough money can buy a computer for business."

Wang Yongfa sneered and said, "You don't understand now, do you? Computers are the real high-tech! Country bumpkins can't play!"

Zhao Jianye said: "Who do you say is a bumpkin?"

Wang Yongfa said: "I didn't mention you, why are you so excited?"

Zhao Jianye said: "How long has Zhang Yunshan joined the club? Can he compare with Liang Yulou? When Yulou was a brother in the province, Zhang Yunshan didn't know where to play in the mud in open crotch pants!"

Wang Yongfa was speechless.

A few more names were suggested.

The secretary took notes one by one.

Many people also have self-knowledge, knowing that to be the vice president must have qualifications, ability, and support, so even if someone mentioned his name, he took the initiative to stand up and said that he would withdraw from the election.

Knowing that something is impossible, there is no need to fight for it.

In the end, five names were left.

Next, it's time to vote.

While Yang Fei was speaking, the secretary of the Chamber of Commerce hurried over and said to him, "President Yang, Leader Wang is here."

When Yang Fei heard it, he knew that Wang Runping had come, so he asked, "Where are you?"

"I've already boarded the elevator, so I guess I've reached the floor."

Yang Fei got up and said: "Everyone pay attention, good news! Leader Wang Runping happened to be on a business trip in Shanghai, and he came to visit you! The meeting was suspended, and I went out with several vice presidents to meet the leader. Disturbance! Everyone keep quiet and maintain order in the venue!"

With that said, he greeted them out with several vice presidents.

A group of people came to the corridor, just in time to see a few people getting out of the elevator.

Yang Fei and others quickened their pace to meet them.

It was Wang Runping who came.

Although Yang Fei had never met him and only talked to him on the phone, when he saw him, he knew without a doubt that this person was Wang Runping.

"Hello, leader! Welcome to guide the work!" Yang Fei smiled enthusiastically and shook hands with Wang Runping.

Wang Runping didn't have any airs in front of Yang Fei.

After all, Yang Fei is the hottest richest man in the country!

"Mr. Yang, I just saw the wealth list in the newspaper today, and you are ranked first!" Wang Runping said with a laugh, "I have heard about your name for a long time, and I just saw your true face today! You are more than I imagined. Younger and more handsome! Good, good! Young and promising, the next generation is awesome!"

Yang Fei thought to himself, he didn't expect that today's newspaper would actually publish the wealth list, and he would really become the richest man in the country.

He came to the meeting early this morning, and he hasn't had time to read today's newspaper!

"Mr. Yang, I came here today to congratulate you specially!" Wang Runping said, "This is not only your personal happy event, but also our southern province's great happy event! You are the first person to come out of our province The richest man in the country!"

Yang Fei smiled modestly: "This is all media bragging. In reality, how can I be the richest man!"

"Mr. Yang, don't be modest! I have counted your assets. I won't mention foreign ones. Your assets are just domestic. Don't mention so many factories, only one central building. You invested tens of billions!"

Yang Fei smiled wryly and said, "It was invested over many years, not a one-time investment. There must be no problems with my capital chain. Once there is a problem, this project will be ruined."

He said this on purpose to Wang Runping.

Don't you really want me to invest in landmark buildings in the province?

As everyone knows, this is just a big pie!

:. :

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