The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1706 Yang Fei is angry!

"Yang Fei, did you call me? I was in a meeting just now." In Su Tong's tone, there was a trace of unspeakable excitement and joy.

"What's the meeting?"

"The sanitation meeting held in the town. I heard that there will be a selection of the most beautiful villages, and our Taohua Village will definitely have a chance to be selected."

Yang Fei said: "Have you been outside?"

"Yes, I came out at eight o'clock in the morning and had dinner in the town at noon. The leaders in the town are very accommodating and polite to me."

Yang Fei thought, can you be polite?

Not to mention the town, even the county and city, which leader should not be polite when seeing you?

"Well, I heard from my mother that little Susu has a fever! You should stay at home and take care of the child."

"Have a fever? I'm going back right now."

Yang Fei coughed lightly and asked, "Is it on you?"

"Huh?" Su Tong asked a little puzzled.

"Is your relative here?"

"Ah! It's just passed!"

"It's okay, are you alone or with a driver?"

"Come to the town for a meeting, what driver should I bring? People who don't know think I'm the leader from the province!"

"be safe."

"Yang Fei, I won't talk to you anymore, I'm going home now."

"OK, all right."

Yang Fei hung up the phone and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Unfortunately, Li Juan's words were right!

Now Su Tong is really a woman in love with power!

Chen Mo's phone call came in.

"Yang Fei, did you already know?" She laughed on the phone.

"Know what?" Yang Fei asked back.

"The Gao family's salvage of the treasure ship!" Chen Mo said with a smile, "It has been reported in today's newspaper that the sunken ship is indeed from the Ming Dynasty, but it is not a treasure ship from the Zheng He period, but a ship that was unfortunately destroyed by wind and waves. A sunken merchant ship is of no value at all!"

"Hahaha!" Yang Fei couldn't help laughing.

Chen Mo said: "The Gao family's bamboo basket fetching water is empty!"

"I've said it a long time ago, extreme joy begets sorrow!"

"Fortunately, today is Saturday. When the stock market opens next Monday, the company controlled by the Gao family will have to drop the limit! They won the bid today. They were supposed to celebrate at night, but because of the shipwreck, even the celebration dinner was cancelled. , Gao Qin also rushed back to Shanghai overnight."

"Hehe!" Yang Fei smiled lightly and said, "They thought everything would be fine if they won the bid king, but they didn't realize that this was the beginning of their nightmare!"

"You mean, King Biao will give them bad luck?"

"Biaowang itself is an excellent resource and platform. But it is like a high position. If the virtue is not matched, even if you take the top spot, you will fall miserably. Let us wait and see!"

Indeed, how can ordinary companies afford the advertising costs of hundreds of millions?

How many companies, the annual profit can reach this advertising fee?

The Shas Company and the Gao family put all their eggs in one basket and bet on the king of bids!

In the eyes of outsiders, the role of Biao Wang is indispensable for Yang Fei's beauty group to flourish.

It is also easy for people to misunderstand that Meili Group can become bigger and stronger thanks to Biaowang.

The world always sees the success of others, but ignores the losers.

The same is true for the benchmark king.

Shas Company has studied the success path of Meili Group, so it wants to imitate this path.

Yang Fei saw through their psychology,

Through a series of real and fake operations and negotiations, the price of the bid king was doubled!

Biaowang spent 268 million yuan, plus other advertising investments, the total advertising budget of Sass in 2001 exceeded 400 million yuan.

How much laundry detergent and skin care products would he have to sell?

The TV station has a regulation that there can be no more than three advertisements of the same type in the same advertisement time period.

And Yang Fei won an advertisement before the weather forecast, and used it to promote the small nurse brand.

The same location, but lacking the concept hype of a standard king, the price will be several times cheaper.

This is also the reason why Yang Fei gave up the bid king.

After talking on the phone with Chen Mo, Yang Fei called the electrical workers to dismantle the electrical appliances sent by Zhao Dongxing one by one, record the manufacturer and model of the parts, and then install them again.

Yang Fei checked it carefully, and found that all the electrical accessories were the same as those in the manual.

This shows that Zhao Dongxing did not give him a special product, but an ordinary product.

In the evening, Chen Mo and they have a party.

Yang Fei was too lazy to attend, so he was alone in the courtyard and read a book.

The phone rang.

It was my mother Wu Suying who called.

"Xiao Fei, little Susu's body temperature is getting higher and higher, and her forehead is hot! I wonder if she should be sent to a big hospital in the provincial capital?"

"Mom, have you taken your temperature? How many degrees?"

"It was 37.6 degrees in the morning, which is a low-grade fever, and now it's 38.9 degrees! This is a high fever! A child has a fever, and it only shows its power at night!"

"Then take it to the hospital to have a look. You don't need to go to the provincial capital, just go to the factory hospital to have a look."

"I thought she would get better after taking antipyretics! I didn't expect her to get heavier instead."

"Where's Su Tong? Ask her to accompany you to the hospital."

"She went to the town for a meeting and hasn't come back yet! I'll ask Sang Yezi to accompany me there."

"She hasn't come back yet?" Yang Fei was surprised.

"At around five o'clock in the afternoon, she called back and said that she had to have dinner at night. I'm afraid she won't be back until eight or nine o'clock."

Yang Fei hummed, feeling faintly angry in his heart, but he didn't say anything in front of his mother, so he hung up the phone and called Su Tong.

The phone rang several times before it was answered.

"Where are you?" Yang Fei asked bluntly.

"Yang Fei, I'm having dinner with the leaders!"

Yang Fei vaguely heard someone shouting: "Is it Boss Yang? Say hello for us!"

"Why haven't you come home yet? Didn't I tell you that little Susu has a cold and has a fever?"

"I called home and asked our mother, and she said it was just a low-grade fever, nothing serious."

"Hehe, it's okay? How old is she? If something happens, you won't even have time to cry!"

"What could happen? There are so many people in the family with them!"

Yang Fei heard the laughter of drinking and punching from over there again, and someone was calling Boss Yang.

"Mom called me just now and said that Xiao Susu had a high fever of 38.9 degrees! It was such a cold day, and there was no one driving at home. She and Sang Zizi were going to take Xiao Susu to the hospital! Blow some cold wind, If you get a little bit of wind and cold, it will be even worse!"

Yang Fei's tone became serious.

Su Tong heard Yang Fei's displeasure, so he smiled softly: "Okay, I'll go back now. I'll be home in ten minutes. Don't worry, nothing will happen. Kid, it's just a cold. What a big deal!"

Yang Fei hummed and hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, Wu Suying called.

"Xiao Fei, the child's illness may be serious. The doctor at the factory said that Xiao Susu's lungs are infected, and it may cause pneumonia! The child has pneumonia, which can be big or small. The doctor told us to send it to him immediately. Go to the big hospital. Su Tong hasn't come back yet, can you arrange a car to take us to the provincial capital?"

Yang Fei gritted his teeth when he heard this, and the anger in his heart soared!

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