The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1701: Bidding

Chen Mo was beyond shocked.

She clearly remembered that Yang Fei once said in public at the 2001 advertising conference that he was determined to win the bid.

what happened?

It's only been a few days, and he won't compete for the bid king?

The change is too fast, isn't it?

"Yang Fei, don't you want to win the bid?" Chen Mo asked back, thinking he heard it wrong.

"It's not that we won't fight, we still have to fight for it, but we don't fight for it."

"Oh! You mean, we competed with Gao Qin to raise the bid king's bid price, but we didn't win the bid?" Chen Mo finally understood.

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Why didn't you win the bid?" Chen Mo expressed his incomprehension.

"Biaowang's advertising fee is too expensive. Moreover, the aura of Biaowang has weakened a lot. Whether we win the bid or not has little impact."

"You mean, it's the age of the Internet? Is traditional media dead?"

"Well, a little bit, but people still watch TV, and it hasn't fallen to the point where no one cares about it."

What else can Chen Mo say?

She has almost worshipful trust in Yang Fei.

Chen Mo remembered that at the recent Sydney Olympics, Yang Fei advertised for the group to help the national team win the top three gold medals.

At that time, many people felt that Yang Fei's ideal was too full, and they were afraid that the reality would become very skinny.

Unexpectedly, after the Olympics ended, the Chinese sports team really entered the top three.

The Chinese sports delegation won a total of 28 gold medals, 16 silver medals and 15 bronze medals at the Sydney Olympic Games.

Ranked third on both the gold medal table and the medal table.

For the first time, our country entered the top three of the Olympic gold medal list and made a historic breakthrough.

After the list came out, everyone was moved by Meili Group's advertisement!

Some people even said, thanks to the advertising help from Meili Group!

A prophecy!

After the Olympic advertisement incident, Chen Mo had an almost godlike worship towards Yang Fei.

Not only her, but the whole group respected Yang Fei even more.

In the eyes of the people in the group, Yang Fei seems to be able to predict things like a god, and he can also predict the enemy's opportunities!

After following Yang Fei for so long, Chen Mo also learned the truth that soldiers never tire of cheating.

Because of the continuous occurrence of commercial espionage and undercover incidents, Yang Fei announced in public that he would fight for the bid king, but in fact he only wanted to fight for the title, so it was understandable.

This is a common means of paralyzing the enemy.

Chen Mo said: "The Gao family has been in the limelight recently! They found the sunken ship and they want to win the bid. They cooperated with Shas Company. This move is the right move!"

Yang Fei chuckled: "There's an old saying that goes well, it's called success is Xiao He, and failure is Xiao He!"

Chen Mo blinked and asked, "Are you talking about the Gao family and Shasi Company?"

Yang Fei nodded.

Of course, Chen Mo couldn't understand why Yang Fei said this suddenly.

Bidding will begin.

This year's assistant program is rich and colorful.

The hosts showed their talents and helped their own columns.

Now all advertising slots are in the form of bidding.

That is, the highest price gets.

Taking advantage of the prestige of the richest man, Yang Fei quickly won several prime time slots.

When he is fancy, no matter how many opponents there are or how much the opponent bids, he just keeps raising his cards anyway, that is, he wants 100,000 yuan more than you!

Meeting such rich and powerful Yang's richest man,

Others are really out of it.

Let's compare money, but Yang Fei can't be burned.

Let's compare the momentum, and you can't win Yang Fei.

Therefore, as soon as Yang Fei raised his card, other companies consciously stopped fighting.

Anyway, I can't grab Yang Fei, and after a long time of competition, I still have to offend Yang Fei, but what a pain?

As a result, the commercial slots that Yang Fei wanted were all in his pocket smoothly.

What Yang Fei paid special attention to was that every time Yang Fei raised a card, Gao Qin would raise it a few times, but before the price rose, she would give up again, and would signal to Yang Fei to show her attitude. On, she let Yang Fei.

The last time Yang Fei called Gao Qin over, it was originally to discuss advertising matters.

Later, because of Hu Xuanlin's matter, Gao Qin was anxious and left early.

Afterwards, Gao Qin never dared to contact Yang Fei because she missed the "treasure ship" project that Yang Fei wanted to develop.

It wasn't until today that they met that they greeted each other.

Gao Qin originally thought that Yang Fei would question her, but unexpectedly, Yang Fei turned a blind eye to this matter and didn't take it seriously at all!

On the contrary, Gao Qin couldn't figure out Yang Fei's real thoughts.

She admitted that what she did was really unreasonable.

Yang Fei was already planning to develop the treasure ship project, but she snatched the project away when she bumped into it by accident. This kind of behavior is unjustifiable!

Gao Qin even thought up a lot of wording to deal with Yang Fei's questioning, but it turned out that she couldn't use it at all.

The only thing she is worried about is today's bid king battle.

Will Yang Fei vent all his anger on the battle for the king?

Even if Yang Fei wants to do this, Gao Qin has no choice.

Because, the representative of Shas Company said that the best way to win the sale of the product is to win the bid king!

Although Biao Wang's aura has weakened, although the limelight of TV has been robbed a lot by the Internet.

But Biaowang is still the leader of domestic advertising!

No one will object to this.

Whoever wins the bid will become the hot word of the year.

And this enthusiasm is exactly what all enterprises are striving for.

Finally it was the bid king's auction.

As Yang Fei expected, when the auction started, Backgammon Company took the lead and offered a high price of 100 million yuan.

This sets the tone for this bid king competition!

If it is less than 100 million, there is no need to raise a placard!

If the strength of the enterprise is not strong enough, it can also be eliminated in advance!

100 million!

one year!

The cost of an advertisement!

It's really not something that ordinary companies can afford.

Not long after the Asian financial crisis, many companies have not recovered yet!

Backgammon was the king of last year.

It is understandable that he wants to win the crown of King of Standards again this year.

After all, BBK's performance growth in the past year is obvious to all.

And this kind of performance growth is inseparable from the blessing of Biaowang halo.

In order to continue this glory.

In order not to be eliminated.

Backgammon can only win again!

Over the years, among the companies that have won the honor of bidding king, there are some successful examples like Meili Group, and there are also examples of other companies that have declined.

Backgammon thought that he would definitely become the next beauty group.

Who doesn't want to be the richest man!

When it's time to fight, you have to fight!

After Backgammon raised its placard to make an offer, the representative of Shas immediately raised his placard.

Yang Fei also immediately raised his card.

Backgammon raises cards.

Sass raises a sign.

The bidding has just begun, and no one will lose the game so quickly.

Therefore, everyone raised their placards to bid without hesitation.

Yang Fei felt that the way of raising the placard was too slow, so he directly quoted: "120 million!"

There was a small discussion in the venue.

Everyone thought that Yang Fei was sure to win this year's mark.

Gao Qin cast a resentful look at him.

Yang Fei turned a blind eye.

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