The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1694 Yang Fei told a short story

Wei Xinyuan said: "As for the formula of the product, I think it is necessary to change it a little bit."

Yang Fei said: "President Wei, tell me."

Wei Xinyuan said: "When the white-collar workers in the city wash their clothes, they like to throw them clean, that is, rinse them clean, and don't like the aftertaste of washing powder on them. When the villagers wash their clothes, they like to smell the smell of washing powder. They think it is fragrant. It smells good."

Yang Fei said: "Well, it makes sense."

Wei Xinyuan said: "The same is true for shampoo and soap. The villagers like fragrant ones, and don't like those that are too light. If they are not fragrant enough, they will think that this product is not good enough."

Yang Feidao: "What President Wei means is that we want to launch a new strong-flavored product for the rural market?"

Wei Xinyuan smiled and said, "It's hard to say whether the fragrance is strong or not, but it must be better than the fragrance used by people in the city to sell well."

Yang Fei said: "Okay, I will leave this problem to you to solve."

Wei Xinyuan said: "This is not difficult to solve, just change the formula a little bit."

Yang Fei said: "Think again, everyone, is there any good way to stabilize our rural market?"

Han Yiyi said: "I have never lived in the countryside, but I have heard a lot of things about the countryside. I think, can we do some activities to go to the countryside? Develop different sales activities for the local villages."

Yang Fei said: "What Mr. Han wants to say is to go deep into the village to do promotional activities?"

Han Yiyi said: "As the saying goes, if you don't want to part with children, you can't catch wolves. Our products can expand their influence through lottery draws or gifts. They can also be combined with literature and art activities to send movies to the countryside and dramas to the countryside. Waiting for the event, it should be very popular with the villagers, right? When there are many people, we can also engage in promotions and promotions."

Yang Fei said: "Well, this suggestion is very good, you can take it out separately and discuss it carefully."

One person counts the short, and everyone counts the long.

So many people came up with ideas, and quickly discussed more than a dozen good strategies for expanding in towns and villages.

Yang Fei made a summary, and then handed it over to relevant personnel for execution.

Enterprises are constantly developing, and society is also constantly progressing and changing.

business development,

It cannot be out of touch with social changes, otherwise even the best products will be eliminated by the market.

Many companies that have closed down are not because their products are poor, but because they no longer meet the development needs of the trend of the times.

Daily chemical products, relatively speaking, are the types with relatively few changes.

The soap we used when we were young is still in use now, and the popular powder decades ago is still the most popular.

However, daily chemical companies cannot sit back and enjoy the benefits once and for all.

Even if the product changes are small, the market changes are still great.

The same product, handed over to different people to operate, the result is completely different.

Yang Fei told a story at the meeting.

He likes to express some of his views in the form of stories, which are easier for people to remember.

"There was a country doctor who had a son who also studied medicine. One day, someone from the village came to ask for a doctor, but the doctor was not at home, so the son went out to see the doctor instead of his father. As a result, he took only one dose of medicine and killed his father. A stubborn disease that has been treated for more than ten years has been cured."

Everyone smiled knowingly when they heard this.

"The son came back and bragged to his father, saying how capable he was. His father was speechless for a long time after hearing this, and then said after a long time, son, do you know where the money for you to finish medical school came from? I want to rely on this old man's illness to help you marry your wife! Now there is no other way!"

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed.

Yang Fei said: "The story is very short, what is it about?"

"The profiteer!"

"No, he is a country doctor, not a businessman."

"It's treachery!"

"It should be said to be a steady stream."

"The son is a good doctor, but the father is a good businessman."


Yang Fei laughed and said, "Are we going to be sons? Or are we going to be fathers?"

"Father!" Everyone replied in unison.

Yang Fei said: "You guys are not authentic!"


Yang Fei said: "To be a doctor, you must learn from your son. But we can learn from our father in business."

Everyone nodded.

Yang Fei said: "Everyone, please don't underestimate this father. For more than ten years! That patient has always trusted him and bought his medicines, and even though he didn't completely cure the patient, the patient has been living well! This It takes real skill!"

Wei Xinyuan said: "Yes, this person has real skills. What he sells are medicines, his medical skills, and his trust. He is very successful."

Yang Fei said: "Let me ask, after more than ten years, how many old customers will still buy our products? Will they still trust our products? Everyone, this story seems to be a joke, but I think it contains There are too many truths in life. I sincerely hope that everyone is a doctor father in the field! Can sell our products and trust to our customers for more than ten years!"

After the meeting, Yang Fei returned to the office.

Chen Mo followed and handed over the compiled meeting minutes to Yang Fei.

Yang Fei said: "Are you still angry?"

Chen Mo said, "Why are you angry?"

"Fang Yao's matter."

"Not angry."

"Then you have ignored me for so long?"

"She knelt down to you, but you were indifferent. I suddenly felt that your heart was so cruel."

"If I hadn't been ruthless, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"Forget it, I'm going out to work."

"Don't be angry! You can't be close!"

Chen Mo said dumbfoundedly: "Okay, my Boss Yang! I'm not angry with you! I'm going out to work, is the head office okay?"

Yang Fei hugged her.

"There is monitoring!" Chen Mo gave him a white look.

"No one is watching the surveillance here except us."

"Ning Xin often reads it."

"Then let her see!"


After Chen Mo went out, Yang Fei called Mouse: "Bring me Hu Xuanlin."

"Master Fei, did he offend you again?" Mouse laughed.

"That's not true. I just suddenly thought that this person is still useful to me. I can use him to deal with the Gao family!"

"Young Master Fei, he is a magic stick. Could it be possible that he can kill the Gao family with just a pinch of his fingers?"

Yang Fei was amused by the mouse's words, and said with a smile: "Okay, don't worry about how I use him. Find him and bring him to my office."

"Okay, Young Master Fei, don't worry! I'll bring him over within an hour."

"Be polite to him. If I want to use him, I have to cooperate with him, don't I?"

"Master Fei, I've always been very polite."

Yang Fei hung up the phone, thought for a while, and then called Gao Qin.

"Mr. Yang, it's strange! Why are you willing to call me?"

"Director Gao, I've thought about it seriously, and I think we still have something to talk about. Come here, let's talk about your proposal this morning."

"About the ad?"

"Yes. You're not free, are you?"

"I'm free. I'll be right over. Glad you figured it out."

"Hehe. You're right. It's not easy for us to make money. Why let the TV station make our money for nothing? I'll wait for you."

Putting down the phone, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Yang Fei's mouth.

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