The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1704 This wine is very intoxicating! 【Happy Chinese New Year】

The car kept driving until it reached a forest.

Yang Fei is no stranger to this mountain.

It is a good season to enjoy the red leaves at this moment. The red leaves all over the mountains and plains are pleasing to the eye.

Yang Fei asked: "Didn't you go to your house for dinner? Why did you take me on a tour?"

Li Juan smiled and said, "My home is on this mountain."

Yang Fei couldn't help but shudder.

Going further, the mountain road became steeper, and a sentry box was set up on a small road next to it, and the road was blocked by railings.

This is not unusual.

What's strange is that Yang Fei saw that the person standing guard in the sentry box was actually an armed policeman!

The armed police knew Li Juan, and they gave a standard salute, and then let her go.

Yang Fei didn't dare to ask, nor did he dare to say more.

Let Li Juan take him through the sentry box, and then drive to the depths of the green forest.

Bamboo forest shades, birds chirp.

A low-key old house suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

There seemed to be laughter and laughter in the fenced courtyard wall.

Yang Fei suddenly felt nervous.

To be honest, he rarely felt that way!

No matter what the occasion, he can cope with it without any tension.

what is it today?

Perhaps it was the seemingly low-key, but actually solemn and mysterious old house in the mountains that gave him a different kind of coercion!

If you don't know where the sacred place is, looking at this old house alone, you may think it's just an ordinary farm house!

However, if you look at this house together with this mountain and this city, you will know the unusualness of this house.

"Get out of the car." Li Juan pulled his hand.

Yang Fei hummed.

Li Juan held his hand tightly.

Yang Fei wanted to pull it out, but she didn't expect her to hold it so tightly!

Thinking of her agility in defeating the gangsters in front of Baiyun Temple, Yang Fei gave up resisting.

Walking into the yard, Li Juan shouted: "Li Yi! Li Yi!"

Yang Fei said in a low voice: "Can you be more polite? He is your cousin after all, right?"

"There's not that much particularity between us. Being too particular will make you look vulgar."

A group of people came out of the house.

The men are all imposing, and the women are elegant and noble.

Yang Fei was taken aback for a moment, then smiled slightly.

He was waiting for Li Juan's introduction.

Li Juan did not introduce, but asked them: "Where is Li Yi?"

"Li Yi has a temporary task, so he's leaving." An old man with white hair replied, he was hale and hearty, with piercing eyes and a dignified appearance, which made Yang Fei feel familiar.

Yang Fei took a closer look, and suddenly remembered that he had seen him somewhere before! The respect in my heart grew stronger.

Li Juan tugged at him: "What are you doing in a daze? Call grandpa!"

"Grandpa, hello!" Yang Fei was blunt and not stage-frightened.

The other party is old enough to call him grandpa.

"Okay, okay!" Mr. Li looked at Yang Fei with a smile, "Very good, it's exactly as I imagined. Come in and sit down! These are my children and grandchildren, you get to know each other slowly, and you introduce too much at once. I can't remember this much either. Alright, let's have dinner!"

Old Li's easygoing made Yang Fei's nervous mood relax a lot.

After entering the hall and taking a seat, Mr. Li introduced everyone to Yang Fei one by one.

Every time Mr. Li said a name, Yang Fei's heart skipped a beat, thinking that he was also from the Li family!

After listening to Mr. Li's introduction,

Yang Fei finally understood why Li Han said those words to him.

This is also the first time he has a more objective and comprehensive understanding of Li Juan's big family.

The Li family members are very friendly and treat others with enthusiasm and courtesy.

In Yang Fei's view, Li Juan is the most arrogant person.

However, this little girl also has a cold face and a warm heart. On the surface, she is carefree, but in fact she is as careful as a hair, and her feelings are extraordinarily delicate.

In terms of seat arrangement, greetings of tea and snacks, arrangement of food and drinks, and topics of conversation, she took care of Yang Fei's feelings as a guest, making Yang Fei feel as if he was enjoying the spring breeze and being at home.

In a daze, Yang Fei felt that all this was familiar, as if he had known each other a long time ago, and today was just a reunion after a long absence.

This is a very strange feeling.

It's clear that he is a foreigner in front of him, but he is an old friend in his heart!

Some people get along for a lifetime and are still strangers.

Some people seem to have been with each other for a lifetime when they meet each other.

He suddenly thought of Li Juan's definition of marriage, which is not only the continuation of love, but also finding a relative.

The rarest thing in the world is family affection.

Some couples get closer as they get along, which is better than blood and brotherhood.

And some couples become enemies when they get along, and they hate and kill each other in the name of love.

I don't know if it's because the Li family's enthusiasm for persuading people is too high, or because Yang Fei is too happy, or because he can't resist the Li family's persuasion skills, anyway, Yang Fei's drink is dry.

Then, he got drunk, and with his tongue hanging out, he said a lot of heroic words.

Li's wine is really intoxicating.

After Yang Fei got drunk, he actually fell asleep.

When he woke up, he found that the room was dark and the curtains were shaking slightly.

He didn't know where he was, so he reached out and touched it, startled.

When I looked closely, I saw that there was another person lying beside me.

Warm, and a pleasant fragrance.

"Li Juan?"

Yang Fei shook her.

"Oh!" Li Juan lazily turned over and put her hands on him.

Yang Fei tensed up and pushed her again.

Li Juan opened her eyes in a daze, looked at him and smiled, "Yang Fei, you're awake."

Yang Fei said: "What's going on? Are we all drunk?"

"You're drunk, I'm not." Li Juan sat up, "I'm just too tired, I wanted to lie down, but who knew I fell asleep!"

Yang Fei saw that both of them were neatly dressed, and knew that he hadn't lost his morals after drinking, so he let go of his heart halfway.

"Where is this place?" Yang Fei had an intuition that this was not an old house in the mountains for drinking and eating.

"I live near the school. Li Yi bought it for me." Li Juan shook her arm and said with a smile, "You are so heavy, my arm still hurts."

"What did you do to me? Why does the arm hurt?"

"Come back with you!"


"if not?"

"You can carry it."

"Yeah, try next time."

"...Where's my driver, Mouse?"

"I sent her back." Li Juan said, "He said, he is very relieved that you are with me."

Yang Fei said: "What kind of wine is that in your house, why is it so intoxicating?"

Li Juan said: "I don't know, my grandfather drank special tribute wine. I usually only dare to drink a small glass, but who knew you would drink it as water! Fortunately, grandpa praised you for being bold! You are a good man!"


What happened next made it difficult for Yang Fei to calm down.

Li Juan actually snuggled into his arms, and said tenderly: "Grandpa is very satisfied with you. Especially when you said in front of him that you will marry me as soon as I graduate, he is very happy!"

Yang Fei's scalp tingled for a while!

"Did I say that?" Yang Fei's mind went blank.

"You don't want to be responsible for me, do you?" Li Juan looked at him pitifully, "We are all in the same bed, we have slept..."

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