The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1705 I want to know more about you [Happy Chinese New Year! 】

Yang Fei gradually woke up.

He vaguely remembered what he had indeed said to the Li family.

Could it be that he really said that he wanted to marry Li Juan without knowing how high or low he was?

At that time, he was moved by the warm affection of the Li family.

Also, he couldn't deny that he was really overwhelmed by the powerful aura of the Li family.

As Li Han said, if Yang Fei can marry Li Juan, then Yang Fei will be able to stand firm in China.

From now on, no one would dare to touch the Meili Group casually.

But, that was just the thought in his heart!

He never dared to say it, let alone put it into action.

Now, did it really come out?

Yang Fei wished he could slap himself in the face!

How did you get drunk?

Why are you talking nonsense!

"Miss Li……"

"Do you still have such a good name?"

"Li Juan."

"You can also call me Juan'er."

"You are a wonderful girl, I like you very much."

"I know."

"But, I'm sorry, what I said was really just a slip of the tongue after drinking. In fact, I..."

"what does it mean?"

"Maybe we can be good friends!"

"Friend? No, I am your girlfriend, and I will be your wife in the future!"

"I mean, you're still a student. And I'm a social old man. You can find someone better."

"Oh, I see. Do you think that I'm still a student, so I can't fulfill the obligations between boyfriend and girlfriend with you? It's okay, as long as safety measures are taken, you and I can do that. I'm not Old fashioned thinking."


Yang Fei supported his head, he really had a headache!

"You know my situation?"

"False certificate? I know. And isn't she gone?"

"And one more thing."

"Little Susu?"

"You know it all!"

"I know!"

"Know that you still want me?"

"These are all things before you knew me, I don't care."


"Yang Fei, you can take the child and take it with you. I will treat it as my own. Trust me."

"My God! What are you thinking!"

"To love you is to love everything about you, including your past, and tolerate your shortcomings."

"I can't do it." Yang Fei shook his head.

He said with difficulty: "The education and morals I have received since I was a child do not allow me to do this kind of thing."

"Come on! If you really put your heart and soul into Su Tong, you will have that false certificate? In fact, you are also looking for a better partner. It's just that you feel guilty for Xiao Susu. If there is no Xiao Susu , I think you will definitely not be as entangled as you are now."

Yang Fei was stunned.

This woman is simply, too, too sharp!

"Your feeling of guilt, do you really still love Su Tong?" she asked.

Yang Fei said: "She is not wrong. She is diligently helping me take care of the children at home! I can't leave her."

"It's your mother who takes care of the child, and the nanny you hired. She's working as her party secretary!"

"You even know that?"

Li Juan smiled sweetly: "I want to know more about you.


She added: "You call back now, she must not be with the child."

Yang Fei said: "Impossible. She is not a workaholic."

"You don't know her. She's not a workaholic, but she's working very hard. Besides, she likes the feeling of being in power. Although she's just a small branch secretary now."

"Hehe, you seem to know her better than me?"

"Yeah, I've seen her, but you don't know it."

"Have you seen her?"

"Well, after I went on a blind date with you, I went to Peach Blossom Village. She only thought I was a tourist and didn't notice me. I even became good friends with her, don't you believe me? I added her on QQ! You want Don't look at it?"

Yang Fei believed what she said was true, but he didn't intend to verify it, and said: "Okay, Li Juan, I came to Beijing to deal with work, and I wasted too much time today. I have to go back immediately. I will contact you again."

"Well, will you come to dinner with me tonight?"

"I have entertainment tonight."

"Okay, then I won't wait for you at night. There are activities in the school club, and I have to attend."

Yang Fei left the room where she lived, and was blown by the cold wind outside.

He couldn't help shaking his body.

Yang Fei took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Mouse and ask him to come pick him up.

Just as an empty taxi was coming, he waved and got on it.

After telling the driver the location, Yang Fei was about to put away his phone when he suddenly thought of Li Juan's words, so he called Su Tong.

The phone went through, but no one answered.

Yang Fei thought that something might be wrong with her, so he didn't take it to heart.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

Yang Fei went to a courtyard house.

When we got to the door, as soon as we got out of the car, we saw a large truck parked in front of the door.

Yang Fei walked over and knocked on the window glass of the large truck.

"Master, why is your car blocking my door?" Yang Fei asked.

"This is your home?" The driver was surprised, and then pushed the people around him, "Boss, boss! The owner is back."

The man was resting with his eyes closed. Hearing this, he woke up. When he saw Yang Fei, he smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, you are back! I have been waiting for you for a long time."

This person is Zhao Dongxing!

Yang Fei couldn't help laughing: "Boss Zhao, why are you here?"

"Mr. Yang, didn't you tell me to send a set of electrical appliances produced by our factory? I will arrive at 2:30 in the afternoon. There is no one in the Zun's house, so I have been waiting here."

Yang Fei remembered this and said with a smile: "Hey, you can just send someone over here, why did you come here in person?"

"Mr. Yang's business is a big one. I dare not be sloppy. I am afraid that my subordinates will be unsteady and offend you." Zhao Dongxing got out of the car and shook hands with Yang Fei.

"You didn't call me!"

"I called, and your secretary answered the call. She said that you are busy now, and it is not convenient to answer the phone, so she told me to wait."

Yang Fei thought to himself, this is a sincere person, but also a caring person.

"Okay, come in!" Yang Fei opened the gate of the courtyard and said, "I usually only have part-time workers to clean this house. I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhao Dongxing waved his hand, "Hurry up, move all the electrical appliances in!"

The workers jumped out of the truck, opened the back door of the truck and started unloading.

The latest model, a 34-inch color TV, was the largest color TV set at that time.

Refrigerator, washing machine, water heater, all major appliances are available.

Yang Fei asked them to move into a room, plugged in the power strip, turned on the electricity, and the electrical appliances worked normally.

Zhao Dongxing personally demonstrated and explained the functions of these electrical appliances to Yang Fei, and where the main components were purchased.

Hearing what he said clearly and logically, Yang Fei understood that this is indeed a professional man.

People who really do business will know the products they operate very well, just like their own children.

There was a lot of trouble, and the time ran to more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

Yang Fei insisted on giving Zhao Dongxing money.

Even if Zhao Dongxing was beaten to death, he would not accept him.

While pushing back and forth, Yang Fei's phone rang.

Yang Fei saw that it was Su Tong's call back, so he wanted to answer it.

Zhao Dongxing took the opportunity to say goodbye.

Yang Fei sent them to the door and pressed the answer button at the same time.

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