The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1729 No one in sight

The mouse was stunned: "Ah! Can't drink like this?"

Yang Fei said: "Mouse, what's the matter with you today? Why are you making things difficult for her?"

The mouse said: "I remember! She rejected Fei Shao back then."

Yang Fei scolded with a smile: "A dog can't spit out ivory! What do you mean you have rejected me? What is this called?"

The mouse said: "You wanted to use her as a secretary before, but she was too arrogant! I remember!"

Yang Fei pointed at him and said, "You, you! It's all right now, she's drunk before she eats. You can carry her back!"

The mouse said: "I have a wife, so I won't carry her. Let her sleep here! Anyway, there is an air conditioner, so it won't freeze her."

As he spoke, he lowered his head to pick up the rice, finished the bowl of rice in a few strokes, and then grinned: "Young Master Fei, I'll wait for you outside."

Yang Fei pushed Bei Yi.

Bei Yi's stomach was overwhelmed, she was so uncomfortable that she was about to cry.

She was not dizzy just now, nor did she fall asleep.

She just felt uncomfortable, so she got down on the ground and refused the third glass of wine.

Therefore, she heard the conversation between Yang Fei and the mouse just now.

The discomfort of wine just a little bit, a new discomfort came.

Bei Yi was so wronged that she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Yang Fei said, "Are you okay?"

Bei Yi wiped her eyes, concealed her thoughts, shook her head and said, "This wine is so intoxicating!"

Yang Fei said: "Let's eat some food and suppress the wine, it won't be so uncomfortable. Remember, don't be brave if you can't drink in the future."

"Boss, do you know why I didn't become your secretary?"


"Because I can't drink."


"Secretaries have to stop the boss from drinking,

The more you drink, the better, and mine is way too light. So I dare not be your secretary for fear of embarrassing you. "

Bei Yi was still crying, but it was no longer a big cry, but a small cry.

Yang Fei patted her on the shoulder and said, "Okay, don't cry, let's eat! Don't take it to heart if you're a mouse."

Bei Yi hummed, ate some food, and said she was full.

After Yang Fei finished his meal, he received a call from Wei Xinyuan.

The organizing committee held a dinner party, and Wei Xinyuan and the others were all socializing.

Wei Xinyuan asked Yang Fei if he would go, and said that the directors of daily chemical associations from all provinces and cities had come, and only Yang Fei was missing.

Yang Fei knew that he probably couldn't avoid this kind of entertainment.

Everyone has gone, if you don't go, that's not called maverick, that's called defiant.

Yang Fei hadn't finished his glass of wine yet, so he agreed to go there after hearing the words.

He said to Bei Yi: "Go home and rest, don't follow me."

Bei Yi wanted to be brave, but she also knew that she was a little bit drunk, and she couldn't help if she went there. If she drank a few more glasses of wine, she might delay tomorrow's business, so she nodded and said sorry.

Yang Fei called the mouse and went to the hotel where the party was held.

"Mice, don't bully Bei Yi again."

"Understood, Young Master Fei." The mouse chuckled, "Small punishments and warnings are enough."

After Yang Fei arrived, the dinner here officially started.

Most of the people attending the meeting were old acquaintances with Yang Fei, and some association directors had changed to newcomers, and they all came to shake hands with Yang Fei.

I have to admit that the title of the richest man gave Yang Fei a supreme aura.

The people who came to the meeting praised Yang Fei highly.

Among this group of people, Yang Fei is the youngest, but he has the greatest prestige and reputation.

As soon as Yang Fei entered the arena, he was overwhelmed by the stars and elected to be the first place.

Today's dinner, no outsiders were invited, all the people from the daily chemical associations in five provinces and one city.

Everyone gathered together to catch up on the past and talk about the situation.

A middle-aged man walked up to Yang Fei and toasted Yang Fei.

Before Yang Fei came, he set a rule for himself, absolutely not to drink.

He was the focus of the audience, with so many people toasting to him, let alone one drink, even one mouthful would be enough.

Therefore, no matter who came to toast, Yang Fei would always decline.

Nor can he say he can't drink.

A big man, if you don't know how to drink, you can still have a small cup, right?

Yang Fei only said that he had just come from another banquet and had had enough wine.

"Mr. Yang, so you look down on our group of people? You can drink at other banquets, but you don't drink at our place?" The man toasting said in a joking tone.

Yang Fei vaguely remembered that this person's name was Xu Yiheng, and he was the deputy director of a certain province's Daily Chemical Association.

Daily chemical associations in various provinces are social organizations.

The chairman of each province is either an industry leader or a state-owned enterprise boss.

In the Daily Chemical Association of Southern Province, Yang Fei was elected without hesitation.

And those who can become deputy directors are mostly entrepreneurs in the local daily chemical industry.

This Xu Yiheng owns a daily chemical company, which is quite influential in the local area, but his brand can only be regarded as third-rate in the national calculation.

Yang Fei said lightly: "Mr. Xu, you are serious! As the saying goes, a small drink is pleasant, but drunk is harmful to the body. Here, I also advise everyone, drink according to your ability, drink to your heart's content, drink just right No, there's no need to fight hard. It's meaningless if you hurt your body. I don't know what you think?"

He was too lazy to talk to Xu Yiheng, so he brought the topic to everyone.

"Mr. Yang is an industry leader, and what he said is for the benefit of us all. We should do so! What do you think?" Someone responded positively.

Xu Yiheng sneered and said: "Industry leader? Is that how you act? We know that we have a party tonight, but he is the only one who won't be there! We have to wait for him for a long time! He doesn't drink when he comes, I see, we treat him as the leader of the industry , but he may not take us seriously!"

Yang Feijun frowned slightly, glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xu, I ask myself that I have nothing to offend you. Why are you targeting me every word?"

Xu Yiheng waved his hand, and said: "Mr. Yang, you misunderstood, I really didn't target you. I just spoke out the big guy's heart! If you don't believe me, ask everyone, who doesn't think so? They just don't dare to say it!"

Wei Xinyuan stepped forward, grabbed Xu Yiheng's shoulder, and said, "Mr. Xu, come here, let's drink together! I will definitely accompany you."

Yang Fei said: "Boss Wei, there's no need to do this! I don't care if other people want to drink with their lives. However, the people in my Meili Group absolutely don't need to be injured by alcohol! Not for anyone!"

Wei Xinyuan wanted to rescue Yang Fei, but he had to let go of Xu Yiheng, and said with a smile: "The boss is right! Everyone, our group really has such a rule. If you have dealt with us, you should know it. Don't say it It’s us bosses, even the salesmen, the company also loves them very much, and doesn’t ask them to get drunk and hurt themselves because of business promotion.”

Xu Yiheng raised his neck, drank the wine in one gulp, and said with a sneer, "We can only blame our lack of status, Mr. Yang doesn't sell our face! I don't believe that tomorrow's luncheon will be attended by leaders, and he dare not drink? If he really dares not to drink, then I will obey him! Otherwise, hehe! Then he is arrogant!"

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