The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 1731 A Story About First Love

No matter from which aspect, the geographical location of Huacheng is very important, and it is also a must for businesses.

Yang Fei's first shopping mall opened in Huacheng.

Now Yang Fei's business is getting bigger and bigger, and his global layout is becoming more and more perfect.

Meili Group already has six major production bases in China, and the production capacity is sufficient.

Yang Fei said that he wants to build another base in Huacheng, isn't it a lie?

Although Liu Houlin really wanted the Meili Group to come to Huacheng to build another base, but he knew that it was impossible!

So, the joy on his face faded slightly, and he asked, "Mr. Yang, do you really want to build a production base?"

Yang Fei laughed and said, "It's a daily chemical base, but not a production base, but a raw material supply base."

"Raw material base?"

"Yes, presumably the leader also knows that apart from the production of daily chemical products, our group also has a major business which is the supply of raw materials. More than 95% of the raw materials within our group are self-sufficient. In addition to supplying our own group , we still have spare capacity to provide to brother companies.”

"I am well aware of this."

"It is very cumbersome to plant, collect, process, produce, store and transport raw materials. We already have two major production bases in China, namely Ji County and Qing County. These two counties are located in the central or northern part of the country. , we still lack a raw material planting base and a raw material processing base in the southern region."

"Our Flower City can just provide such mountains and land. The Flower City is very big, and I can accompany you to inspect various districts, counties, towns, and towns. As long as you fancy the place, procedures and other things, just let me handle it."

Of course Yang Fei agreed and expressed his thanks.

With the expansion of the group's global business, the demand for raw materials is also increasing.

Following the deployment of nine major water sources and six major production bases, Yang Fei made another major layout, planning to build six major raw material bases across the country.

Huacheng is just one of them.

In the future, Yang Fei will build raw material bases successively in Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, Southeast and other places to make the raw material business bigger and stronger.

The advantages of raw material resources,

It is also the biggest advantage of Meili Group.

This is unmatched by other domestic brands.

Raw materials are also Yang Fei's core competitiveness, and it is his capital to compete with big international brands!

Yang Fei also wanted to use this five provinces and one city daily chemical industry association meeting to promote the supply of daily chemical raw materials of Meili Group.

Liu Houlin had a conversation with Yang Fei, and was certainly happy to get Yang Fei's investment commitment.

In fact, with Huacheng's geographical advantages, there is no shortage of investment.

However, Liu Houlin will certainly not let go of an industrial tycoon like Meili Group.

The base chosen by Meili Group requires billions of dollars in investment. It is definitely a big project. Which leader doesn't want to pull it into his jurisdiction?

Moreover, Huacheng's daily chemical industry is already well developed. Liu Houlin wants to build the largest daily chemical industrial park in China. If he can bring in the Meili Group, it will be even more perfect.

After all, Meili Group is the leading daily chemical company in China.

Without Meili Group, if you say that your daily chemical park is the number one in China, no one else will admit it!

That's why he attached great importance to Yang Fei's trip to the Flower City.

The result did not disappoint Liu Houlin.

The two chatted happily.

By the end of the conversation, it was already half past nine in the evening.

Liu Houlin looked at the time and let out an ouch: "Mr. Yang, it's getting late, and it's taking up your time too much. We'll talk about it another day, and I won't disturb your rest."

Yang Fei got up to see the guests back, and went to talk to Xie Guiyan again.

The raw material business of Meili Group is under the management of Meili Agriculture and Forestry Group.

The Beautiful Agriculture and Forestry Group is now headed by Xie Guiyan.

Yang Fei and Xie Guiyan had passed their temper a long time ago, and today they had a private talk on this matter.

When it came to ten o'clock in the evening, Yang Fei left.

The night in Huacheng is blurred and beautiful.

The sky did not know when it began to rain.

Under the illumination of neon lights, the continuous rain turns into strange light spots.

Yang Fei sat in the car and looked at the street scene outside.

The scenery here is completely different from that in Shanghai.

Girls on the street are flamboyant, open, and do whatever it takes to attract men's attention.

They wear so little, dress so fashionable, and dress so avant-garde.

Even in the coldest season, you can also appreciate their lovely belly buttons, and of course their proud long legs.

The mouse asked with a smile: "Young Master Fei, do you want to go to a bar or a nightclub to hang out?"

Yang Fei said, "Not interested."

The mouse said: "The life in Huacheng at night is very rich, more fun than the southern provincial capital."

Yang Fei said: "Have you ever played?"

The mouse smiled and said: "When I came to Huacheng before, Ma Feng and I often came out to play with President Jin."

Yang Fei said: "You mentioned Jin Dabao, and I suddenly remembered that he is also in Huacheng. He came here to find actors for the casting of the next movie."

The mouse said: "Should I contact him? Where there is Mr. Jin, there must be fun items."

Yang Fei said: "Let's talk about it after the meeting tomorrow."

He was talking when the phone rang.

I saw that it was Jin Dabao calling.

Yang Fei laughed and said, "This man is so careless! As soon as he talked about Mr. Jin, Mr. Jin's call came."

He presses the answer button.

"Young Master Fei, have you come to Huacheng?" Loud heavy metal music came from Jin Dabao's side.

Yang Fei said: "Yes, where are you having fun?"

Jin Dabao knew that his place was too noisy, so his voice was very loud: "I'm at KTV! Are you coming? There are beauties!"

Yang Fei said: "I'm not going, you can play."

"You have to come, these little girls are all candidates for the heroine of the next play, you have to check it out yourself. If the person I choose doesn't suit you, then my work will be in vain."

Jin Dabao is well aware of Yang Fei's character, if the selected person is not good, Yang Fei will definitely veto it.

Yang Fei said: "Choose the cast as long as you choose the cast, why don't you ask them to accompany you to sing? You don't want to do other things, do you?"

"If you don't sing, how can you tell what kind of character they are?" Jin Dabao left the box, and the phone suddenly became quiet, "Our next movie is a story about first love. Essence. Not to mention making too many friends, even if you have been in love, you probably shouldn’t want it. If you want to try women, one is drinking and the other is entertainment. You can see their nature best. In these places, no matter how good they are Even an actor can't act in front of me!"

Yang Fei couldn't help being amused when he heard what he said. "It seems that you are very hardworking. Then I can rest assured that you will be in charge."

"Don't tell me, Young Master Fei, you'd better come to palm your eyes. These little girls are all watery, delicate and charming like lotus flowers in June, I promise you won't let you down. We are waiting for you at the Arc de Triomphe Song and Dance Hall." !"

"Hello! I..." Yang Fei didn't have time to refuse, Jin Dabao had already hung up the phone.

The mouse asked, "Master Fei, where are you going?"

Yang Fei said: "The Arc de Triomphe Song and Dance Hall, do you know the location?"

"It's a must! President Jin took us there before, and that's the most fun place in the entire Flower City."


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