The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1730 What a face!

At this time, someone hurried in from outside the door and shouted: "The leader is here. The leader is here!"

A member of the organizing committee was surprised: "How does the leader know that we have dinner here? We didn't invite him."

Someone said: "Don't worry about these, get ready to welcome!"

As soon as everyone thought it made sense, the whole team went to meet him.

As soon as he reached the door, the door of the restaurant opened, and a group of people walked over.

The leader is the leader Liu Houlin.

Liu Houlin laughed loudly, and said, "I happen to be doing some business here, and I heard that comrades are having dinner here, so I came here to ask for a glass of water and wine, so I don't take the liberty of disturbing you."

Everyone laughed and said, "Welcome the leader."

The person in charge of this meeting was a middle-aged man named Luo Qi. He stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "We know that the leader has a lot to do every day, so we didn't dare to disturb you. You came to visit us in your busy schedule, and everyone was very happy." gratitude."

Liu Houlin only touched hands with him a little, then found Yang Fei from the crowd, then left Luo Qi aside, walked towards Yang Fei, and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang! Nice to meet you!"

As soon as Yang Fei raised his hand, Liu Houlin held it tightly.

"Mr. Yang, I'm sorry. I was supposed to pick up the plane this afternoon. I have an impromptu meeting. I really can't get away. Don't blame Mr. Yang for neglecting you."

The people next to him all looked terrified.

From Liu Houlin's attitude towards everyone, it can be seen that Yang Fei has a lot of weight in the other party's heart!

Yang Fei said: "The leader is polite."

Liu Houlin kept holding Yang Fei's hand, shaking it non-stop, and chatted with Yang Fei a few times, his enthusiasm was simply too much.

Yang Fei said: "Leader, please take a seat."

Only then did Liu Houlin let go of Yang Fei's hand, and smiled at Yang Fei as a gesture of invitation. After Yang Fei took a step, the two walked inside side by side.

Others can only follow behind, and no one dares to overstep.

Come to the chief wine table.

Liu Houlin asked Yang Fei to take the first place,

Yang Fei insisted on refusing.

After repeated refusals, Liu Houlin sat down.

Except for a few directors and people from the organizing committee who sat with them, no one else took their seats and stood aside to watch.

Liu Houlin's back hair was neatly combed, and it shone brightly under the light.

He waved his hand to everyone and said, "Sit down, sit down. I just came to see everyone. I can't delay everyone's meal because of me! This meal is the most important event in the world!"

Everyone then returned to their seats.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Liu Houlin said he came to visit everyone, but in fact he mainly came to meet Yang Fei.


Not convinced?

There is no way!

Who told Yang Fei to be the richest man!

After Liu Houlin sat down, someone replaced him with a new glass and filled it with wine.

He raised his wine glass and toasted everyone first.

Then respect Yang Fei.

Yang Fei smiled and said: "Leader, I had a drinking party before, I drank a little too much, and I can't handle it. Let's do whatever we want today, let's have a good drink with the leader another day!"

After saying this, everyone felt that Yang Fei was a little ignorant.

Who is the leader?

If he toasts you, that is to give you face.

How dare you not drink it!

Is this worth it?

Xu Yiheng stretched his neck even more, looked at this side, and sneered again and again.

He just wanted to see Yang Fei get embarrassed!

Now that he offended the leader, can Yang Fei still have good fruit?

Xu Yiheng was waiting for the leader to embarrass Yang Fei!

Liu Houlin laughed and said, "I know that Mr. Yang doesn't drink much. I don't like drinking either. Let's do whatever we want today!"

When Xu Yiheng heard this, his expression changed drastically.

He knew Liu Houlin.

This is a wine jar!

Every time there is a banquet, there is no one who is half-baked, and there is no way to stop it.

He actually told Yang Fei today that he doesn't like drinking either?

Yang Fei didn't give Liu Houlin face so much!

And Liu Houlin gave Yang Fei face like this!

Xu Yiheng's face instantly became very ugly.

When he thought of the big words he had just said, he panicked even more with embarrassment.

It's a pity, he only knew that Yang Fei had no one in his eyes, but he didn't know that Yang Fei was just living out his heart.

Alcohol is a good thing, but don't be greedy.

How much can a successful person achieve if he can't even control what's in his glass?

Since ancient times, have there been fewer people getting into trouble due to alcohol?

During the banquet, Liu Houlin spent 80% of his time talking with Yang Fei. When he thought of it occasionally, he had a word or two with everyone, persuaded him to have a glass of wine, and then went to talk to Yang Fei again.

After the feast is over.

Liu Houlin asked Yang Fei, "Mr. Yang also lives in this hotel, right?"

Yang Fei said: "No. I have another place to live."

Liu Houlin said: "Mr. Yang and I hit it off right away, and I still have a lot to say to you! I really wish I could sleep like a benevolent man in ancient times, and talk all night long!"

Knowing that the other party is so attentive, there must be something to do, so he smiled and said: "Then please invite the leader upstairs to Mr. Wei's room for a meeting!"

Wei Xinyuan hurried forward and asked the two to go upstairs.

Others flocked to see each other and came to the elevator entrance.

Liu Houlin, Yang Fei and others entered the elevator.

The others didn't dare to squeeze in, they just kept smiling outside.

The elevator doors closed slowly, and the smiles on everyone's faces slowly disappeared, and they all dispersed.

Yang Fei and others came to Wei Xinyuan's room.

This is a relatively private meeting, and there is not much politeness between each other.

After sitting down, Liu Houlin smiled and said, "Mr. Yang seldom comes to Huacheng."

Yang Feidao: "All the affairs of Huacheng are left to the managers. I'm a lazy person and I don't have much ambition. I usually just live in Shanghai, or go back to Taohua Village to accompany my family and see the mountains and rivers."

Liu Houlin waved his hands and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, you don't have much ambition, and you can become the richest man in the country if you are lazy. If you are serious, you can't become the richest man in the world."

Yang Fei said: "I'm still very puzzled. I don't know how they calculate their personal wealth in this position. Anyway, I do the calculations, and I can't be considered the richest man! I'm just a vain name. It's just a vain name. "

Liu Houlin said: "Mr. Yang is planning to build six major production bases in China, found nine major water sources, and is in the Shanghai Investment Center Building. This is a big deal. I heard that Mr. Yang is planning three major R\u0026D centers around the world?"

As soon as Yang Fei heard it, he knew the intention of the other party, and said with a smile: "There is indeed such an intention. One is in Europe, one is in America, and the other is in Shanghai."

Liu Houlin said: "Could it be put in Huacheng? Huacheng is the frontier of reform and development. It is the political and financial center of the southern country, the thoroughfare from north to south, and the traffic radiates to all parts of the world. It is the most ideal place for your company to build a research and development center."

Yang Fei said: "I also intend to come to Huacheng to develop, but Huacheng Libai Company, if I come in again, the competition between the two companies will be fierce, which is not good."

As soon as Liu Houlin heard the joke, he said sincerely: "Competition is a good thing, and competition is the cornerstone of progress. Without competition, how can the industry develop? And there is not only Libai a daily chemical company in our city. If Mr. Yang is worried that our policies will be biased If so, then you can rest assured. We will treat all investors equally, and we will definitely not distinguish between local and foreign investors."

Yang Fei pondered: "I have already confirmed the location of the R\u0026D center, and it has been negotiated. It is impossible to change it."

Liu Houlin was disappointed after hearing this.

But Yang Fei said again: "However, I intend to build another daily chemical base in Huacheng!"

Liu Houlin was shocked when he heard this, and his brows were beaming with joy.

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